Frankie’s Daughters: Unpacking a Frozen Genome

GWE is a great site…
I still haven’t figured out their business model… :vulcan_salute: :smile:
Amazingly large volume of easily searchable information.

In fact, Nebula is indirectly responsible for me finding Overgrow… I was reading through one of her articles and noticed the Overgrow logo on a computer screen in a photo (I lurked on Overgrow 1.0).
Like most, I had checked once in a while but always ‘no joy’.
That prompted me to check again and I damn near tripped over my feet when I saw OG 2.0 was alive and well. :rofl:



Greetings from Labrador!

I finally got a decent connection to the InterSpew and wanted to offer up this interesting tidbit.

My pal @Jinglepot has had some major success growing out the Olive phenotype and he shared the update below with me. Apparently there is a set of conditions that allows our fussy dwarf Olive to flourish, so it can be done.

Here’s what Mr. Jingles has to say:

Olive is loving life! Sitting at around 5’ - 5.5’ tall.
She’s gone from being a picky eater do being a thirsty nutrient devouring
monster, lol I’ve been alternating between a simple 20-20-20 and GH nute
mixes. One thing is I noticed her roots developed way slower than all my other plants, once she had big roots I’d didn’t seem to matter what I fed her. My substrate is just Pro Mix HP, no additives

PS, @Jinglepot has been (in my opinion) permanently banned from posting on OG but he can still respond to DMs. So if you guys have questions or want to give him a hug, let er rip!


Well, this is quite the update of information for the finicky Olive. Interesting indeed.
I was wondering what happened to @Jinglepot
Gonna have to shoot a DM I suppose.


I guess I missed this all together.

Good point I caught one side of Convo so pull that post.oops

1 Like

Hey @Smoklahoma,

How is your “Monster” grow coming along? I reckon your room must be packed solid with Frankie Bud by now! :rofl:


Good to see ya bud. Ain’t seen ya around in a while!

Hey @GrouchyOldMan . Well right after the last update I spent the next week doing some trimming.

There were 3 piles like this taken out through the week. Might have thinned out the left side a bit much. Two weeks ago I noticed something going on with the plant on the right in the back.
Clipped a top out to inspect it thinking maybe bud rot but didn’t see any.
Best I could come up with was the root ball plugged the hole and choking itself out. Made some spacers to place over the holes.
The plant on the left side back had a stink in the bucket when installing spacer. Found this growing in the hose and rotten on the end. Cleared all hoses and installed all spacers added 50ml of orca to both reservoirs to get back on track. Couple days later I noticed a few branches on the olive looking one seemed to grow like 18 inches in about 3 to 4 days. Looked suspicious so I cut on out to inspect. Couldn’t find any nanners or flowers but it looked weird to me. Here they are as of yesterday, week 8 day 5, or 54 of flower.
Left side

Right side

Hopefully I can get thru the next couple weeks without much more problems and get a few oz of bud. :crossed_fingers::grin::green_heart:


Tried to take a couple picts after lights out this morning.

Buds looking good but I can definitely grow some ugly looking plants.


Good lord @Smoklahoma, you sure know how to fill a room to the brim!

Thanks for the great update, you have your hands full wrapping this one up. Good troubleshooting and response on your part. Every flavor of Frankie has been a wild and unruly beast and yours are no exception.

How are the trichomes looking on your buds? I found that going beyond 9 weeks of flower wasn’t productive. Frankie seemed happy to just keep on growing, but the buds didn’t get bigger or better.

I’m really looking forward to seeing your harvest play out. :+1: :+1:



We recently returned from a month on the road and I was pleased to find that both of my outdoor Frankie plants were thriving on the automated drip system and a handful of Osmocote dug in to the soil.

The question was what to do with these plants? I have about a pound of various Frankie flavors in the closet along with a big pile of dry sift and half a dozen dropper bottles of Frankie tincture, so I didn’t feel the need for more bud.

On the other hand, they are both robust specimens, one was a clone from JP’s original Frankie clone-only mother plant, and the other is a Hilda pheno from S1 seed. Both of em too good to waste.

In the end I saw an opportunity to do a big seed increase on the Hilda x Frankie clone backcross. I think those seeds were the most interesting outcome from my part of this project but I only harvested a limited supply, so this looks like a chance to make enough seeds to share around.

The smaller plant on the left is my last original Frankie clone mother plant. I’ve applied four doses of STS to the red-tagged branches and I expect to see boy parts developing soon. The taller plant on the right is a Hilda pheno that has had a rough history, but is now beginning to flower. Match made in CannaHeaven!

My hope is to keep these two snuggled up together for a full blown open pollination over the next month or so. Cape Cod weather can be brutal for outdoor plants nearing harvest so pests, bud rot and other bad news could spoil the party. Fingers crossed they make it through.

-Grouchy :v: :green_heart:


Thanks man, it’s been interesting for sure. Checked the tricombs last night and they look to be about 70% milky, 30% clear. Mixed up fresh batch of ripening nutes and dropped temp to 70 deg. Just going to ride these girls to the finish line.:grin::green_heart:


Glad you found that nasty bit of root clogging your line nice save. Those plants are beautiful man at least the most important parts are :rofl::rofl:. I’ve limped a few plants across the finish line the were not ones to take pics of but dry and trim they were some gorgeous plants! Nice job.


Good morning @GrouchyOldMan and OG Family. Today is the day. It’s been 137 days since germ. Week 10 day 4 of flower. Definitely got 3 different phenos. Different bud structure, smell, and ripeness. These are the last picts before harvest.



Beastly buds!!

Congrats! :+1:



Here’s a thread to check out @NDNCHILD for Frankenstein it’ll be explained in first couple posts.


I made it out of jail! :partying_face: :grin: Took right at 26hrs. Just pushed straight through till it was done. Very pleased so far. No signs of herm or anything funky during trim.


That’s hardcore bro.
Fresh outta likes! :heart::slightly_smiling_face:


Totally inspiring grow and harvest Smokie! Very well done. Hope you didn’t get Carpal Tunnel wrist from that marathon trim job!

Also glad that you didn’t find any hint of intersex traits. You mentioned three phenotypes, can you explain that a bit? Any characteristic pictures that show the differences?

Some serious poundage hangin and dryin there. Any guesses yet at a dried weight total?


Serious poundage indeed - for those who don’t know his set up … take a look at the images - that is left, left & right, right views in the grow room. NOW THAT is some serious=ly good growing! Nice job bud!!!
1+3= full grow room & 2+4= full grow room