Fitzera Does things

I gotcha. I didn’t do the dmt, I wasn’t in a good head space for psychedelics for many years. Gave it to a friend and his friend who was experienced. He said it was the purest he’s ever seen, so that was cool. I would like to try it now but I’m not sure if I’ll extract it again myself or seek it out.

Lsa is from morning glory? I remember researching that way back in the day but never followed through.
I’m not sure what Harmala is, I’ll need to look that up. I have read a bit about San Pedro and Peruvian Torch.

Have you watched Hamilton Morris’ Pharmacopeia? I found it very interesting.


I just want to say that Formula 1 Drive to Survive new season is live! Not sure if anyone cares lol


I’ve been eyeing that Black Candyland from JOTI since they listed it. Can’t wait to see yours come to fruition! :slight_smile:


I think she is the smelliest in the tent right now. There’s a skunky dankness everytime I peak in and the stem rubs lead me to believe it’s her. The Congos have a spiciness to them, one has that tomato plant smell, the other slightly sweeter and almost reminds me of a fresh lasagna honestly. The GTH has that trainwreck smell going on with a bit of the ghost og funk. The MacxFPOGs are a bit subtler on the stem rubs, can’t quite describe them yet. But that Candyland has some dank for sure.

Getting close to time to do some pollinations, probably another week. I need to do some defol especially on the middle Mac, she blew up and is trying to take over. Having to shift things a bit so everyone has max space and she keeps getting wider. Huge fans.


Sounds like you did a great job with the extraction. Maybe try some of that, as we all know theres that additional level of enjoyment from getting high on your own supply. Sorry biggie, i break that rule every time.

Harmala is an maoi from syrian rue, a plant from the mid east that has a long history of ritual use. Its pretty cheap and can form half of a home brew dmt drink, with all the same use as the maoi containing plant in a ayahuasca ritual. They can also be used to increase the effects of other tryptamines, such as your mushrooms i think.

LSA is from morning glory seeds or hawaiin baby woodrose seeds correct and a few other plants. Very interesting effects, but doesnt hold a candle to real LSD in my experience.

And i really enjoy a lot of what hamilton does. He also does a podcast that you can listen to on a few platforms where he talks to chemists, drug dealers, and various other people of a like mind.

My black candyland tent smells rank so far. Very enjoyable musk, i left the tent open for a bit and it just smelled up my house


Might as well drop some pics. Day 1 of week 3 12/12.

MacxFPOG, sorry the one bud set photo of the smaller of the two is shit.

Black Candyland

Congo Creek Haze

Ghost Train Haze and Girl Scout Crack in beside

Top to bottom, LA Choc x MP Catpiss, Somango, Critical, Destroyer (x Zamal?)

And the two Black GDP Haze


When we get real buds going I’ll be sure to block out the yellow light, don’t you worry!


Interesting about the maoi. I’ll look into that a bit further.
I was looking last night about using lsa and a precursor to lsd…I should have gone into organic chemistry and botany lol.
I’m going to find his podcast, I find that type of information very interesting.


Here is his youtube channel, its a good place to start.


2.5 weeks


Black Candyland

Congo Creek Haze


And the rest, unsexed but coming along nicely


The Congo Creek Haze is starting to open some pods, nothing falling yet but we must be close!

And one of the tops on the chosen male SSxHxMT


Cum all over me


The MT cross is dumping good now. My first shake of him didn’t get much, the 2nd much more but this next one is going to be even better. And it’s just about time to pollinated the Black Candyland and Mac x’s. The congos are still stretching to the light. I’ve raised it twice already and I swear the one grew another 2" overnight.


The OHaze leaning Congo Haze is blowing up!! 3" in 24hrs. Really hard to get good pictures, I apologize but they will get better as the flowers develope. I suspect it’s going to be a yielder!

The other Congo Haze pheno

Black Candyland

MacxFPOG 1 seems to be the beefier happier plant. I think these are actually making the most stank in the tent now.

MacxFPOG 2 more early resin and better smell.


I like when they get bigger.


I keep raising the light and she keeps reaching higher…

First pollinations are done, I don’t have any Congo Creek Haze pollen yet so that part is still on hold.
The Black Candyland, MacxFPOGs, Congo hazes and GTH got hit with Black Candyland, NGBz, Mountain Temple and Skunkberry. I used the tiny amount of Sweet Skunk x Haze pollen on the congos and GTH…should be interesting results with all!


Youre pollinating by hand? Whats your method?
Looking good, might have to supercrop some of theose ladies


Yep select pollinations. I choose some of the nicer lower shoots mostly but I have to go with what I can reach easily so there’s a couple closer to the main tips. It’s so easy to tap something trying to reach in and release the pollen so the easiest to get to the better. I use painters tape to label the branches I’m hitting with which pollen.

I have my pollen in little glass amber vials. I shut down all fans so there’s as little air movement as possible. Open all doors fully for easiest access. Then with a fine paint brush I dip into the vial and carefully place it over the flower to be pollinated and give the brush light taps. You can see the pollen fall. Few taps and also brush across the pistils. Once I’m done with that vial, I wash out the paint brush really good and dry it really good. Then onto the next vial.

Once it’s all done I very gently close the doors leaving just the tops open to allow a little passive air flow so the plants don’t cook. After an hour I spray down those flowers really well with ro water to make sure there’s no stray pollen. Then the fans go back on and the doors closed fully.

I usually only do this right before lights out so that the water doesn’t burn the tips in the light. But im really short on time these last few days and am never home at that time. So today doing it now and I’ll just make sure to shake as much excess water off as I can.


Oh and yes, probably going to supercrop the tallest Congo, I’ve got some more head room yet for the light so I’ll go as high as I can without intervention.


Little update. The LA Choc x Catpiss (fem test) was not a fem as I suspected the pollen wasn’t viable. He’s been pulled and since devoured by the felines.

None of the other late pops are showing yet.

And the tallest top of tallest Congo Haze has been supercropped today and all the tops given support.

The other Congo Haze

Black Candyland. Smells sweet and fruity.

MacxFPOG 1

MacxFPOG 2. They both smell like stinky kush.


Black GDP Haze

Somango left Critical right

Girl Scout Crack

Destroyer (x zamal? Fem?) Very wide leaves