Fitzera Does things

All good dude. Did beanhoarder ever work with g13 that you’re aware of? Only g13 I’ve grown was flying Dutchman g-force which is think is g13 crossed to Skunk…I didn’t care for it. Might try again one day though.

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Do not sleep on that road Dawg! Always wanted her. Tons of gems in there, love Norstar too, you’ve got the whole damn Lucky 13 lineup nice. The holy roller is very nice too and I just noticed the connoisseur stuff, very nice collection bro👊🏻

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Lucky 13 Deep 6ix ( Deep Chunk)
The 3 on top and one to the bottom right.

@SHSC-1 Coastal Blueberry
The 3 in the centre from bottom to top.

I like the look of this one with its long petiols and streak of variagation.

@VerdantGreen C4DD f2s
The 5 to the left side of the picture.

Sacred Cut Wedding Cake x Pac Mac (Purple Punch x Animal Cookies x Mac)
I like the dark colour.

Ethos Black Fire Chem x Peakseedsbc Northern Berry
The one on the left is darker than the other two, it’s closer to the wedding cake in appearance.

The White OG (or OG18?)
She’s growing out of the issues and did come through! Even survived the transplant. The one side is still slightly stunted compared to the other side but coming along.

And finally the seedlings, Sour Kush, Skywalker OG and Gorilla Zkittlez x Skunk Berry (x3)

TS3000 @75% 20/4, 24°C, 70%RH


And Headbanger on the way! :smiley:
Yeah I gave Lucky 13 a shot and this is the first of his beans I’ve popped. Kind of a test to see how true to form the chunk comes out. I’ve not really seen any logs on his gear. Want to pop a bunch of those soon.
Yeah the tude has 20% off (looks closer to 50% right now) Archive but not much to choose from…when I saw Holy Roller had the bshw in it, it was an easy decision. I just grabbed some SAGE from THSeeds along with the Headbanger too.


Nice that’s a gem for sure! Can’t believe he rereleased tbch I’ve Got an older pack of headbanger myself I need to do an adage on, some sowahh too. Love karma but I had to work magic to get the sowahh and trade two valuable packs, and the headbanger I was totally hooked up ! Stuff is real tough to get here although I do have an Eu member who will ship, just have no funds cuz there’s three I really want. I’ve got their roadkill OG and purple Prozac but that’s it. My buddy has grown out a few things, they were pretty good.


Yeah honestly I was just looking over the karma shop one night and then saw headbanger was in stock. Right away I tried to order them but of course won’t ship here. Next day sold out. So I ended up hitting the notify me button at attitude thinking who knows, maybe it’ll show up there. BAM! 19 days later it’s in stock lol
@HolyAngel just sent me some of the Sowah too. Now when I do my all Sour run I have alot of different variations and versions to play with.

I’m eager to try to Angel 98 and snow angel. And try out their versions of Space Queen and Island Sweet skunk.


Anything that was pushing out its 5th set of true leaves, I topped them above the 4th set.
Sour kush has been noticably more vigorous than Skywalker, but skywalker been praying more than anything else so far.
The chunk and c4dds seem to be the tallest and the bfc x nb is right behind those.
One of the c4dds seems to be showing some light stress in the leaves so I moved I swapped it with a plant from further out.

TS3000 @100% 20/4, 24°C, 62.5%RH


What does c4dd stand for Fitz? I have seen that acronym around a few times but not sure what it refers to. I’m sure you have referred to it at some point in this thread… but I’m a lazy bugger haha.

Great work bud. Looking forward to following along as always. Like I say I have always wanted to grow a deep chunk from a long time ago. I got a bag labelled as that in High School a few times and it was very memorable.

Also I know your a bit older than me but we are from the sameish area… what strains were around when you were a young buck? I mean a lot of the time it was just “weed” but there were a few other strains I remember as a kid. Purple Indigo, Grapefruit, Bubba Kush, Northern Lights, Sweet Tooth, Mr Clean (which I haven’t heard discussed, maybe a very local cut). The Tuna Kush Cans (I think from bikers) were a big thing for a while here, one buddy bought a canner to cash in on the craze. That all I can remember right now. Curious whether you had any of those?


I know the 4DD is a chem line


(Chem 4 x Chem D) x Chem D I believe. I’ve grown it crossed to orange pink grapefruit obce before and had a Chem leaner that had alot of garlic to it.
From @VerdantGreen description:
“Chem D ibl Crossed with Chem 4 and back-crossed to Chem D – this proven inbred Chem line has now been taken to F2. Potency is comparable to the F1s, high to very high. The terpene profile shows some variation within the wide range of Chem funk – Sweaty Socks, Brussels sprout, Scallions, Garlic, Fuel, Musky, Gingernuts, Sausage meat – all the filthy Chem smells are here in different proportions! – find your keepers as to your individual taste.”

