Frankie’s Daughters: Unpacking a Frozen Genome

Can you please tell me what you can about the Hilda strain? How did it get its name? What is the cross? What are the effects?
Thank you!


:rofl: Sure, glad to help,
Start Here:

Welcome to the Show!
PS, “The Effects” are Good, very Good!

[Edit: Sorry if that sounded unduly snarky @dragon, unintended. The entire story begins in the Opening Post above. :green_heart:


The Frankenstein strain fires on all cylinders so far I’ve heard only good things from anyone who has grown them. The Hilda pheno is unique not the pheno I had but I wish I kept cuttings. This girl is :fire: so I imagine the Hilda is there as well l.


No it didnt. I found the hildagiggles post. :+1: I have a friend named Hilda so the name caught my eye. Thanks for the cool thread and your good work. Might try that out someday.


This Frankie Original Clone was reversed with STS and is stacking some sacks.


And here is the fecund female, Frankie’s Daughter Hilda ready to make Bx-2 seeds.

She has a perfectly regular branching and so far zero sign of intersex. Smells pretty nice too after two weeks of flower.




Frankenstein’s Daughter Hilda BX-2 Pollination
I made my first pass at pollinating a Hilda BX-1 female with fresh pollen from an original Frankenstein clone this week. I’ll do another pollination session next week and call it done.

Here are some notes on the process.

The pollen donor is one of the many Frankie clone moms I’ve made over the last 18 months. She emerged from the bonsai mom dungeon into the light and was reversed with STS about seven weeks ago. The pollen laden flowers are beginning to drop their golden dust.

My technique for collecting pollen is a mashup of good ideas from more expert growers. I like to keep the donor growing during pollen collection, and I lean the entire plant & pot over a large stainless steel bowl to collect the droppings.

This tape keeps the soil in the pot while allowing me to feed and water easily through the open slot.

This little ultrasonic Sonicare Battery toothbrush is a game changer for pollen collection.

Merely touching the brush to a clump of male flowers causes any that are ready to dump pollen and fall into the bowl.

The contents of the bowl are carefully swept into the Pollen Shaker.

The pollen shaker has a large top compartment for raw pollen and harvested flowers. The top section is separated from the bottom compartment by a fine screen that lets the pollen fall through while keeping the plant material and other contaminates out.

The lower section is checked to see how much was collected. I place a square of parchment paper in the bottom section to collect the pollen.

The fewer surfaces the pollen touches the better. So this paper is the last thing to touch the pollen before storage. It will be folded and stored in a glassine envelope once it is covered in pollen.

This plant isn’t particularly productive, the yellow dust is a typical day’s worth of collection. Most male flowers (Anthers) haven’t opened up yet.

This well-sealed ammo box includes a small dehumidifier, the pollen shaker and the paper coin envelopes that will store the collected pollen. The humidity in this box stays in the 30% RH range so the collected pollen stays dry to ensure viability.

All that’s left is to dust the female pistils with a fine brush, wait a few hours, then spray her down to deactivate the pollen before she rejoins her girlfriends in the tent!

Our fecund female before her hot date:

And, The Morning After

You can see a few pollen specks on the surrounding leaves. Every one of those pistils with a shrunken body, or bent tip is busy transporting a bit of pollen down to the ovum below where a seed will develop.

A Glorious Gathering of the Gametes!

As a famous OGer is fond of saying, “SS/BW,”


Well, I guess I’m doing something right.

Your pollen collection techniques look almost identical to mine! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

1 Like

Excellent job on the pollen collecting tutorial!! :+1:
Good tip with the S/S bowl, that’s a tricky part of the process for me.

One anomaly I see… 30% RH is higher than I get (<10%), double check the seal on the ammo box.



Just a quick update.

I’m lovin this Frankie’s Daughter Hilda Bx 1 plant. The structure is solid and she is hardy and tolerant of training abuse. I have one Bx 1 fem spread out in a scrog and another that looks to be fully pollinated for Bx 2. Ripening seed pods everywhere, harvest mid December.

I believe the Bx 2 generation is going to be my basis for future crosses, assuming the Frankie chems have survived intact.

Due to time constraints, these plants only vegged for three weeks before I switched to flower lighting.

FD Hilda Bx1

Bx1 - Seeded


Here’s the first Frankie’s Daughter Bx-2 seed.

I’ve plucked a few more Bx-2 seeds now and they all look healthy, six weeks after pollination, so I chopped the seed mom yesterday and hung it to dry.

Hoping for a big pile of beans to share around.



@GrouchyOldMan …very Nice Job ,very fine thread ,I have to read again ,very informative, as I have one Frankie outdoors ,Lat 28 ,Central florida ,I’d like to clone an also so herb …
Nice to meet you ima oldschoolFart from the seventies ,composer, growing green , I’m stuck to field growing…Peace ,be safe…thanks


Nice you bred that hilda pheno to stable and solid plant. Well done so a great cultivar.


Hey Everyone,
Welcome to 2024, I’m happy to be Overgrowing with you!

I’ve kinda gone quiet on the progress with Frankie’s Daughters, but progress there has been.

I wanted to share another milestone today.
Here are the first born seedlings from Frankenstein’s Daughter Bx3 seeds.

It’s too soon to say much of anything about this next generation except that the seeds are viable and the seedlings seem robust. The wild variation in height is more a result of time and conditions. There’s even a tiny third plant just emerging if you look closely.

So, there you have it. I do have a few Bx3 seeds up for adoption, DM me if you are interested.

-Grouchy :v: :green_heart:


After binge-reading this topic over the last two days, I have to say “thank you”! This was an incredibly interesting read and I learned a lot. This was just what I needed as someone who’s trying to learn more about cannabis breeding, as well as someone who’s interested in Frankenstein.

This was awesome. Thanks for the invite!


Well, thanks to you for taking the time. It’s very gratifying that you found it of value.

Best of luck with your own Frankie grows.

OverGrowing Together,
-Grouchy :v: :green_heart:


Looking great buddy. Bx3? That is an amazing milestone! I’m very excited to see what comes of Frankie’s daughter’s.

Oh, I’m very interested. :wink:


So much to read, so much to consider. I will be at this binge for days. @GrouchyOldMan appreciate the link!


Hello Friends,

I come bearing news,.Another generation of Frankenstein’s Daughters is in the making.

I selected the two most robust and nicely structured phenotypes of the BX4 seeds and reversed one to produce pollen. I am currently collecting that pollen and will be inseminating the younger sister (three weeks into flower) for a next generation, and the first of an Inbred line.

Here’s Daddy,

Pollen Milking

And the fair maiden, ripe for plucking!

So, yeah. Five generations recycling and refining this unique genome of a clone only cultivar.

Thanks for staying tuned in.

-Grouchy :v: :green_heart:
PS, @BU2B @Gpaw @420noob @blowdout2269 @Bobgrows @Papalag @firehead


Nice :+1: work my friend


Now THAT’S exciting stuff! Thanks for the update!