Foreigner Goes Legal

happy drying!! good haul!!


Thanks guys!

I only really documented half the trim job because my hands were a little busy. Itā€™s actually 4 plants!

Iā€™m pretty pleased with myself. I miss having a full tent already though :joy:


Yes, itā€™s always bitter sweet, when the tents are emptyā€¦


Normally Iā€™d have pre vegged plants ready to go.

I feel like when I want cigarettes but donā€™t have any cigarettes.

Itā€™s fine though. Iā€™ve been growing hard for a long time now so summer break is exciting.

Itā€™s a habit that needs to be shifted :nerd_face:

ā€œCaution: growing is addictive or at least habit forming.ā€


Very true, I can go without puffing, as I barely do, but not growingā€¦ ah manā€¦I just love to grow these damn plants for some reasonā€¦


Good day all:

I really like drying in a sealed room.

Iā€™ve got one fan for air movement but no exhaust.

I havenā€™t even set up my inkbird yet. The humidity from the buds creates the perfect ambiance:

As they dry the humidity will drop so Iā€™ll probably bust out the inkbird on day 4 or so.

All the best.


Awesome looking plants will be cool to see which you wind up liking best.

August is not that far off.

I dried in the same cabinet I grew in just unplugged the light and hung them upside down. Turned off one fan and turned the exhaust fan down. Worked nicely.


Thanks Herbie!

I try not to make judgements before the fact, and I think they will all be very nice, but so far the standout is the Blue Tara green pheno.

There was a whole lot of scissor hash from not that much leaf.

The OGer stretch pheno is a close second but I will reserve my judgement until after they cure for a bit.

I just do my best to not overdry. If itā€™s done perfectly they go into the jars at 60%ish and I donā€™t even need to burp them. They just hold at that humidity until I start opening to pilfer from them :joy:


Man, this is about perfect. I smoke cigarettes off and on, never felt withdrawls, but am familiar with the ā€œwant to smokeā€ feeling. Iā€™m very familiar with it with growing. Somedays I wish I had 200 plants. But then I get busy other days and Iā€™m glad I donā€™t!


Here is my highly ghetto drying setup. The inkbird runs the humidifier and the fan provides circulation.

It works very well. Currently set at 64% with an acceptable drop of 5%

All the best


Looks good to me. :+1:


I wish I could just dry in my bathroom like that, jealous AF!! :+1::+1::+1:


It does have its advantages. It just means I canā€™t shave until theyā€™re dry :rofl:

Or have guests which suits me fine.


So Iā€™m getting excited about making some hash. I just took a hit of what Iā€™ve got aging and it got me pumped.

I donā€™t know if Iā€™ll just do the trim or if Iā€™ll use a whole plant of the OGer.

I donā€™t know. But Iā€™m swirling the possibilities and Iā€™m psyched.

Hereā€™s a hash pic in anticipation:

All the best


If youā€™ve got extra to spare the bud is the way to go.


I donā€™t have enough jars for this harvest. What Iā€™ll probably end up doing is emptying the older jars and use that for hash and fill the jars with the new stuff.

I get my jars from ikea so I canā€™t even get more!


If youā€™ve got access to a vacuum sealer do some that way . Iā€™m positive youā€™ll like it better than jar cured.


I do have a vacuum sealer.

Should I dry as normal and then vacuum seal and cure but in bags?

I donā€™t burp my jars anyway so this isnā€™t a huge stretch for me.

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Yes dry down to roughly 60% then bag it into a ziplock . Try to remove most of the air from the ziplock leaving a bit in to create a cushion of sorts .
Then put that bag in a vacuum bag and seal donā€™t over squish it but you want it firm no air in the outer bag.
Freeze and store till a later date, I usually will take out of freezer a day ahead of wanting to smoke it cut open the bag and let sit .


What if I canā€™t freeze them?

Iā€™ve only got a small freezer and Mrs Foreigner takes up all the space. Iā€™ve got one vacuum bag in there from a year ago but the seal has gone so it might be toast.

I could keep it in the closet in the dark at room temp but thatā€™s the best I could do.

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