Flower and Veg tent both having issues, need some help

The flower tent is my first organic no-till-ish grow. Started flower 07/26/21. Feeding gaia green ap and power bloom. Medium is 35 gallons of 1/3 each pro mix hp, mushroom compost, and lava rock. Light is an aglex 2000w led that I’m only running on grow setting which only has the 4 COBs running which I think is around 200w. Had no Issues in veg and early flower but lately they’ve been looking pretty unhappy. Not sure the PH of the medium as I’m doing organic and don’t have a way to collect runoff but my water has typically been ph’d to ~6.5. I last top dressed 08/26 which was 2tbsp per gal gaia green power bloom.

I think this is a deficiency of some sort but it could be a couple other things too and I can’t narrow it down. I think it could be wind burn since they’ve been getting blasted with fans kinda hard, or it could be issues from the heat since it has been 35 Celsius pretty regularly in there (Not in the last week or so though). At first I thought it was light burn since it started on the colas that were too close to the light but has progressed to colas in the corner of the tent and lower leaves so I have my doubts about that.

Now onto my veg tent

My clones from the girls in the flower tent are nice and healthy but these girls (Just 1 pic as all the plants have the same symptoms) I just transplanted a couple days ago into promix organic moisture mix and perllite. I suspect the promix is the issue here but not sure how to fix it.
Sorry for the wall of text, hopefully someone makes it to the bottom :joy:


Some promix info.

Proper feed/ph should help.

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To me it looks like an excessive heat problem……

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I thought so too but it seems to keep getting worse even though the tent has been at most 26 Celsius the last week or so

That is still hot for your plants, especially after already suffering from heat frustration. They are young and could possibly recover. Get those temps down to at least the low 70’ s degrees.


Upon the pics I saw in your grow diary I firstly thought about Potassium deficiency, but after reading soil composition and amendments now I think it is a nutrient burn, perhaps you’re pushing too hard … :sweat:

Yeah I thought I was giving them a half dose as for some reason I had in my head that the application was 4 tbs/gal which is stupid high and I’m not sure where that came from. Goddammit that’s a dumb mistake but oh well. Do you think there’s any chance of them growing out of it? Also do you have any thoughts on what the issue with the smaller plants might be?

I would trim all the damaged-burnt leaves (won’t recover) and cut down the nutes while watering. The smaller plants looks like Phosphorous deficiency to me …


It happens man, i wasnt paying attention and double dosed my soil not too long ago… burnt them crispy

Put to much powered kelp in my feeding water one time swear to god plant went crispy and died lol.was my first grow had a lot of shitty things happen in that grow I’ve came a long way since then,I still have the bag of kelp never used it again :rofl:


They’re supposed to get another top dress in a month so do you think if I don’t feed it for the rest of the run it might pull through?

Are you able to flush everything?

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I can flush the smaller plants but I think they’re deficient so not really applicable for them. The flowering plants are in a 40 gallon tote that doesn’t have a tray as I wasn’t expecting to have to water to runoff. It also is heavy enough to break the tote if the soil isn’t bone dry so lifting it up and getting a tray under it isn’t really possible

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I have probably been too heavy with the kelp too now that you mention it

That shit is dangerous,like I said never used it again after that,had photos of the plant but I cleaned out my phone had thousands of weed photos,leaves turned into claws and crispy plus I was using ocean forest soil so the plant just got over dosed lol…I should say plants

Like this? Its not my first time and prolly wont be my last.
Ocean Forest but it wasnt kelp that did mine :’(

and they were so pretty…

makes me think there needs to be a “how bad did you screw up” thread. I would post often
is there a thread for that?