Frankie’s Daughters: Unpacking a Frozen Genome

Heroic effort on your part! :+1:


Thanks guys. It’s was an interesting grow for sure. They turned out to be Monsters. I’m really happy I just made it to the end without killing one.:laughing: As for guessing dry weight, I was shooting for the PPP method. Should be pretty close, 3 1/2 pounds maybe 4. Might have jumped the gun on the 3 phenos, it just seemed like 3 different looking and smelling plants.
Left side

Plant A seamed to have 6 to 8 inches between nodes and kept growing thru the light and didn’t seem to stop. Bud rub smells kinda like pineapple sweet. Completely covered with Long white hairs and a little spongy. The trics stayed milky and didn’t want to change.

Plant B nodes were like 3 to 4 inched apart. Bud rub smells like sour grapefruit maybe. Not as many hairs and very firm. Purple tint to the buds and 4 or 5 colas had purple leaves. The trics ripened as expected.

Right side

Plant C looked and smelled identical to Plant B.

Plant D had alot of long red hairs with no purple. Nodes were about 3 to 4 inches apart. Bud rub smells like mild funky cheese, not sweet or sour. Firm buds with trics a little ripper than Plant A

Hopes this helps @GrouchyOldMan :grin::green_heart:


Excellent report on the phenotype expressions @Smoklahoma. Thank you for taking the time to elaborate.

Here’s a pic of my Hilda trichs from the march harvest. It’s hard to say but I’m thinking she looks closest to your Plant “A” mostly because the trichome stalks are shorter and thicker thank your B,C, & D plants.

I hope you’ll be able to separate a little of each for smoke sampling once they are ready.

You did the work, now enjoy the ride! :+1: :+1: :star_struck:


Greetings All,
It has been awhile since we’ve talked about Frankie’s Daughter Olive so I thought it might be fun to share the story of my Outdoor Olive.

This plant started life as a clone cut off the original Olive from a Fem Frankenstein S1 seed in December 2022. That plant is pictured in the opening post. Since then Olive phenotypes have displayed their strange cupped and curled leaves for us to appreciate or disparage. I’m a fan of freaky strains and Olive is a strange one indeed.

In emptying the room for my Fall grow I decided to flower out the remaining Frankie mother plants outside and the final Olive was among them. I tossed her in amongst my tomato plants back in June and basically ignored her since.

The tomato planter is on a drip system and I have given them a blast of Miracle Grow every few weeks, so Olive was basically on Tomato-schedule auto pilot. The surprise is that she loved it!

After three months of life among the veggies, Olive is five feet tall, four feet wide at the bottom and sprouting hundreds of healthy buds.

This completely different growing environment hasn’t affected her characteristic curled and cupped little leaves, or the general structure. If you didn’t know, you’d think the plant was sick, but she’s just the big version of runty, mutant little Olive.

New England in the Fall is an outdoor grower’s nightmare, with every manner of bug, fungus and rot on the constant prowl for weakness. It’s hard to get an outdoor plant all the way through harvest. I’m fighting leaf miners, caterpillars, and the first sign of bud rot on my other outdoor plants already. But Olive seems completely immune to everything. She’s weird looking but entirely healthy.

If that hardiness persists through harvest this could be a valuable trait to capture.

Does anyone else have an Olive pheno growing outdoors?

-Grouchy :v: :green_heart:


That looks like severe N tox. I know you said others had this happen so maybe this pheno is more sensitive and needs lower doses of food?

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That’s a reasonable thought @Kushking902. Olive has been grown in so many different environments and growing styles now (DWC, Octo, soil, indoors, outdoors…) that I think it is genetics rather than environment.

We have seen a couple of Olives that had both smooth and crinkled leaves whatever that signifies.

If I decide to propagate this one further maybe I’ll try an extremely low nute diet as an experiment.


That’s good to know. Maybe it is just genetics then. That pheno you got just made me think that right away. The pheno I got when I ran her was a beautiful beast. I didn’t know there were all these different phenotypes showing up. It’s definitely worth a shot to run a little lower ppms if you decide to keep her. I always like to tweak things when I keep something around but I’ve also had plants that’s acted how they wanted no matter what I tried lol.

