Fitzera Does things

Man did I ever luck out. One of my totes hasn’t been touched since the last time I amended. Just needed some neem and humic added. Phew…my back is getting real sore.

Roughly 430L of hot mix ready to cook. I went full strength of the recipe this time round and upped some of the calcium inputs. Definitely won’t need any rock dusts for a while. I’d m like to get a soil sample done so I really know what’s going on.

Starts like this, everything gets recycled…root balls, leaves, stems. Nothing to waste.

Then we add the amendments.

And a final mix looks like this. Only thing left is to add the ewc tea to recharge the microbes.

Full recipe is as follows for 2 cu.ft. of soil:

Alfalfa meal 1.5 cup
Mineralized phosphate 2/3 cup
Blood meal 1/4 cup
Bone meal 1 1/3 cup
Fish bone meal 1 cup
Diatomaceous earth 1/2 + 1/8 cup
Oyster shell 1 cup
Azomite 2/3 cup
Feather meal 1 cup
Basalt 1 cup
Greensand 1 1/3 cup
Gypsum 1 cup
Glacial rock dust 1/2 cup
Rock phosphate 1/2 + 1/3 cup
Dolomite lime 1/2 + 1/3 cup
Kelp meal 2 cup
EWC 1 cup
Humic heaping 1/3 cup
Neem meal 1/2 cup
Insect frass 1.75 cups
Sulpomag heaping 1/2 cup
Actisol 2.23 cups
Elemental sulphur 2.7tbsp
Potassium sulphate 2.7tbsp

I think the only ingredient that isn’t organic is the Potassium sulphate.


All the Fraser Valley BBHPs have tails. All the BFC x NB have cracked and showing tails. All the C4DDs are the same, tails. 2 of 4 Wedding Cake x PacMac have cracked and have tails. 2 of 4 Deep 6ix are the same. Nothing on the Skywalker yet.
Everything is now in damp paper towel to finish germination!


Awesome…opened up this fresh bag of soil to plant seedlings and a bunch of fungus gnats flew out. Guess they’re getting neem meal to start and then some DE after watered

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ugh :see_no_evil: DE for sure! And maybe some of those yellow sticky traps or the DE just takes care of it? I need to get some to see about using outside at the minimum. Ants just destroyed my corn plants out there this year :confused:

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The neem works for me but it’s in my soil mix as preventative…starting babies in soil that’s already contaminated kinda freaks me out. But each solo got a good layer on top and now I’ll do the DE. I think all will be ok but I’ll be watching very closely.

Everything looks good, the only scragler was a wedding cake x pacmac which I would normally like a longer tail when planting but I think it’ll be ok.

I may have popped 2 more seeds last night when I couldn’t sleep and all I was doing was reading OG and thinking about plants…so I have an OG 18 that is already cracked and tail showing and the White OG which hasn’t done anything yet.

This grow is all OGs, chems, berries and a touch of cookies! :smiley:


Fucking ants! I think I’m going to have to add another layer tomorrow, it’s soaking up moisture from the soil. Good thing I just cracked into this 20kg sack I’ve had sitting around for a few years. Hydro store talked me into buying it a while back…$10…and finally I’m using it :joy:

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Most everything is coming up, a bunch have opened and some are just breaking through. I broke a damn deep 6ix being stupid so I dropped another into water :man_facepalming: litfa

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Still waiting on 1 Coastal BB, 1 BFC x NB and 2 Wedding Cake x PacMac. I think the OG18 has stalled out but I’ll give it another day before I pop a replacement. Got a replacement Deeep 6ix in paper towel now.


If this OG18 doesn’t move, that means I’m down to my last 2. I’m probably going to reverse her whether that be this one or it’s replacement. I might as well also reverse this White OG as it’s the last I have…hoping it turns out to be the right pheno as last time I grew it I had 2 examples…a good one and a not so good one lol.

Now I just need to figure out if I’m going to spot treat them and let them pollinate their lpwer bud sites or clone them and do it that way…I need to properly think this through so I don’t contaminate them with reg pollen from males and vise versa. Limited on space…I could use my dry tent but it would be in the vicinity of the grow tent which leads to more contamination potential.

Good thing I’ve got some time to think this through!

The next thing to figure out is if I want to mix up my own sts or try the bottle of eXe I have. I don’t need much though, I suspect if I crack the eXe open it’ll begin to lose effect after being expose to air as i wont be using much and would apply to the specific bud site/s via eye dropper. Better see how much sts materials I have in the vault and go from there.


So somehow I popped an extra C4DD lol. It’s been placed in a solo cup along with a replacement Deep 6ix. Replacements for the Coastal BB, Wedding cake x PacMac are in water and I chose to do a Sour Kush replacement for the OG18 so I can use the last 2 of those OG seeds later for a reversal and seed increase.

That’s it though this time round. If anything else doesn’t come up it is what it is. There are plenty to work with and I’m going to be fighting crowding issues as always as it is! :laughing:

There is a slight possibility I mixed up the OG18 and The White OG at planting time…won’t know until later on but curious to find out haha


Replacements have all cracked and begun to show tail. Paper towel for the next 24hrs until the tail is to my liking then into the dirt they go!

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So one of the original Coastal Blueberry damped off. And now the Skywalker OG has decide to limp over and give up. Such is.

We have 5x C4DD f2s, 2 Coastal Blueberry (waiting on #3 to emerge from soil), 4 Deep 6ix (chunk), 3x Black Fire Chem x Northern Berry, 3x Wedding Cake x PacMac (waiting on #4 to emerge from the soil), 1x The White OG (or OG18 if I mixed them at planting) and waiting on the Sour Kush to emerge.

I knew when I filled the cups I should fill them half way and then top up as they stretched but I didn’t because when I would transplant in the past the top up wouldn’t be attached to the original soil and sometimes caused issues when I flip the cups. So toothpicks abd tape it is this time round.

Gonna let them dry out a bit and then might give them a touch of soluble Kelp…just a tad. Don’t want to fuck anything up.

Either Tuesday or Wednesday gonna get the tent set back up and start them under the big led at low setting slowly increasing it some. Plan on giving these 8-10 weeks of veg. They’ll get transplanted into 1gals and as they show sex they’ll get their big homes. Need to decide if that’s 5s or 7s.


That damn Skywalker…making me.go back on my word, popping another seed when I said I wouldn’t pop anymore. Really thought I had that one in the clear :triumph:. Good thing I have a million different seeds :rofl::rofl:


damn things should cooperate more.

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That’s what I’m saying! :rofl:

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Nice @Fitzera lots of good stuff in there!


Thanks man! I have “high” hopes for this run lol and it’ll provide me with plenty of new different pollen to play around with!

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I never did update but the rest of my Attitude order arrived intact. Desfran, Holy Roller and Hawaiian Snow. Now I’m waiting on an order containing Afghan Selections Hindu Kush and Mazar-i-Sharif and Cali Connections 818 Headband, Blue Dream Haze and Chem 91 SkVa. I was going to order directly from Cali but you have to call in with your credit card number and I’m not as comfortable giving that over the phone. Plus I’m sure my bank would flag it, at least online my bank confirms that I’m making that purchase as it’s happening.


Nice choices my friend :facepunch:t2:


Yeah buddy! I try haha