Foreigner Goes Legal

I have the same problem, so I try to group my grows with relatively close grow times.
I wish I could have another tent, so I could have one for fast finishing indicas and one for hybrids or straight up sativas, with a mom/clone tent.
One day…in about 3 years time, hopefully…


Thanks man.

This microscope is as old as overgrow 1.0 and I got it from radio shack. There are better ones available but this one does the job.

@HaRdRoC - I’m not too picky about “perfect” ripeness. If I were growing both a heavy indica and sativa I would harvest twice but these ones are close enough that I don’t think it matters.

Besides, the whole clear/cloudy/amber thing is more voodoo than anything else. More a guide than a rule.

All the best

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Oh I hear ya, I chop when I feel like it, sometimes I gotta chop just for the simple fact that I ran outta room in veg or have time restrictions like summer heat, holidays or vacations.
I do like to have my indicas cloudy with a few amber, and sativas as amber as I can wait them out :grin::grin::grin:

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Yeah this summer heat is killing me but with the AC on I can comfortably give them another week to finish.

If I ever grew anything too racy I’d probably just run the whole thing into hash and then press it to degrade the trichs manually :rofl:

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What do you mean, summer heat, its friggin cold here, only just starting spring lol.


Living in a massive city that generates it’s own heat on a massive lake which creates interesting climate effects makes for some interesting heat waves. I swear on some days here you can HEAR the heat radiating from all the glass and concrete towers. Once I threw a 1200mm mirror lens on one of my cameras and aimed it down the street. It took FOREVER to focus the image because the heat’s shimmer in the air was being picked up by the lens.

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We went straight into the summer. I complain about the heat for lots of reasons but the big one today is:

The apt is one big concrete slab so the sun hits the balcony and moves to the concrete under the floor and radiates inside.

At least with the AC my grow temps are manageable.

I need a haircut in this weather. I haven’t had a real haircut since covid. I’ve been doing it myself with mixed results. It grows back.


Weather has been crazy here too. So far 2 days above 30c which is pretty odd for this time of year. I’ve been cutting my hair with my dog clippers lately :stuck_out_tongue: Haven’t been to the hair dressers in over a year now. I don’t normally cut my hair super short but I’ve just been shaving it off so I don’t look too screwed up by not knowing how to cut hair proper.


I cut my own hair, I haven’t had anyone do it for 15 years lol.

I just do 4 hand widths from the scalp and chop off whats left :joy:


Funny enough, i haven’t cut my hair for 25 years so the dreads reach the floor now and i’m grateful for my partners crochet abilities :sweat_smile:


Good day all

Day 60 and I’m counting down the minutes. I will chop them when I can dedicate enough time for the process. Maybe Monday.

No pics this time so instead here’s a bud from the coop Hibernate. Very aggressive lemon gas aroma.

Also I cut my hair and did a pretty good job this time :laughing:


Don’t trust Mrs. Foreigner with scissors eh? :laughing:


Yeah she gets a little stabby.

Seriously though it’s more that when I want it done I want it done RIGHT NOW.


I’ve invented a new Olympic sport called synchronized leaning:

These are the Tara sisters.

Have a lovely day


Day 63

Happy Monday.

The ladies are coming down tomorrow.

I decided to do a quick dirty defoliation of all the big easy stuff. Should save me a little time when I do the real trim.

Everything looks good. And they look much cleaner.



And here’s one of the half naked OGs just for fun:

Hope everyone is having/had a lovely weekend.

Cheers for looking.


…HAWT! :heart_eyes: :metal:t4:


Good day everyone!


So it took me all morning but it’s all finally chopped, trimmed, and hanging.

Doing a big defoliation yesterday made today’s work a lot more pleasant. I will do the same for next harvest.

As always I put on Battlefield Earth because it’s a long boring movie. It’s become a trimming ritual.

So everything went pretty smoothly. I took a few breaks, listened to a little music, walked the dog: all in all it was a pretty chilled out trimming experience which was much nicer than a frenetic go go go I usually do.

So here are a few pics.

Blue Tara green pheno -



Stretch OGer. Only 5 colas but BIG.



Here is a weird angle of them hanging in the shower:

I got lots of trim to make bubble and a fair amount of scissor hash. Especially off the Taras.

I’m glad it’s done. I have a little bit of work still left to do. I’m shutting down the tent for a little bit so this will be my last indoor until at least August.

Nothing left but the bare bones:

Cheers and all the best.


I’m still trying to work through "As always I put on Battlefield Earth because… " but beyond that congrats and GREAT JOB BUDDY! :smiley:


Thanks man! It was a relatively painless trim which I consider a huge win. Like, minimum security trim jail.

Battlefield Earth is the funniest Scientology based comedy movie of all time. Post apocalyptic drivel. It’s great.


Congrats on the nice haul man!!!