Fitzera Does things

lets go SK!

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simply fantastic !!!

eager to see your grow of these


Slowly but surely we are getting there! Just gave them some new shoes and they definitely needed them. Couple got burned or whatever last watering with the fish hydrolysate and gypsum, but most are looking just fine. Gonna look at starting to take some cuts from the Sour Kush real soon!

Along the left in the 1gals we have the 3rd Sour Kush and the two Chocolope x Black Candylands. Top row left to right is 2x Hella Cracked and 2x Sour Kush middle row is Hella Cracked and 2x Godbud f3s.
Bottom row are Jack Skellington, Maple Ridge Catpiss and GSC x Frosted Fruit Cake.

Then in the other tent we have the male Hella Cracked and the Grapegod and lastly the TK x WC which is kind of runty…Hopefully it comes around and turns out good.


Sour Kush has been cut back…cuttings! It’s been a long time since I’ve taken clones…:crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers:

@Cannasseur the 3rd Sour Kush is coming along!

And a quick pic of the TKxWC looking better and the Grapegod right along with it!

Oh…and spent the last two days at RAD Torque Raceway watching the Street Outlaws grudge race with Canada! Awesome time and have my first proper addition for the garage!


Been a bit since an update.

Firstly…my cuttings show no signs of roots. They’re starting to get deficiencies. I just used straight ro water, should I change the water and add a touch of flowering nutes?

I cut a bunch off the Hella Cracked male to keep it manageable for collecting pollen. Swapped it to 12/12 a couple days back. Probably trim it again before he’s full blown flowering, I don’t need to collect too much pollen.

Then we have the main plants. I’m starting to fight gnats, top dressed with neem meal. Probably transplant to fabric pots next weekend to get ready for flower and stop the gnats from getting into the bottom holes. Also need to take cuttings of the Catpiss and Jack pretty soon.

Sour Kush

Hella Cracked

Godbud f3

GSC x Frosted Fruit Cake

Maple Ridge Catpiss

Jack Skellington

Chocolope x Black Candyland

Sour Kush

Grape God

And finally TK x WC


Plants look good!

I usually ran like seedling level veg nutes in my cloner. I run the domes these days and just give them full veg feed. Usually works out fine. Ymmv tho.


It comes down to selection with similar yet different genetic pools.

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I’d give them some veg food to keep them green.


i foilar feed my clones when they take to long to root. usually just a 50% feed seems to help


Someone told me to feed them flower nutes to speed up rooting . Not sure if it works or not haven’t tried that yet.


Yeah, phosphorus for roots. Once you have roots, then up the nitrogen.


Thanks all! I’ll check for mushy stems and change the water tonight and start foliaring with a light flower solution. See how that goes. Need to see roots before I flip plants to flower or I’ll need to take more cuttings!

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So it’s a bit early to up pot again but the Sour kush are getting some deficiencies and I’ve got another job about to start on hours so I won’t have time soon enough. So we’re into our final 5gal bags. Give them a few weeks to settle in and then flip the lights!

You may notice that picture is missing a couple plants…well they’re in the veg tent with the 1gals for the time being. Pulled out the tallest lankiest Chocolope x Black Candyland as it threw balls…stem rub smelled so good, but it wasn’t going to be a good plant with how bean pole it was. The other one, while not quite as tall, I think is starting to throw balls too.

But then, where is the male Hella Cracked? In my new 3x3 pollen tent!! Wife has been vacationing this weekend and hasn’t seen it taking up floor space in the house yet :face_with_hand_over_mouth:. Side not, yes he looks a bit sad, did not like the last feeding at all and alot of small leaves died off. Meh all good.

So then…why are the Sour Kush in the veg tent…cause I still have no damn roots on the cuttings! :angry: I’ve foliar sprayed them a couple times now, and I tried some flower nutes in the water but the next day half of them were pissed and limp so I swapped back to ro water and the sprung right back up. I’ll keep trying but I’m pretty confident I’ll be taking new cuttings. Still need to do the catpiss and Jack Skellington but they’re so small and compact there isn’t much to take yet. Soon though, we’ll get there. I’m wondering if I have too much bubbles? Can they be too wet to get roots? I mean you can get roots sitting in a glass of water…


How long have the cuts been in the cloner?
I’ve never attempted to use these due to power consumption, but heard they can produce results a lot faster?
The humble gro plug in a dome may take a little longer but never lets me down.

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You could take 15 days to root in a bubble cloner but the norm is 7/10 . I’ve found total ppm of about 375 veg nutes works good for me .
My cloner has an air stone as well as a pump and manifold that spays also so if you’ve only got an air stone your times could vary .


I’m at like 2 weeks already :man_facepalming:. Last time I did clones I used plugs and dome and worked…might have to get me some plugs again.


Hats off to you mate. Learning to master all the methods is the smartest play.

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Originally I wanted to make cloner with the spray nozzles using the pumps and tubing I have when I did dwc but the pump is too big for the size of tote I wanted to use. So bubbler it was. But I’d like to make changes already, like the air lines going through the side of the tote rather than the lid. Space the holes more so I can actually use them all cause it would be way too crowded how it is now.

But, seeing how it’s not really doing as well as I anticipated, might just scrap the whole idea altogether.

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any roots on thos sour cunts yet lol i hate when some strains do that to me… especially when there such good smoke


Well as a matter of fact…

…but it’s only the clones from one of the plants. And some of the clones are looking really rough. So I’m still prepared to take more. But the mom’s are looking really rough now too after the transplant. I think the soil is too hot and I watered it in with a tea and added humic acid so probably hit them way too hard. Add to that the drastic humidity change putting them in the veg tent. Overall not a good combo, but I’m sure they bounce back.

The main tent plants seem to have taken it all with minor hiccups. We’ll get there yet!
I just put the TK x WC, Grapegod and the 3rd Sour Kush into 2 gal pots. They’re looking happy and healthy, hopefully they take the soil alright, it’s the same mix I used for all the other plants 🫣