Frankie’s Daughters: Unpacking a Frozen Genome

Here is an outdoor Frankenstein.
Looks like she’s gonna be a big girl.


Definitely got a Monster by the tail @Kasper0909! Lol

What are you feeding that beast? Which Frankie seeds are you running?

Well done and thanks for sharing, updates welcomed.

-Grouchy :v: :green_heart:


2 biguns on the left side. 1 bigun and 1 shorter one on the right.


This is from the fem Frankie seeds from @JohnnyPotseed . Feeding it all organic mulch. Jobes tomatoe chicken pellet fertilizer stuff and that’s about it.


Thanks @Smoklahoma & @Kasper0909, you guys inspired me to go snap a few pics of my potted outdoor Frankies.

These former mother plants for this Project were moved from @gpaw’s “Hibernation” protocol, and thrust into the fickle winds and near-frosts of New England Springtime in early May. Things got ugly, but they all survived. The weather here still sux, cold and windy, then beautiful, then crappy again. But these victims (and my veggies) have established themselves.

Here’s Olive
She was the healthiest of the three ex-Mom plants indoors, but she went downhill fast outside. Sad little Olive is the middle plant in the lower bed consorting with my tomatoes. She’s a tattered runt and refused to pose for a closeup pic!
Olive was indifferent to every enviro change in the grow room. Nute changes, pH meanders, Ca/Mg levels, were all beneath her notice. She was even slow to acknowledge the 12/12 Light Schedule change. But the outdoors wind and cold about did her in. This was also that oddball Olive pheno with some crinkled and some smooth leaves. All the new leaves are crinkled & cupped. I think @Jinglepot observed this stress-reaction with one of his outdoor Frankies.

The Original Frankenstein Clone-Only Strain:
Yep, this is one of the first tiny cuts I received from JPS over a year ago. This Mom is being retired after good service for the project.

The Hilda pheno

The dominant phenotype among Frankie’s Daughters seems happy to be outside. Already showing loads of pistils and producing a little sugar. Is she starting to flower already?

Saludos a todos,
-Grouchy :v: :green_heart:


Nice I have a jps Frankie fem rolling into week seven Sunday plumping nicely.

So I just found hermies on my lowers pollen sacs are starting to form. Since at day 47f should I just pluck em off at this point? Is it close enough to harvest that if I miss 1 or 2 it shouldn’t pollinate my whole tent


Well I put a net over the 2 bigger ones last night. Got a little rough with them, broke several branches. Pretty sure this isn’t the right way to use the net but had to try something. I swear their growing 3 inches a day. Figured I’d let them recover today and get back in there tonight and see if I can get them through the squares. Gonna wait till this weekend to go to full flower.



Same thing happened to @BU2B. He sprayed them with ethanol spray that @shag turned him on to. He said it worked pretty good. Might look into that if your too concerned.


Hi @420noob,

I liked your post but am sorry to hear you got hit with hermies! We are guessing that this is happening in about 25% of the Hilda phenos. :cry:

Unfortunate but not terribly surprising in S1 seeds. I hope the first backcrossed seeds I made will put that problem behind us.

Are you seeing Bananas, or “normal” looking pollen sacks? It would be very valuable if you could take some pictures before taking any action so we could get a better bead on the problem. I haven’t seen them myself, but your report seems typical, “Lower Branches, Late into flowering.”

Since you are so late into flower and they are on the lower branches (?) I think I’d carefully pluck them then do a spray down of the whole area with water to deactivate any pollen.

I’d welcome you to report your progress here if you like.
PS, If you do get some (Hermie) seeds I hope you’ll trash them…

[Edit to clarify comment about Hermie seeds above]


They are nuts like when sexing havent grown into full pods at nodes. Not nanners but pollen sacs. I’ll take pics tonight when lights on.


They may not even contain viable pollen. I don’t think that @BU2B actually got any seeds from them on his Monster Mash harvest.

Thanks in advance for the pics, that will be useful.


I’m running those seeds (3) and no herms here (knocks on wood… :wink:)
We need to get a larger population grown out to characterize the issue
but IMO they sure aren’t a write-off. :+1:



So found one group of pollen sacs opened kinda looked like open banners and the rest were prepollen sacs here’s some crap pics. They only grow on small branches of the main ones none of the branches from main stem had balls just the secondary of the main branches.


Thanks @420noob, those pics and notes are helpful for future reference.

Do you seen any actual pollen dropping?


Nope found 2 very not developed seeds like they crumbled in my hands when I tried to remove. Will keep advised at day 48 so probably another 2 weeks or so not by time but just what I’m assuming from experience.


Looks like the net is going to work OK. Decided to do the right side the same way. Not ideal and wasn’t the plan to start with but they are such robust growers there was no way I would have had enough room for the stretch. Guess I’m doing a scrog grow now. Gonna let them rest a day or so then start switching to flower. Topped off the reservoirs, each side drank right at 25gal in 7 days.
Left side

Right side

Got some root picts before putting the net on.



Whoa Dude!

That is one righteous grow @Smoklahoma, the plants are magnificent and I’ve honestly never seen a more impressive hydro root ball.

Onwards to Flower.

Many thanks for sharing,



Yeah, you’re totally killin it bro!


Damn now that is a root ball! Before the flip even gonna have couple monsters.


Thanks guys. I’ll be happy if I can make it to the end without killing one. I’m getting better. :+1::grin::green_heart: