Foreigner Goes Legal

:thinking: hmmm. Still hoping to locate some but that may change the trajectory of the plan. Thank you :pray:t2:


You’re welcome. Don’t get me wrong it’s nice weed but if you’re on a skunk quest look elsewhere.


The skunk quest not so much. But unique dank scents yes.

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The most unique thing I grew out recently was the silver mountain which should also be floating around somewhere. Incense, jasmine, maybe even cayenne.

I also grew a white widow that smelled like feet in church but I’m not sure where you would find it. Also a massive yielder.

Other interesting stuff too but those are the standouts for unique.

Dank - I liked the OGer and a cross of afghan/blue lights.


Nice growth brother…
Almost an inch per day…


Thanks man. I hope she stops soon.


The OGer I’m in on. Have high hopes for that one in fact by the parental strains alone.

I will smell this one right now for you too…

These have been curing since June. The smell is dank with a little bit of…teenage licorice aftershave…I dunno exactly. But it’s very nice.

Very solid nugs


:drooling_face: that sounds bomb, love the licorice phenos! I had this stripper spit two years ago that was one of the best outdoor strains I’ve ever smoked! Was straight up black licorice /anise on top of absolute dank like a skunk pissed on it. Had one plant, never kept a clone cuz I wasn’t expecting much…, of course. After the cure I was heartbroken even more. Come to think of it. The best 5-6 strains I’ve grown and had in my possession were ALL lost but 1. Story of my life :cry:


The licorice is most definitely a mild note in the background. Earthy.

I’m very bad at remembering to take clones too. Well, not remembering, it’s because I really don’t have the space.

The most interesting change I’ve had after a cure was the Blue Tara. It went from fruity to straight up pine after 6 months in the jar.

I’m not so bummed about not keeping clones. I like to run new stuff anyway :+1: if I had more space I would keep some mothers for sure and run half keepers/half new stuff.


Ya clones are a pita, moms too . That was my only method for a very long time. Had very few seeds just bought what we hunted on the spot . My mentor kept a helluva stash though, pretty impressive to me at least. I’m late to the game on seeds sadly and have missed so many gems over the years I had no clue about because I stayed away from forums etc. only word of mouth from my small circle/crew . Blue Tara is actually in my top 5 Bodhi strains to obtain as I’ve heard seen only amazing things, even from Bodhi himself . I’m trying to obtain the old Bodhi gems I can and preserve them all. I already have the first two planned . Lando’s fell in my lap as I had planned on Jabbas first but now it will be following Lando’s stash. I have some other gems in f1 form on lock I will also be preserving . I just love the man’s work, and spirit and his genetics speak for themselves tbch. Keepers galore in Bodhi packs 100% there’s only a handful other breeders working right now I hold in such high regard . “Sorry for getting off track here lol”


I only have a little bohdi experience but everything has been excellent. Except the pura vida which I culled because the stem rub was this nasty hand moisturizer smell.

Here’s a Tara. If you can find her it has my wholehearted recommendation.


Interesting to hear that about the pura vida , that looks gorgeous my friend. And yet another glowing recommendation,Hopefully one day I will. I’ve learned the best ones take time to acquire and with a bunch of the Bodhi strains I have being newer/ish and what I’m searching being older when I find them I can/will pop them almost immediately and get to work

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Maybe I was a bit heavy handed because I never gave it a chance to fully express itself. I just sort of went “yuck.”

Most of the stuff I’ve run recently has been from the community so just keep your ears open and ask specifically and you should be able to find what you’re looking for :+1:

There’s so much good stuff floating around here I sometimes have a hard time believing it.


No doubt, I appreciate the info my friend. I will be on the lookout. I’ve had a few very amazing people help me locate the things I’ve been hunting on O.G . most I’ve sought out and searched through email or I.G or through a couple connections I have that seem to have some reach in the industry.

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Hmm…a sativa dominant hybrid ready in 45 days…:lying_face:


So she’s doubled in size in 11 days.

I’ve only got 8” more headroom before things get dicey. She smells very good though.


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


It shows just how much you can trust the OCS



This journal shows:

I’ll say that again: FUCK THE OCS.