I read a little from Lucky13 and he bred the taller ones for his line, taken to f6 from the time he acquired it. They seem to be a little picky compared to everything else. See how they do. Tom Hill said Chunk doesnt like alot of light, see how they fair when I have all the lights on…

Man, my area was very small, nobody really used names much. I used to get lbs of “Pine Bud”. No idea what it really was or if that’s what it was called. Bright thick orange hairs, all pine smell, very consistent year to year. One time I was able to grab an Oz off the same guy of a small batch Baked Apple Pie. The buds were large, dense and the most trichome covered I’d ever seen in real life and it did have a sweet apple kind of smell. No seeds and never saw it again.
Another time White Rhino showed up for a brief period. Oh and Rickys Wheelchair Weed. Also had some hydro grown NL but it was fresh harvested, pretty sure it was still wet if I remember correctly. No idea what our parents were smoking but we stole lots of it lol. Oh and Woje weed…which was just named after the guy growing it, my dad and another friends mom both used to get it. Some of the best though was grown by a neighbor. My dad came home one night from their place carrying a big tupperware container. About a half lb. The house reeked right away. That stuff was potent! I’ve yet to ask the guy if he remembers what it was called, but I’m still somewhat in contact with him.

When i lived in the lower mainland i was getting hashplant, catpiss, champagne, grapefruit, pink kush, purple kush…there were more but I don’t remember. Saw the tuna cans later on when I moved out to Alberta.


Hey, not been here for a while, hope you enjoy the C4DD F2, the plants are looking good and healthy.

C4DD i made when a guy called Herbalizer gave me an excellent C4D male that he’d got from a pack of Rez Dog C4D seeds.
I initially crossed it back to the Chem D cut… this must be over 10 years ago, those C4DD seeds became very popular as a reliable Chem representation in seed form… so when they started runnig out i did a selection round and made a bunch of F2s which are quite similar but slightly more diverse than the F1s.
I’ll be back to see how you go with them and the other plants…
VG :tiphat:


Thanks for swinging by VG! I’m excited to finally get to these. I’ve wanted the original f1s for a long time but when I went to get them, all gone. But the f2s are going to be awesome too with the variation, so again, very excited.

I’m going to toss some pollen around to see how it melds with everything. I figure some pretty nice plants should result from that.

I plan to select a male from each of these strains but I also want to do some reversals with the OGs and I’m thinking one of these C4DDs as well. Probably need to set up the other tent as the closet isn’t really big enough to have that many plants.


Sounds like a good plan. The C4DD can smell quite strong of ‘Chem’ - that cabbagy sweaty smell - in veg… so it should be quite easy to select a pungent male.


Thank you for the tip! They are just about to the stem rub stage. I’ll be home in a couple days, can’t wait to see how they’ve grown in the week.


I wish I could say I came home to super happy plants but unfortunately that’s not totally the case. I wish my other half knew what to look for and how to adjust, but it’s OK! We push on and will still be successful.

Some plants are getting light burn so I’ve turned it down to 85%. One is looking over watered. Lots are looking good though.

I’ll be transplanting the last solo cups in a bit here and will take group shots but here is the overall as it stands.


Alright then, here we go. I didn’t do stem rubs but I might later. Maybe next week. I would have liked to give a little extra magnesium but alot of these were watered recently so that will have to wait until they’ve dried back.

The C4DD f2s

Coastal Blueberry

Deep 6ix (chunk). These are the pickiest plants of the bunch.

Black Fire Chem x Northern Berry.

Sour Kush on the left, Skywalker in the middle and the White OG (or OG18) on the right which seems to be overwatered. I might move her closer to the heater to help dry it out quicker and give the roots a chance to develope.

Wedding Cake x PacMac. One much taller than the rest, probably a male.

And the 3 Gorilla Zkittlez x Skunk Berry. Already seeing Sweet Skunk traits in 2 of them.

Moved things around a bit and put the plants affected the most from the light further to the edge.

One last thing…:grin:


:eyes: Onwards my friend!


Got 12 more of the Golden Tiger x A5 seeds on their way! Next time I find that stretchy pheno or something close to it I’ll be sure to do more with it. Really wish I’d hit it with more pollen donors. Should try to get some fem pollen too. For now, it’s the one that got away. Thankfully I have enough of her flower to keep me satisfied for a bit.


We’ll call this about 6 weeks. Some good things, some less than good things. Let’s get started. Im a bit congested so stem rub smells are hard at the moment. Haven’t turned the light up or down since last week, I think it’s helped with the burn. Any plants that had been topped and were ready have been topped again for their final time.

@VerdantGreen C4DD f2s.

@SHSC-1 Coastal Blueberry.

Lucky13 Deep 6ix…these are not happy lol. Stretchy bean poles so far. I think one kind of smelled berryish while another smelled like poop. And I think we have a couple males.

Black Fire Chem x Northern Berry…I like the structure and ease of growth…figure this one is male and keeping a close eye on another that I think is male as well…dang 2 out of 3 of the only seeds.

Sacred Cut Wedding Cake x PacMac. One outlier much taller then the others, the rest are more compact than the Coastal Blueberry. And a confirmed male.

Reserva Privada Skywalker happy as can be.

RP Sour Kush plugging away.

Gorilla Zkittlez x Skunk Berry happy as well.

The White OG or OG18…:man_facepalming: I asked her not to water it. She watered it. Said it reminded her of her house plants when they need water. I replied, you over water your plants and kill them all the time 🫣 :rofl:. Oh well, I didn’t expect it to make it this far anyway.

And the overall

Confirmed males are headed to the closet under 12/12. And I should be back in about a week to see how we’ve progressed!

TS3000 @ 85% 20/5, 24°C, 62% RH


Gotta love those helpers . There looking good except for the drowned rat .