Foreigner Goes Legal

Outta likes again…
But damn those are nice stretchy plants…

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Its 34 inches from the top of the pot less an inch for the light I made up today, and I am growing the Big Bang X Big Nosed Kate, that I accidentally created lol.

They were both tall in flower around 5ft so we will see how it goes. I am going to scrog them I think, less chance of major damage if I start cracking branches, plus they never stay down anyway.


I hate that. I don’t mind on big one. But I had two monsters going. Wasn’t no way. I hated to pull them. Stem big as my finger. The stretch gets me sometimes. Good picture


Just for reference purposes these plants were flipped at the same height, 12”

The smaller one was flipped a week later, but still…


It’s going to be a busy plant day.

I’ll start with something simple. This is the smallest of the EDHs but has the fattest stalk:


I feel you on busy plant days Man, yesterday I went in at 10 am, walked out at 9:15 pm ffs. Just shy of 12 hours but had a ton to do including mixing coco and uppotting 32 youngins! And I’m back in there again


Well shit I’m not gonna be THAT busy :joy:

Just some transplants and tying down but I already did half the hard work yesterday.


Haha ya that kinda sucked tbh


So this is what I did yesterday. I got the 3Gs ready to accept the 1G transplants. I soaked the Promix to give it some time to both activate and dry out a little.

With a little luck the sides will hold and not fall into my holes


I tried fabric pots for the first time (meh) and got way way ahead of myself. I filled all the pots after pre mixing in my totes with perlite. And started transplanting, after like 20 something I’m like shit I didn’t pre-soak! After sitting for 5 minutes thinking how dumb I was I was like screw it, I’ll fill after just gonna be weird, hope it doesn’t affect them too much. Looks ok as of now, but we’ll see if it has adverse affects. At least it’s pre-buffered but I’ve NEVER not pre soaked. And I gave it a little extra runoff too. Not sure how I feel about these fabric pots yet either. Kind of a pita to me anyway.


You’ll likely be fine without the presoak. I don’t like to have them overwatered just after transplant which is one of the reasons I do it this way.

I used to do it different. Soak, squeeze out excess, pack it in. This way is easier and accomplishes the same goal.

Lots of people love them but I hate fabric pots. Capital H hate.


I’ve been using nursery pots forever, usually last 2/3/4 runs , always extras on hand, went to my local shop to grab 50 and they had 4, and were 7 days out for more, nursery pots on Amazon were ridiculous ! like 10x what I pay :man_facepalming:t2: And I saw a coupon for 10 bags for 20$ so I grabbed 2 packs to try, still early but so far I prefer my nursery pots I’ve been using for 13 years .

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I’ve been reusing my pots for a long time too. The 1Gs I got off kijiji from a guy who bought too many so I have a bunch. Can’t remember where I got the 3Gs from but they are very sturdy and Ive been using them a long time now, maybe 3 years. Got some 6Gs too but don’t usually go that big.


From this:

To this:

To these:

Couldn’t have gone any better.

I was going to tie down some tops but just bent them instead. I still might have tie them but they are fine for now.

I should/will defoliate the lowers but I’m too damned lazy and hungry now. Maybe soon.

All the best


Looking good in there. Wish I had a gallon!

What don’t you like about fabric pots ? I’m not a fan of how fast they dry out, and they’re slow to water even if if the soil’s dished up top. Maybe a lowercase h for me though because you can run the pots a bit smaller.


Hey thanks man!

I’m a man set in my ways so I bulk up on the things that work. Gotta gallon! Much much cheaper in bulk. I buy the veg fert by the quart because it lasts awhile so no need for a gallon.

There are lots of reasons I dislike fabric pots.

Impossible to water if they’ve dried out. Sure I could use a surfactant or I could just use a regular plastic pot and avoid the problem altogether.

Difficult to transplant. I end up having to cut them off.

I don’t really believe in the value of “root pruning.” I get bigger root mass in plastic.

And finally the majority of “fabric” pots are actually made of polypropylene so any environmental claim is dubious.

/end rant


I agree… INDOORS.

Outdoors you are wrong. But they need a lot of faffing. :rofl:


Fair enough. And if you don’t need to transplant that’s another thing off the list.


Oh i transplant INTO them come “end of Ramen hair month”.

But at that point 1 will be 8 gallon going into 30 gallon. And the other I assume 5 gallon going into 30. :smiley:


Yeah, I’m not sure where I would store a 30G plastic pot. It would take up the whole living room. Fabric for the win on that one.