Frankie’s Daughters: Unpacking a Frozen Genome

Color me green with envy on all counts :+1:t3:
Congrats; the Man and the Monster - nice double whammy! :v:

Out of likes … I’ll be back


Hey @George, Thanks for stopping by!
This one is for you and the others who root for the UnderDawg runts and freaks of our CannaWorld!

Frankie’s Daughter Olive is alive, hitting her stride and starting to thrive!

Despite looking like a bad bet as a youngster, she never stopped growing and showed a strong tolerance for my inattention during a nasty pH spike when the local water mains were flushed mid-flower. That was a setback for the other plants, but Olive didn’t even seem to notice!

She’s not so tiny any longer either, over two feet tall and almost as wide. She’s loaded with dozens of frosty budsites.

The colas are modest in size but hard packed

It remains to be seen what chems are developing, but there are plenty of em!

The olive seeds were sprouted last and didn’t veg as long as her big sis. I reckon she’s still a week or so from harvest.

She does kinda look like PopEye’s girlfriend, doesn’t she? lol



Just found your thread and it’s really helpful as I get ready to take this same journey with selective pollination. Thanks for the great details and pics of your process. Hope you end up with some great new crosses and the sinsimelia you want as well.


Hey @FirstCavApache64,

Just thought I’d like to share some inspiration for your selective pollination seed run.

I’m at the other end of that road, collecting seeds today, and it looks like at least four of my six pollination “honeymoons” produced offspring.


I’ve been rotating between the different seeded branches to get a sense of what they are yielding, so some of the plastic bags have way less than others at this point. Where there is one there will be (at least some) more.

But it looks like these all worked so I’m pleased. The downside is that grubbing small seeds out of sticky green bud just has to be the very worst cannabis operation! I’d rather sit in trim jail all day than spend an hour shredding perfectly beautiful bud for seeds! :unamused:

Getting stoned doesn’t make it any easier either. lol

The seed mom for the last two crosses is an Olive pheno and she isn’t nearly ready yet for mature seeds. Another week or two I think.



Congratulations on the seed haul! I have nerve damage that causes my hands to shake, some days barely noticeable and others it looks like I mainlined espresso. I’m worried about a badly timed twitch sending pollen everywhere so I’m working on a bag plan to isolate a few branches for dusting while protecting the rest of the plant from possible pollen apocalypse. I’m looking forward to the learning experience I’ll get with this and if I get some good NL x Blue Kush seeds out of it it will be a bonus.


Though not funny, this made me chuckle. :wink::+1:


Totally meant to be funny, if you can’t laugh at yourself or just life in general you’re going to be very unhappy I’ve found. I’m a helluva drink maker if you need a shaken martini, so I got that going for me😁.


Frankensteins Daughter Flowering Week 2

She’s starting to change from skunk scent to sweet and delicious


Welcome Friends,
It has been over a year now since I purchased four tiny Frankenstein cuts from Johnnypotseed and it is time to wrap things up for this grow and the Frankenstein’s Daughters breeding project. I’d like to sum up what was learned and offer such advice and tips as come to mind.

Let’s talk Seeds
From the beginning, this project was all about seeds. First up was creating the first feminized seeds from the Frankenstein clone-only cuts. The next step was growing enough of those seeds out to reveal the primary phenotypes expressed. The final goal was to create some entirely new seed lines in an attempt to re-create Frankie in seed form as well as do a couple of F1 crossings with @Gpaw’s OGer Kush pollen. That was achieved through a series of selective pollinations intended to produce a modest quantity of seeds as well as unseeded bud for sampling.

With help from a few great OG friends, each of those goals have been accomplished.
I have collected between 20-50 mature seeds from each of these crosses:

  • Frankenstein clone x Reversed Frankie clone (selfed Fem S1 seeds)
  • Frankie’s Daughter Hilda x Reversed Frankie clone, (BX1 Backcross, Fem seeds)
  • Frankie’s Daughter Hilda x OGer Kush Pollen (Regular F1 seeds)
  • Frankenstein clone x OGer Kush Pollen (Regular F1 seeds)

This cross produced one lonely seed: Frankie’s Daughter Olive x Reversed Frankie clone. And sadly, I couldn’t even find one seed in this cross: Frankie’s Daughter Olive x OGer Kush Pollen

That’s about what I expected except in the case of the Olive pollinations. Since the Olive plant was dusted with the same pollens and in the same way as the Hilda plants, I assume that Olive is just not a viable seed producer. Since we got one seed I believe the plant isn’t completely infertile, so perhaps a much heavier pollination would work, or maybe waiting until Olive is deeper into flowering?

Here’s a pic of my selective pollination seed harvest.

Bud Harvest
Even though bud yield wasn’t the goal for this grow I was still pleased with a few full jars, and the harvest isn’t complete yet. The take home message was that Hilda is capable of producing big heavy buds with plenty of frosting.

Hilda unseeded buds

What’s left in the grow room?
I still have a specimen Olive and a small Frankie clone left to harvest.

Frankie clone in final blush

Meanwhile my unseeded “Specimen” Olive pheno is approaching harvest. Olive was an odd little runt to the end. She produced credible buds covered with trichomes and she was extremely robust and easy to grow. Nevertheless, I reckon most growers would likely cull the Olive phenotype rather than bother with this odd but interesting plant.

Olive, the interesting runt!

The Leftovers
I still have a few “extras” in the mom tent: one of the original Frankenstein clones, a stretchy Hilda, and a young young Olive from seed that has developed smooth leaves. All of these are headed for the outdoors on May first.

