Frankie’s Daughters: Unpacking a Frozen Genome

Frankenstein is clone only. Frankis daughters were created by reversing a Fem Frankenstein and pollinating another Frankenstein.


To further clarify, here are some specifics:

The Original Frankenstein Clone Only (FC) by JohnnyPotseed is the parent plant.

Feminized Frankenstein S1 seeds were produced by crossing FC with pollen from a reversed FC clone.

Multiple growers produced those seeds. I started a breeding project with the S1 seeds I created. I named the project, and my specific line of S1 seeds as “Frankenstein’s Daughters.” JohnnyPotseed prefers using the name Fem Frankenstein S1 for the seeds from other growers.

I think “Frankenstein’s Daughters” is a lovely and technically accurate description. I’m saddened that JP disagrees. That’s the jist of it.


That’s the jist of it.


thank you guys for clarifying. :nerd_face:


Well little late on updating the daughter’s. I removed most everything under the first net and trimmed some fans on the canopy. Added second net. I was hoping it would slow them down a bit. Nope! Nothing seams to faze these strong growers. When I flipped to flower I turned the lights up to 85% which is giving them a average 800 ppfd thinking it might slow the stretch. Not sure if it helped or hurt? I think I’ll be OK but might have to fold over a few branches if they don’t stop soon. This is the nute recipe I’m using at the moment if anyone is interested. GH Flora series mixing with 30 gallons of water. In ml.
Micro (hardwater) 263
Grow 90
Bloom 350
Rapid Start 35
Liquid Koolbloom 35
Floralicious Plus 35
Armor SI 90
Diamond Nectar 180
Cal Magic 220
Flora Nectar 180
Orca 40
That gives them right at 1400 ppm at fresh res change. On to the picts.
Perspective from out the door

Left side

Right side

I kinda like the nets for the level canopy but man it’s tangled mess of branches in there.
Yes there’s a net in there @blowdout2269 somewhere. I added the second one so you could see it. But I guess they didn’t want you to see it either. :rofl:
Thanks for looking.:grin::green_heart:


Wowser @Smoklahoma!

I think you are showing the full potential those plants have to offer. They haven’t missed a beat all the way from seed have they?

Your parameters look spot on as well. I ramped up to 1100 ppfd nearing harvest in order to get plenty of photons down to the lower branches, Didn’t phase em. I also ramped the nutes up to 2.2 EC which is the zone you are delivering.

At this stage, Hilda is just a big hungry beast, for food and light. I wouldn’t have guess that they’d fill your room so completely but here we are.
:100: :clap: :clap:
Bravo Brother,


I feel like my squat lady looks dang close to the original mom aside from staying super short and not wanting to stretch at all. Was really surprised to see she decided to abandon the main stalk as the dominant branch. Switched to one of the first lower branches. First time I’ve ran into that myself.


Thx @A-Loc,

Let’s see if anyone else has seen that pheno structure, small like Olive, but no crinkle leaves. Hmmmm…


Frankenstein from fem seed. Is she starting to flower?? Sorry for the fuzzy close ups.

I wouldn’t be sad


Yeah neither of my two have crinkle leafs. Her sister that I put outside is very similar in structure and smell but not short at all.


These are the fem Frankie seeds from @JohnnyPotseed

Feeding her straight kitchen scraps, mulch, Jobes tomatoe fertilizer, blood meal. And bone meal.

Oops answered the same post twice lol


Hey @A-Loc, howza bout a pic of your largest fan leaf with something for scale? The leaves are kinda sati, no?


I would say they look like solid hybrid leafs. Not real fat but not super skinny. Not many big ones on there now I just gave her a good hair cut last week. I wanna say on the inside gal the leafs have been staying on the smaller side.


I guess the outside girl has been the same. Haven’t really paid attention lol


Been 6 days since last update. We’ll I’m still waiting for them to STOP stretching. Tomorrow will be week 4 day 1 since flip. I think its over but I said that yesterday :rofl: I’ve got a heck of a mess going on! Pure Monster MADDNESS! :exploding_head: A little overwhelming looking at everything trying to figure out the next defoliation coming up. Going to be interesting :thinking:
Left side

Right side

Bud structure looks about the same on 3 of them.

Several lanky branches from 1 on the left. Olive maybe?

Upskirt shot (tangled mess)

Definitely got my hands full :joy::joy:


So sorry for the delay I pulled 35g from a 2 gal pot I topped once and didn’t lst cause I had a type of sog going.


just got caught up with this thread and @Smoklahoma , monsters indeed!!!
Impressive grow so far.


Thanks bud. They try to eat me every time I go in there! :laughing: They are not done. Checked when I got home. The lanky branches grew 3 inches last night. One grew into the COB and was smoking. Time to star folding them over I guess? :rofl::grin::green_heart:


Holy Moly bud! You and the Mrs. may be having a trimming party coming up in about 5 weeks. Truthfully I don’t know if I’d be crying with joy at the rosin all those buds are gonna make or crying because I could feel my hands hurting already! lol. VERY nice job :+1:t3:

Here’s HILDA da Momma in her new place (she’s about 9 months old)


Been a bit since last update. The Daughter’s are growing right along. Olive is kinda a pain. Wound up cutting 4 or 5 of the taller branches as a few had grown thru the light.

As you can see it’s pretty much a jungle in there. Need to work on my defoliation skills for sure. The net defflinatly makes it more difficult to do that so not sure I’m a fan. If I could unzip the wall, maybe? :laughing:
Left side

Right side



Get up in there and remove some leaf growth and your buds will explode. Growweedeasy .com has some very easy to follow defol guides and include how to defol with scrog. Plant looks great open up the top a bit and the light will shine through! Hallelujah!!! :rofl: Plant looks good very healthy and she will produce the buds if you let the light and air flow in. You don’t want to miss out on any more flower you can get off it cause it’s fire af.