Frankie’s Daughters: Unpacking a Frozen Genome

Fabulous work my friend!


A heartfelt thanks to y’all, from my grouchy old heart.

This project, such as it is, wouldn’t have been possible anywhere else but here on Overgrow.

Jus Sayin,
-Grouchy :v: :green_heart:


Sadly, I think you are correct (not so much from personal experience, but from comments other folks have expressed here)…

Be that as it may, you are ‘knocking them out of the park’:+1:



Great work get this amazing strain dialed in! I just got to try the olive pheno and someone elses frankie flower wow! very stable

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Here’s the Olive 🫒
6 oz + sugar leaf, popcorn buds and give aways

I think I see a pressing future for her :grin:


Olive Revealed as a Beast by Research Scientist @BU2B!

With the kind permission of my long time friend and partner @BU2B, I wanted to collect and annotate the surprising results he has achieved with his winter grow of Frankenstein’s Daughter Olive.

The seed he germinated produced the familiar and easily identifiable phenotype expression that we’ve been calling Olive. I’ve grown dozens of Olive phenos but I haven’t seen her like this before. I had one Olive, transplanted outdoors, that surprised the hell out of me, making me reassess her status as a “Runt!” @bu2b’s grow confirms that.

It seems that when Olive gets conditions she likes, she’ll grow big and hearty. And that, puts her back in the “Interesting” category. Besides the mold, bug and frost tolerance of my successful outdoor Olive, I got useable, enjoyable bud, and so did BU2B.

Here are some notes from BU2B’s Olive triumph.
This grow began in early January 2024 and was harvested in late March.

Olive is in the back here, still getting settled in.

Classic Olive features: cringly & cupped leaves.

An olive update … she’s a pain to grow but she sure smells nice :heart:

The harvest!

A summary and smoke report from the Man Hisself @BU2B:

Just like Hilda - Olive is a sweety. I will have to agree with your assessment though that she doesn’t have the body high that you get with the Hilda pheno - but her sativa traits come out nicely in a bowl. I think it’s much more of a Sativa Head High than Hilda. This is the kind of smoke that would be great for a group get together - babble up a storm - smile and giggle and forget it all when the smoke clears in the morning.


Its funny im doing a run of some Frankie Fems as we speak and i see alot of variations and a lot of similarities as well.Frankie has a very colorful personality as i like to call it and all of it beautiful in some wierd and magic way.My last years outdoor showcase had a nice Monster bush Pheno that tossed out Kolas like sabers at a Calvary wedding.This run the night is young and these guys are about a month old and so far i found a Nice bushy Squat one and the wierdo i call it.Throws out spindly spider leaves that are krinkly that widen out with krinkle still but not like your krinkle so much.Its well just a wierdo i normally would have probably culled this one but the smell on this thing at how small it is is disturbing It could stop birdshit in mid air.I can smell this one over my flower tent right now and it has a greasyness to it i saw a leaf i plucked off it and rolled it in a ball and tossed it at my fridge door and it stuck like a bandaid.Scent is Strong Frankie smell with a greasy piney champange grapey note that ends with a loud Earth funk.There was no way i wasnt gonna try and grow that one brother believe me.


I love that quote :slight_smile: though I do think is’t supposed to be Cavalry but whatever works! lol


That is nice turn of phrase @CapnCannabis! And some impressive results with those Phat Colas!

I hope you’ll drop a few more pics of your harvest. We’re still looking for undiscovered phenotypes so “krinkle still but not like your krinkle” is certainly interesting. The Olive Krinkle comes with some surprising pest and fungi resistance, did yours show any hint of that?

Hang out, share your pics. You’re welcome here.
-Grouchy :v: :green_heart:


Have a look


Looks a bit rough but plant is healthy and happy for the most part the krinkly spider leaves catches me off guard not used to that one shes having a growth spurt right now


All the Frankie ive grown out has been bullet proof to PM and Botrytis i was quite impressed because of how thick the buds were.Aphids did like her a bit but i had an army of ladybugs best year ive ever seen BTW and i had about 8 praying mantises that left me 6 Oothecas So i guess i can say hi to the kids soon.Predators cleaned house so wasnt an issue they wiped them out


Olive and MAG - Together again!

I love these girls 🫶🏽 lol


Damn man you have a press as well! Hmmmm :thinking::rofl:. Looks good. Guess what olive and mag together here as well!



Here’s a first look at the fifth generation of Frankenstein’s Daughters.

Here’s the happy couple, male on the left, seed momma on the right.

A closer look at our pollen donor, a Hilda pheno reversed with STS

And two of the newborn ripening seeds popping out of their pouch.

This was a 12/12 from seed grow which is why they are both so small.

For the time being, I’m focusing on inline breeding of the Hilda phenotype since it is closer to the the structure, potency, and yield envisioned.

Since this is a Hilda x Hilda seed run, I’m not sure if it should still be called a Back Cross or and Inline Cross? I think “IX” would be most accurate since we have departed from the original Frankie clone, to follow the Hilda pheno. Others may disagree since the terminology is pretty slippery.



LOL, whatever it is… it’s getting more complicated than hillbilly genealogy… :laughing: :+1:



This looks a lot like the runty plant from my WidowMaker grow.


Hillbilly genealogy ain’t that complicated. Everyone’s a cousin.


Killing it with the Hilda @GrouchyOldMan


She is growing out of it though not as good as her sister this one might just suprise me the smell is off the charts and probably the loudest thing i have in my garden i get the heebee jeebees just smelling it when i brush up against it