Smoke Report?
Not really. All I can say at this point is that both the Hilda & Olive phenos have some very potent chems! I’d say the effect is more sedative and relaxing with about the same potency as the Frankie clone-only parent. The full potential and character of these first Gen daughters won’t be known until we have some fully cured jars to work with.

Did we "Unpack a Frozen Genome?"
Partially I think. The two dominant phenotypes that the S1 seeds expressed indicate that the hyper-hybridized Frankenstein clone isn’t particularly stable. I had hoped to organize a large scale pheno hunt with the S1 seeds I created but the interest wasn’t forthcoming. Many others are now growing Fem Frankie S1 and I suspect we haven’t seen the entire menu of Fem Frankie S1 phenotypes yet. More “unpacking” to follow.

On the other hand, these second generation backcross seeds may move us forward to “Frankenstein in a seed,” and Frankie’s Daughter Hilda x OGer Kush should be a savory combination.

What’s Next?
For me, nothing much. At least not in the near future. I need a break and we have some major travel ahead, so until next Fall I’m AWOL, from growing at least. There are enough second generation seeds to carry this forward and I’m open to suggestions.

I’d like to offer a sincere thanks to those who have followed this project. Breeding is hard work and your support was more valuable than you probably supposed.

Saludos y pesetas a todos mis amigos!
-Grouchy :v: :green_heart:
PS, A major Hat tip to @BU2B, @Gpaw, @ReikoX, @blowdout2269, @420noob, @Longtooth, @FirstCavApache64, @HumblePie420, @Pigeonman, @CanuckistanPete, @Heliosphear, @Franklin, and the rest of you who supported this project in ways large and small.


So stoked to follow along, and I’ll be unpacking at least one S1 seed in the coming months! Thank you for this ride.


:rofl: :rofl: :crazy_face: :wink: :scream:
I really gotta say, you are the only person, ever, to say this!!

Frankenstein is one of the most stable strains you’d want to see!
Almost impossible to make hermie, kick her in the ass and she performs even more! lol I’m outta here!


I think he was trying to say it isn’t stable genetically,not that it throws intersex traits. It would probably be better said, the Frankenstein clone isn’t very homozygous. :wink:


Thank you @ReikoX, that is exactly what I was trying to say and it’s what I found in the course of this project.


I’ve followed enough of this frankie adventure to convince me to pop some of those beans I won in the giveaway as soon as I can. I have already comitted my last seed pop till fall and my plate is stacked full in the greenhouse this summer. Winter is where i get to play with a higher plant count indoors (100+) so when I start popping Frankie S1 beans from @GrouchyOldMan , I will be sure to tag you guys. Still waiting on the mail but I’ll let ya know when they land :wink:


@GrouchyOldMan I’m super impressed with you STS endeavours. I would love to follow along another project by yours in the future :pray:t2:

Pz :v:t2:


I will get those beans out to you in the next day or two! Grouchy sent me the packs to distribute to folks. I’ll be getting your slapz out in the mail shortly as well. I’ve had contractor nightmares the last few days and man I’m regretting hiring people to have done my shit at this point that i could have done myself in hopes to save time. I’ll be back on mail duty tonight.


no hurries brother, take care of the important stuff in your life and don’t worry about being speedy on the mail :wink:


Seems to me the best (or rather, most unique) clone-only strains are going to be heterozygous, the best (most true breeding) F1 only are going to be heterozygous, and the best seed (true breeding are going to be homozygous. What the cannabis world really needs is some sort of genetic breeding chart that helps us understand which traits are expressed via genetic dominance versus recessive or heterozygous, and which traits are expressed as a combination of many other traits. I know that other breeders, like Dahlia breeders, have charts like this but I’ve never seen it for weed. For instance, it would be nice to establish whether certain smells are a result of dominance or recessive traits, or color, etc etc


I guess a further implication from this, that I think @JohnnyPotseed has been trying to say, is that some strains are always going to be clone only. By the word strain I mean a particular combination of salient traits. Frankenstein may be one of those strains that just cannot be replicated in seed form, if it is largely specific combinations of heterozygous pairs.


Well I’m a little late to the party as usual. I’ve been growing Frankie’s daughters for 4 weeks now. I agreed to do this test grow for @GrouchyOldMan several months ago but finally got a chance to try and grow these out. Thought I would use this thread to post where it is now and future updates. This is only my 4th growing attempt so I’ll be happy just to make it to the end without killing them all. First up a little about my set up. Plants will be growing in a Hydro system that is basically a ebb and flow but I run it as DWC. The grow room will be ran as a closed system with Co2 injection. Light source is a Timber Fatty-vs COB 950 watt LED. Going to do my best training the plants using the PPP method that my great friend @BU2B has perfected. I’ve never done a test grow for anyone so I’ll do my best to provide as much information as possible and try to grow some killer bud. So here we Grow!
April 4th dropped 5 mean beans in shot glass for 36 hrs then in paper towel in ziploc for 12 hrs all done on heat mat set to 80 deg.
April 6th All 5 popped and placed in rockwool cubes and back on heat mat.
April 10th Looks like I’ve got 2 stong one’s, 2 slow one’s, and 1 maybe. Potted the 2 stronger one’s, Hilda I’m guessing. Mixed up week 1 seedling strength nutes, set gas to 600 ppm, light at 20%, 30 inches from plants which gives them 220 ppfd.20230409_122111

April 12th Potted the 2 slower one’s probably olives. Set their light to the same as hildas.
April 16th Mixed up fresh nutes to week 2 seedling strength at 80%, increased gas to 1200 ppm, increased lights to 25% 280 ppfd. I’ll call the maybe one Toast as it’s not going to make it. Getting ready for my surgery.