Foreigner Remains Legal

A shitty drill will do just fine. I do dig a fancy attachment for it though.

Oh well such is luck. Oh no you don’t have any more!


Did a quick OG search, did you get that one? The Canadian Contingent (Part 1) - #5020 by Pigeonman? It’s of course sold out in Europe like everything grow related :joy: The price was not bad but I guess it will return with a big increase on the price tag

I have to grow the hash making related plants for 12 more weeks so will be a while until the fun but thank you.


I just learned a new word and so will you. Mörtelrührer. Beautiful.


A washing machine is superior but I like blasting mine with a drill. It’s fun.


I think I will have to learn it right from the beginning, with a drill as god intended and work my way up to maybe one day get a washing machine.


I wish I knew this last week. A place here in Canada Had the 5g washing machines (bubble magic) for 100$ Canadian for 420 @allotment


It’s really quite easy the trick is getting the bags in the right order which is simple enough.

I’ll talk you through it if you like.


@Foreigner I only popped one seed of each “tall” and “bare” expressions… so I got many to work with just now later on and not outdoors lol.

I did! Works great especially once you modify the drainage pipe from the ribbed pipe that it comes with to a smooth wall one from a hardware store. The buds dance with the ice in the machine, then I empty it directly into to 220 bag as the “screening” bag and it’s all resin glands from 120 onwards. :+1:

@allotment have you checked out either Facebook Marketplace? In :canada: we have Kijiji (owned by eBay but it’s a free to use classifieds), not sure if you have something similar in the EU? So many folk here seem to get the system, run it once (or never) and then sell it off cheap!


I collect 45 exclusively:

And it looks like I work it a little more than @Pigeonman


I stopped becuase i was tired lol.

This is fresh-frozen SSDD. Not sure If I can get it darker. I’m on the look out for a pasta maker so I can really start to dial in the lamination and go full on Hashmascus!


We’re at the stage of everyone buying everything they can, growshops being sold out on everything, soil bags for 3x the regular price on eBay, SensiSeeds being out of packaging material, not sending out their orders for weeks and stopping wholesale so they may one day be able to fulfill their direct orders (no ETA). Zamnesia has several weeks of backlog too and introduced minimum order amounts (75€, greedy fuckers) :rofl: :joy: :rofl: I have supplied a few people with seeds, otherwise they could not start at all. The time to buy anything in :eu: is “later” :upside_down_face:


@Pigeonman and @Foreigner those both are beautiful hash balls. I am happy to receive and sample them to declare a winner. :drooling_face:


They both look like fine products just different.

I dunno about the EU but bubble bags are pretty cheap. And even if they’re not, do the math, my hash is ~$40 commercial a gram around here.


Just declare me the winner. I’ll make it worth your while.


Bags are actually still available I think. But maybe I should buy them soon before people get their commercial seeds from shitty companies and think about harvesting :laughing:

Well my bags were $50 and I made $1000 commercial worth of hash on my last run.

Even at a high price point still worth it


Wow that is cheap. ~70€, I won’t get the bags for less than 40€ maybe (the cheap ones). But with shipping and taxes the washing machine is probably similar to the ~130€ Amazon listed (once it was available).


Ok 130 EU is pretty exoensive


It’s the washing machine. The cheap bags are around 40€ I think.

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Washing machine : nice to have but not essential.

It saves your back and some time.

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