Fitzera Does things

well right on cue…lol. you should see what i just brought back to life and now thriving took a couple weeks to get them on track but weed is pretty resilient in my experience lol



And the cuttings at the back are just starting to pop some so I think we’re OK! Take the cuttings of catpiss and Jack skellington later on and get things flowering and vegging!


right on time. congratz man


She flopped over in the tent :grimacing:…come on you little bitch!


next time let her get a lil more root mass going before up potting maybe add a dome for a cpl hrs


I figured shouldn’t need a dome, the only reason they had one was to hold the light and it wasn’t sealed to the Cloner, big gaps and lots of air flow. I’m sure it’ll be perking up come morning but we’ll see. :+1:


I like to use a dome for 4 or 5 days then I take it off and the roots growth normally explodes.


She was back upright when I got home in the morning! Probably just initial shock but were good to go 🫡. And my plugs just arrived today so need to figure if I do the Cloner again or back to plugs next


Quick update before work. Got up early today to pot the last 2 clones of the first Sour Kush.

Put the Sour Kush mom’s into the flower tent with the rest of the girls.

Took a couple clones off the Catpiss and Jack Skellington

And finally, lazy man’s pollen collection of the Hella Cracked. Cut the tips and placed in cup of water on top of tin foil.

Now to pack lunch, eat food and hit the road for another long shift!


5 of 6 Sour Kush clones planted and doing well. Gabe the 3 other plants some sulpomag to help with the led effects.

The last Sour Kush clone I think has given up, it popped one little tiny root and stalled out. The other clones are holding up.

Collected the Hella Cracked pollen and tossed the plant.

And the big tent! Been cutting the light hours each day, headed into flower shortly. It’s gonna be a jungle for sure but doing so much better than my last run! The Sour Kush mom’s are coming around now that they’re on the blumats and getting all the goods out of the soil.


Tomorrow will be the official beginning of 12/12 for the big tent, and so the hps has been turned on.

Also, the first Sour Kush clone to be potted has been hit with eXe, top dressed with a flowering mix I put together, and into the 3x3 to start 12/12.

Now to decide whether or not to start my next run of seeds :thinking: annnnd popped 4x White Buffalo Jamaican Puna Haze, 4x Ace Malawi, 4x Ace Golden Tiger and 4x my favorite pheno of (Golden Tiger x A5 Haze) x Chocolope f2.


I hope i didnt jump the gun too much…every GT/A5 x Chocolope has cracked and 3 of 4 of the Jamaican Puna have as well… hopefully i can keep them manageable in smaller pots without causing flowering from being rootbound until the flowering tent is ready for them :crazy_face:

…still have to flower out the grapegod and tk x wc


Welcome to the jungle! Gonna have some major defoliating and cleanup to do when i get the chance. 13hr shifts, 7 days a week doesnt leave much time.

Why can I only upload one picture at a time?


Got the rest of the seeds in soil. Not sure how im going to manage everything hahaha


Platform update

This is a solid lineup brotha. The (GTx A5H) x Chocolope f2 sounds a winning combo.


an all time fav !!
excited to see you grow these :slight_smile:

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Just spent 45mins thinning out the tent and theres more to do.


Seedlings, plants and clones

And Sour Kush hopefully reversing


More thinning out, taken out a few plants worth of shoots and leaves.

More roots

More clones added to soil

Sure have alot going on these days lol


Everybody goes crazy for a sharp dressed plant. :cowboy_hat_face: :bearded_person: :sunglasses:

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Itll be interesting to see how they meld for sure. The GT x A5 mother to those seeds is still my favorite smoke. The GT and Malawi this run are so i can get an understanding of who brings what to the table so i can decide how to invest my energy in the future. Is it the malawi side i like so much? The thai? And maybe i can then distiguish what elements were from the A5 in that initial plant. It should have been cloned and rerun.