Frankie’s Daughters: Unpacking a Frozen Genome

Rapid PhenoTyping

Just a few notes and pics of the next generation of Frankenstein’s Daughters. If you’ve plowed through this entire thread you know that each chapter of this story is written in months rather than days or weeks… So here’s a month’s worth of progress, and a view of the road ahead.

But first, let’s put the original Frankie Mom plant to bed since her services won’t be needed for awhile. She’ll end up in an octopup on autofeed under bonsai mother plant conditions. Longer term, I’ll prune out dozens of cuts every few weeks, to keep her healthy… It’s actually sad and annoying to throw such genetic treasure in the compost pile! Lol

I think this mom is from one of the original tiny cuts I got from JP over two years ago. She’s recovering nicely from a root pruning and a severe trim.

The “Mom House,” is a rusty old Karate school gear locker providing150 ppfd via fluorescent bulbs, no fan or other enviros. The result is low heat, low watts lighting, and a low maintenance environment. Starved and carved and locked in a cage! Yep, it Suks to be a bonsai Mom,

I’m experimenting with a breeding technique I’ll call Rapid Phenotyping. It’s still a work in progress so, we’ll see how it unfolds before explicating further. Here’s the process to date.

I created two Frankenstein’s Daughters BX5 seed-lines and I have been germinating them in batches over the last month and searching for the traits I admire for this generation. Mostly looking for structure at this point as potency and yield are locked in already… (Genealogy chart below)

Here’s one of the first germination batches, two each of the BX & IL seedlings. SuperThrive and RhizoTonic vitamins at the ready!

Here are some more candidates from different batches, the tall one in this pic is from the BX line. As you can see here, they are pretty heterozygous structurally,: Spindly shoots that branch out nicely. and a symmetrical branching that should be easy to train. They don’t look much like the original Frankie clone, do they?

We also had some runts and duds, but overall the successful germination rate was 80%

After a few batches I found a very robust individual from the BX line. That tall plant has everything I’m looking for.

After multiple runs, I selected two promising candidates for the next seed runs. On the left is the future Inline (IL) mother plant On the right the future mom of the BX line. The size difference just reflects their germination dates.

The BX Mother plant

The Inbred Line (IL), Mother plant:

These will both end up in octopuppy pots like the Frankie clone mom at the top.

I intend to keep the two seed-lines separate until I can grow clones & seeds from each out to harvest.

Here’s a rough sketch of the Frankenstein’s Daughters project thus far.


Incredible. Thank you for sharing all of this.

One of the most interesting threads on breeding I’ve run into.

All your work is very very appreciated :pray:


Thank you for that @setgoals, It means more to me than you’d probably guess!

That also goes for the rest of you who have been tracking my progress. Breeding is a lonely business and it’s rewarding to know folks are following along.

I have a scheme in mind for this Rapid Phenotyping process that I think y’all will find interesting, so stay tuned!

-Grouchy :v: :green_heart:


Wowowow! @GrouchyOldMan you are using God’s Alchemy to create some fire over here. I’m so impressed. Very interesting to follow you working with this highly heterozygous polyhybrid! That’s sooo cool :fire::fire::fire:

The choice of doing recurring BXs in this amount also intrigue me. Are you experiencing increase in homozygous for each bx round and are the traits you are selecting for locking in more for each round?

Pz :v:t2:


Outstanding work and documentation @GrouchyOldMan! :+1: :green_heart:


Holy crap!

It didn’t hit me until I saw the chart, just how much work you have been putting into this… :+1:

You are doing the full Cinderella 99 treatment… :exploding_head:
More power to ya buddy!



Yo Bro,
You were in from the beginning @Gpaw, you grew the Wild Child S1 Frankie seeds! And had a nice harvest from BX2?

Soul Bro thou art!

I recall you liked the smoke from those early Frankie grows, but never got a real smoke report.

I’ve always felt the Frankie high was unique in some ways, did you get that? (Not ta put ya on the spot Lol)



That it is! …and the taste is very special as well.
All in all a very standout plant. Definitely on my list for: “Which 3 strains would you take to a desert island?”
(…that could be an interesting thread?..)

LOL, but I know I’m ‘preaching to the choir’… :wink:

So… Frankenstein99 ?



If you just misted the budsite do you wait for it to try before you pollinate it again? Or are you saying your sprayed it with water again ? Sorry

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Dusted twice, sprayed twice. Then next day Dusted Twice, sprayed down really well and returned to the Grow Room.

Thanks for asking @seeds2weeds. You’re not the first to ask that. But that was a very mission critical pollenation. Usually one cycle does the job.

BTW, somewhere up above I think I describe a pollen collection. Seek and ye shall…


Awesome work and great progress report!


Great gear for a great price.



True that! :arrow_heading_up: :+1:
I’ve run Johnny’s gear; you will not go wrong…



Everything I’ve grown of @JohnnyPotseed has been stellar. Amazing genetics at rock bottom prices! You can’t beat the price but great genetics consistently is truely a step above the rest. The selection is pretty amazing as well. Frankenstein I have to say everyone needs to try at least once. I’ve grown 2 and they were very consistent genetics, they grew the same, same smells, same vigor, and same incredible potency. Cheers brother! I hope you mend quickly.