Frankie’s Daughters: Unpacking a Frozen Genome

To truly appreciate the growing environment that @Smoklahoma has created - here is his grow room in pano - standing at the door last week (before trim up and net)


Wow! is there an emoji for “Green with Envy!” That is Next Level gear. :+1: :+1:


As if I already wasn’t envious enough of his beautiful space. :crazy_face:

What finishing times you been seeing? I’m day 54 and barely an orange pistil.


Hi Everyone,

Here’s a surprising development.

We’ve had a very unusual Spring here on Cape Cod: cold, wet and windy. My three outdoors Frankies were exposed to some pretty brutal conditions due to bad timing when I put them out. None of the plants were happy about the move and they all suffered a little during the first few weeks outside. They have all recovered since then.

The interesting thing is that two of the plants are now showing signs of expressing that characteristic Olive trait of crinkled and curled leaves as you will see in the pics below.

This is the Olive plant that had both crinkle and normal leaves. Now she has gone complete crinkle.

Here’s an Original Frankie Clone-only mother plant that had smooth leaves until exposure to rough conditions.

And this is their neighbor Hilda pheno that took some early abuse but hasn’t gone crinkly.

I think this raises the question of whether the crinkle leaf expression is an environmental effect rather than a dominant genetic trait. Consider that both the Original Frankenstein Clone-only plant and the little Olive S1 both are showing nearly identical crinkle leaf characteristics after rough outdoor conditions, while the Hilda pheno seems unaffected.

My best guess is that the Crinkle-Leaf trait is present in both the Original Frankenstein clone and the S1 Olive phenotype. It is triggered by multiple kinds of environmental conditions. The Hilda pheno doesn’t seem to have the trait.

I’m not entirely sure what to make of this, and I welcome other explanations. I’ll be curious as to what others find regarding this.



Morning all. You guys are making me blush with all the :green_heart: The daughters are growing right along. The one on the left up front still being problematic with some yellowing on the leaves. The rest don’t seam to have that problem. Ph in both reservoirs are starting to drop, usually good indicator it’s time for nute change. Here they are after two full days of 12/12.
Left side

Right side

And a couple upskirt shots. I think they have went from stalks to trunks at this point.

Overgrow the world with love :grin::green_heart:


My Hilda mother plant, well not mine anymore, has a few of those crinkled leaf leafs going on. It’s is not all over the entire plant but just a few leaves. She is being grown outdoors. She has also started to flower then grown past the buds by another 8-10 inches.

The few leaves affected look very much like heat stress or - as you pointed out, a genetic olive like trait induced by stress? It was raining when I went over so I very much doubt it was heat stress and it only appeared on a few leaves?


Does Frankie keep white pistils through til harvest? She has lots of orange hairs not really pulled in but also lots of white pistils and all the trichs are cloudy so should be good? Today is 56 days flower.


I noticed something similar. Two of mine started to yellow about week 5 of flower. The third plant is just ‘happy, happy’..
I’m running a micro clover cover crop on all three so there is plenty of nitrogen, but those first two have decided to be lazy and strip the leaves. One of the two cut back (50%) on water uptake (similar to late flower) at the same time.
Definitely some pockets of ‘localized weirdness’ :wink:



Sorry I meant to reply to this earlier, Frankie, all phenos, seem to just keep sprouting a few white hairs forever! Harvest 8 - 10 weeks per your preference for chems.

Lookin Good,


Awesome hit 58 days today and still has white pistils. Does this strain sometimes keep throwing white pistils up to harvest? Or wait it out? Guess it doesn’t matter I guess since I’m waiting for the lowers to cloud up and she’s coming down. Maybe 2-5 days tops.


Just a few picts. Better update in a couple days. They are doing their thing. Need to get in there and do some trimming and add another net. PH still dropping on me a bit :thinking:
Left side

Right side



Nice my girls at 61 days and it’s all I can do to not just go grab even though dark time lol.


At one week into flower they are making me nervous again on height. I’m sure there is plenty of stretch still coming. I’ve done this to myself every time. Need to get better at growing smaller plants. :rofl:


Well, who wants to do that!
Lol, is that net still in there somewhere?


Bending, lst, supercropping, and the way your tent looks id think scrog would work great as well. Big bushey girls looking good. :+1:


So day 63 from flip these pics but didn’t get to chopping. So cutting today bad pics but will get more of an idea of size when hanging from hangers. 2 gal pot and she has some major size. Caught a few nuts around week 4-5f. Lots of white pistils thinking it’s from the heat a little foxtailing but trics to bottom half of plant say it’s time.

edit: I’m not a dirt bag lol I just finished up potting 2/3s of my long flowers so excuse filthy


Great work @420noob! I predict you’re going to have a Very Happy Harvest!!!

When is the Chop Date?


yesterday day 64. I topped ole girl but look what grew out of the middle.


Can I ask what the difference is between Frankies daughter’s and Frankenstein? I know I read it but just can’t remember.