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Nice grow room setup @Smoklahoma :+1:


Olive is a very unique looking girl.

Beautiful simplely amazing plants and yield! What did you think of the PPP method? Was it pretty easy to set-up the initial plant structure? After first couple weeks from flip was it pretty much running on auto pilot except to expose bud sites and what not? I’ve read and studied the whole process and it seems very simple just checking if it’s as easy as it seems? Thanks man and terrific grow!


I think she’s just gorgeous :palm_tree::green_heart:

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I love this plant I can’t wait to try some of the crosses!

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@420noob, JP’s Paralyzed Monster (Frankie x PPP) is a good candidate if you haven’t already tried it.

Yep, one thing we know for sure is that Fem Frankie is a prime candidate for some interesting crosses.

Speakin of which, I harvested a handful of FD Hilda x @Gpaw’s OGer Kush seeds but they’re going to have to wait awhile before they hit the dirt. If someone wanted to post a dedicated grow log I might be persuaded to part with a pack…

Anyone interested DM me with a specific plan.

-Grouchy :v: :green_heart:


He doesn’t have that cross listed but better believe I’m getting cora lips x Frankenstein and Skywalker x Frankenstein both fems!

Edit: frosted cobra not cobra lips! :joy:


I really like the PPP method. It is very simple to train. I have no where perfected it like my brother @BU2B but I’m getting there. I find it a little more work trying to wrangle them during flower in DWC than in soil. I dont think you can get a pound per plant in soil. But no matter what medium your growing in it will definitely increase the yield. My previous grow I did a side by side (tried dirt for the first time and failed miserably) and the dirt plant was less work and was easier to keep a flatter canopy it seemed.


Try it , I don’t think you’ll regret it.


So you started in not dirt that seems to be the opposite of the norm.:joy: Most people struggle more with hydro first more than dirt. Glad you started with a faster higher yielding method. My issue is temp it gets to hot for me to maintain a rez. Was thinking about hempy pot to get ties wet. I’m definitely gonna give it a try!

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My little Frankie


Hi Guys,

Presenting Frankie’s Daughter Hilda Bx.
These are next generation in this Frankie breeding project. They were created by pollinating a select Hilda pheno from the Feminized Frankenstein S1 seeds with selfed-pollen from an Original Frankenstein Clone via Johnnypotseed. This back crossed generation should guide our pheno hunt for a more stable “Frankie in a seed” generation. To the best of my knowledge, these are the first two FD Hilda Bx plants to be grown. Anywhere.

I selected one of these girls for an octopot grow. This one with a bit of variegation on that leaf might be interesting to watch. The other Hilda Bx will probably become a Hilda Bx-2 seed run if I can hit it with pollen from the Original Frankenstein Clone.

PS, Nice job @Uprangewilly! Those look healthy as can be.


Thank you. I will be cloning her today.


FD Hilda Bx1 Updates
Frankie’s Daughter Hilda Bx-1 has a nice set of roots in the octopot reservoir and I’ve started LST using @BU2B’s PPP routine. She was nipped between the third and fourth node and tied down. All the lower growth was removed and after a week of recovery, the growth nodes pointing downward were all removed.

The “Spare” Hilda Bx1 fem has an entirely different destiny! She is shacking up with a big balls reversed Frankie Clone in his Love Shack flowering tent.

If all goes well we will have Hilda Bx-2 seeds by Christmas. I’m hoping that the Bx2 generation will be stabilized, hermi-free, and a great candidate for future crosses with Hilda’s manageable structure and the Frankenstein chems.

Freshly uppotted and recovering from a pH screwup Hilda Bx1

An original JP Frankenstein Clone reversed with STS.

The Love Shack is where any additional Female plants are headed. The smallest in this pic is an OGer fem destined for OGer x Frankie F1 seeds.

-Grouchy :v: :green_heart: :sunglasses: