Frankie’s Daughters: Unpacking a Frozen Genome

April 20th Got home from hospital and this is what I’ve got.
2 hildas

2 olives
System did ok for being unattended for 4 days.


April 25th Still doing OK. The ph in the olives resivor had dropped to 5.0 so I brought it back to 5.9
2 hildas

2 olives

April 30th Finally got to top hildas. Little late obviously. Hopefully they will be OK.

May 2nd Topped olives. Struggling with humidity as I ran out of distilled water.
Hildas didn’t slow down

May 4th Got humidity back up and increased temp to 88 deg to try and get a better VPD.

So that’s where we’re at :grin::green_heart::crossed_fingers:


What a great surprise to check in here and find a new grow well underway. :+1: :+1:

Welcome @Smoklahoma, love your setup and I am looking forward to seeing this story unfold. They look beautiful as happy plants should.

Please make yourself at home and post as much and as often as you like.

Best Regards
-Grouchy :v: :green_heart:.


Yes, I’m with Grouchy. Keep us updated!


Since there’s still some life in this thread, gracias a @Smoklahoma, I thought I might as well toss a few pics of my “Leftovers Grow,” spare plants from the project.

After seed harvest there were still some mother plants and the most recent growing clones post harvest. I found homes for many of them but, as it turned out, I ended up with an original Frankenstein Clone, a stretchy Hilda pheno, and an oddball Olive that is developing smooth leaves.

These all were recently evicted from my mom tent and delivered into beds of rich organic soil and the golden photon shower of Cape Cod Spring. Today, in fact was their first day in the full sun and I’ve been watching them stretch & wiggle under a light source like no other.

Original Frankenstein Clone
I think this is a fourth generation clone from the cuts I purchased from JP. If you look closely, you can see how she has been hacked for clone babies. The life of a Mother Cannabis plant is long suffering.

Hilda Mom
This plant provided multiple clones for experiments, and then was put into suspended animation veg using 18 hours of LED light at very low levels, 35 PPFD, really low. The plant just slows down, goes to sleep. (Hat tip to @Gpaw for that handy trick.) The dark green leaves are recent, the result I think of last week’s feedings with Texas Tomato Food last week. No more feedings, that supersoil has everything she needs.

The Runt (Olive)
This one is an oddball pheno, a variation on the Olive theme that seems capable of normal growth as well.
The Classic Olive pheno tends to be pretty small, but the defining display is the wrinkly dark and clawed leaves. Like this:

This version has both claws and normal fan leaves.

I"m kinda burned out on Grow Logs right now, but I’ll drop a few pics of these now and again.

-Grouchy :v: :green_heart:
PS, I still have a bunch of Frankie S1 seeds, so if anyone has a burning desire and a plausible plan, let me know. I always wanted to host a crowdsourced pheno hunt…


These 3 are my Frankie fems! Super healthy and growing awesome. I didn’t have the “Olive” runt pheno, but I didn’t have room amd culled it for the better growers.


May 7th. Its been about 7 days since topping. Got in there and stripped the ladies today. Hildas are growing fast. Should have topped them earlier, live and learn. Accidentally split the stalk of back Hilda trying to spread it out. Zip tied a band aid on it, see if it mends? :crossed_fingers:


The back Olive might be a slower growing Hilda. Leaves look fatter?


There appears to be a mix of the two floating around also. Maybe that’s what ya got back there? :thinking:
Man, your grow rooms are always so clean and tidy. Yes, I’m jealous! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Thanks bud. I try, always starts out clean anyway.
May 16th 5 weeks in veg
Did a little trimming and topped all the plants for the last time. Tied everything down the best I could. Got too aggressive with both hildas. Now both of them have split stalks. Should have trained them earlier. I’ve gotta get better at that. We’ll see how they recover.
Left side. Hildas

Right side. Not sure what they are? Mixed

Gave all fresh nutes last weekend at 100% strength. Got some yellowing on some leafs and a bit of taco leaf.
As of today averaging
90deg f
70% humidity
370 ppfd
1200ppm co2
Nutes at 1180ppm
5.7 - 6.2 ph


Beautiful work @Smoklahoma!
You are heading for a magnificent harvest of some heinous herb. I made tincture from some Hilda bud and it is becoming my favorite among many candidates.

All your parameters are dialed in nicely, tho the grow room temp looks a little challenging (90 F?). Even that might be fine since Frankie’s Daughters seem to prefer it a little too warm rather than a little too cold. My Hilda’s seemed to peak at nine weeks of flower.

Thanks for sharing,


@GrouchyOldMan , finally have a pic of my Frankie for you. D47 flower, the fan leaves just started going on me a couple days ago. Yet she seems to have a ways to go …. Been feeding around 1.6EC. How long do you normally take these?


Greetings @Tripl3fastaction,

That’s a classic Frankie’s Daughter Hilda pheno, beautifully headed for harvest!

My consistent experience with harvesting any of the Frankie versions is watching the 8 to 9 week window. It’s personal preference but that’s when my plants have gone from mostly clear to all cloudy with amber showing up. When I see that I clip & hang the entire plant.

I’ve also noticed that Frankie will continue putting out new white pistils forever. I ignore them and rely on trichomes. The one “Way Late Harvest” I did was not an improvement. Lacked character, tired. YMMV.

Looking forward to your harvest pics! :+1: :+1:


Thanks @GrouchyOldMan . Been going pretty good so far. The temp is pretty high. But from everything I’ve read about running the Co2, which there are a lot of opinions. High heat, 93f max. Full strength nutes. Dial the VPD in with the humidity. Increased light strength (which I could probably turn up a bit) = accelerated growth. Figured I would just go ahead and push them to the limit a see what happens.
Gimme some big fat colas!:grin::green_heart:


Topped off both reservoirs today. Left side used 12 gal, Right side used 6 gal since last Sunday. Raised left side light about 10 inches. So far so good :+1:


These two hildas on the left are going nuts. Going to try and get ahold of them this weekend. Made my first gif to show growth. 7 days.


Beautiful plants @Smoklahoma! Your early training worked out really well, loads of exposed bud sites. When are you switching to Flower?

My experience with Hilda was that she’s a little fussy about pH and hungry for Ca/Mg. Have you had any leaf spotting or yellowing?

Thanks for the updates,


Frankie S1 courtesy of @GrouchyOldMan. Day 62 of 12/12.
I’ve dropped my night temps down to 64f and she is coloring up. This is a typical flower.


Whoots!!! :+1:

Take care to dry & cure those buds. It’s a special high. Gets mo betta w time



Thanks @GrouchyOldMan I have had some yellowing and spotting. Mostly early on. One is worse than the other 3. Increased the CM yesterday when I changed nutes.

The training did go pretty good. It’s a great method. I need to get better at reading my plants on when to go to flower. I think I need to shorten up the veg time a couple weeks. My environment seems to make them happy I think as they are a handful.
Here they are 8 weeks from seed drop.
Before trim

After thinning a little.

Need to get back in there and do some more. Gonna try putting a net on the left side to get control of the height. Maybe the right too, we’ll see how the first one does. It arrives today. Started transitioning nutes and light schedule yesterday to flower. I’ll do my best to tame these monsters but at this point I’m not sure who’s growing who.:rofl::rofl::grin::green_heart:


Is that 3 plants in there? Looking nice dig the big leaves.