Frankie’s Daughters: Unpacking a Frozen Genome

Is that olive pheno with the crinkled leaves?


Haven’t had the olive yet my last frankie was a Banana bud throwing monster these two are a touch different the vigor is definitely there and the big one has that classic frankie smell i see some similarities in the krinkle thing side by side almost Two different plants


What a thing of beauty @GrouchyOldMan

This is a really deep dive into the world of genetics and growing…I am just happy my first grow had a nice harvest.


That’s how it starts…

Then you will get an itch for lack of a better description… Perhaps you will find a random seed in your harvest and then the urge will set in to pop it next grow… you know, just to see what you get…:wink:

Sometime later, you will get the persistent thought about the potency of plant “A” combined with the terps of plant “B” and you are just about hooked… que Nancy Regan… :sunglasses:



I’ve found and a few others have found nanners early in flower very easy to pluck usually on the lowers then smooth sailing.

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If i find them ill rip them off johnny has a hell of a time reversing frankie something tells me the pollen from those nanners is damn near sterile.Im not going to worry too much if it be so them i look forward to a couple Fem beans.I swear ive had some plants that toss a few nanners and you get like maybe 15 to 30 beans per plant and ive had some that knocked up the whole tent and made a couple thousand.I had it happen with a GG4 plant and i had so many beans i filled a mason jar with seeds.


I had a dream that my runty plant has a hidden seed or two.


Just a quick update.

The fifth generation of backcross seeds have been harvested and dried. About 80 seeds from the female x reversed male pictured above and another 100 or so from the reversed male who self pollinated.

I consider the Fem x reversed Male seeds to be the first generation of an inbred line. The selfed seeds from the reversed male are technically S-1. All these seeds are feminized without a natural male ancestor.


I will continue keeping an original Clone-only Frankenstein mother plant, but going forward it will be all about selective pressure on the Hilda phenotype using line-breeding until I feel that the goal is reached.

The goal of this project remains the creation of a stable breed-mare line of feminized seeds with good structure, decent yield and that unique Frankenstein chemovar.

The next step is to create a mother plant from among these BX 5 seeds. I’m not sure whether to use the S1 seeds from the male, or the IL seeds from the female, so I’m soaking a selection of each. Combination germination test and pheno hunt!

I’ll grow these out for a month or so then narrow the field before picking the best as a mom plant to produce clones for future in-line breeding pollen.

I’m also sending some of these seeds out to a couple friends for testers, so we’ll see how those fare.

-Grouchy :v: :green_heart:
PS, I’m way out of my depth dabbling at this level of breeding, just parroting the @Tonygreen IBL technique as best I can. If anyone sees a glaring flaw in my reasoning pls feel free to let me know.


This is some high brow stuff here. I read it twice and will have to read it twice more. It warms my heart to know there are dedicated growers producing for the future.


I have no idea on ibl but keep it up man! It’s a great strain and seems all you can do is make it better! Love your work and what a great strain to be working with to start.


Not to kiss your ass, but this is one of my favorite threads currently going here. I was recently wondering when we’d hear something new.

Thanks for the update!


Thanks @Trimeresurus, glad to have you along!

-Grouchy :v:t2::green_heart:


A Special Moment to share with you.

I’m pleased to report that the 5th generation seeds of Frankenstein’s Daughters are sprouting vigorous taproot tails.

I wonder if it is the case with other breeding projects, but I sweat each new batch of seeds until I see a few shuck off their helmets and sprout a few true leaves.

I sowed four each of the IL & BX seeds and after 36 hours three have burst their seed coats.

Let’s see, the prep was a 24 hour soak in spring water with a drop of hydrogen perox, and a foliar splash of SuperThrive.


They were then placed in paper towel and soaked with the mister. Each was placed inside a ziploc bag then into a gently heated germination tray the plastic dome is regularly misted to max the humidity.

Here are the two S1 BX seeds that sprouted.

And this bad boy from the Inline (IL) seeds.

The sprouted beans were quickly moved to Rapid Rooter cubes that had been impregnated with Rhizotonic & SuperThrive mist. I split the cubes for easy placement.

A single 10x20 tray handles the rooter cubes and the remaining ziplocs with hydrating seeds.

So, yeah.
-Grouchy :v: :green_heart:


Prof grouch: ((quietest mic drop))


Great workplace setup!
…puts me to shame… :rofl: :+1:



Good stuff man and great documentation!

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Yasssss you go on brotha


Wow, nice to see you here Maestro!

I’m attempting to follow your pollen-colored roadmap to RIL in spirit, if not in specifics. Your threads have been reliable guideposts along the way.

Especially This: a recommended read for anyone interested in CannaBreeding:

If you have any sage comments on my project pls weigh in. I’d love to learn what you’d do with this from here…

Stop by again Hermano,
-Grouchy :v: :green_heart:


Breed like phenos to like phenos and lock in everything you love in your selections. More work done here than Seedjunky ever did I reckon


That’s the Plan Man!

Wise words from @Tonygreen:

I’m planing to give the “Best BX or IL Mom” a little more time to guide the line, but selective pressure on the best examples of the traits we want is the Prime Directive here.

Here’s something new;
I’ve been making a point of consuming some of the flower harvest from BX5 and the effects are really really good! Both the dry-flower vape and the tincture produce the very best of the Frankie high; mellow but focused, trippy without any loss of control. I dosed my morning coffee with two droppers (~1 ml) of BX5 tincture this mornin and for hours I was soarin.

Basically, JP’s own description could be accurate: “The High you never get tired of!”

*I have a lot of other herb on hand and I don’t feel that way about any of the rest of it.

Jus Sayin,
-Grouchy :v: :green_heart:

The new ViparSpectra XS lights are lensed for even and specific coverage. I believe I can have two different light regimes in the same tent with these flames. 18/6, 200 ppfd, 10 DLI for these little ones. I’m pushing these seedlings BC I think they can handle it.