Free Seeds & Free Clones Thread Vol. 5 (Part 5)

Well that’s why I say if he is that hard up and gotta limit things then give @Robert63 the autos, he posted needing some anyways. I need autos like a devil needs a fireplace. They are only an in between crop for me. Just lost the last 3 months and all the investment that came with it on 25 plants 3-5 ft tall having a swamp cooler fail one morning, felt like a kick in the nuts so I am trying to get things thrown back together and figured it would be a good opportunity to chase some new stuff and let others have the opportunity to grow what I’ve already done over and over that I’m burned out on. I was able to salvage a strain I’ve been working on for years but only a couple branches of it and due to the rarety of it trying to get some breeding questions answered so I could possibly do a seed run with it to share with the community and watched that post get buried today too with no responses. I’m very passionate about the plant but as a community we’re not gonna get anywhere with setting the bar and putting limitations and I certainly wouldn’t tell someone no on a strain they were hellbent on chasing if they won it fair and square.
Not discrediting the concept of spreading the love but at least say one winner for the day so we know not to try to answer on something with much less appeal

Hold on to em bud, if u got em saved for a project then follow ur dreams with em, maybe I’m just having a rough night or something but the principal of that found a direct route under my skin, prob should just go smoke a bowl


Don`t sweat it man, a bowl always helps. Sour Blutooth it a real easy strain to find here since a great grower did a seed run on them. If you really want them bud they will be easy to find, you have been offered a pack, you should take them if you want them. Hell do a seed run with them and spread thousands of beans :slight_smile:

As for breeding questions, what you want to know? I can guarantee if I can’t answer it we will find someone who can. Many amazing growers and breeders in these parts. Just because they didn’t make it to your thread is no reason to be discouraged. Ask away my friend and information will come.


When @DougDawson makes a post.
enlightenment-enlightened explosion-boom


LOL, beer3|nullxnull 48

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@DougDawson you stole my last like on post #3436 lol.

I have a little something though :grin:

It’s not a heart, lol, it’s even better! :smiley:


I’m sure this has been asked before, but who’s got the best (most stable)bubblegum.

Where is a good place to buy auto seeds that will ship to Canada?


I’d say to be determined in the next couple months with all the various bubblegum breeders seeds getting run right now.


Seed Friday’s and Saturday’s win some from a couple resident auto breeders .


Check out @CoastalMarySeeds , they are an advertiser here, have treated me real good and are in Canada. I would recommend them to anyone. They got some really nice Autos in stock right now.

They even have a mix and match 5 pack.


Good call Doug forgot about mary

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Hey @anon92380848 I’m sorry you didn’t like the way I gave away the beans. @Rabeats2093 please keep them for you project. I’ll put back the beans I kept for myself and split the pack in half, 5 for @LegsMahoney and 5 to @anon92380848 . @LegsMahoney PM me a safe Addy when you have a chance. Will send all the packs in the next few days.


Mephisto store will be back up in a few weeks is what I’m hearing…

I’ve bought autos from and and received them here in ON several times too…


Hey friend i got a 10 pack of that sour bluetooth from a friend and used 5 so i have 5 left if you want them, i dont care to share them, thats what OGers do is help each other out when we can, just let me know


Don’t bother bro, just give it to those u feel need it more and keep at your projects, hope the autos get @Robert63 off the ground! Grow on 2021/2022


Hi you can have them brother, @JohnnyPotseed is gonna send me a few autos to get me started, so really dont need them since i have some coming


Dude… Roll one up… Pour a cold one and relax :smiley:

Stop being so stubborn with the dang seeds! Peeps on here have been generous as all hell. I’ve gotten a few nice things, and I’ve seen a LOT of fire go around. The one thing I always remember is to be gracious for what we are given. Never kick a gift horse in the mouth kinda thing.

I did see you were seeking those seeds, and I understand the disappointment of being told “only one pack”, but really, anything being offered up for free should not be the start of a rift or ill feelings between users. I’m sure there are more to surface, and plenty of people offered to get some your way. So stop being so salty already!

Different users will have their own rules for giving away their wares, and its up to us to respect them. Some might want to make sure they get in as many hands as possible, some really enjoy helping a new guy get started, and some just wanna overgrow the world. We all have our own way, trivia, dibs, flat out offers to send as well as offers to trade.

Just relax and enjoy the company bro… shake off the negativity and look at all the people who just offered to help you. Thats the positive side of OG that keeps me coming back. Its a love for the plant, not greed, that keeps the users here.

So… puff puff and pass that shit already, accept your fellow OG’ers generousity and get started with your project already!


Your right, ppl have been generous! Myself included, I didn’t limit ppl, I threw extras they don’t know about at em. In my experience when I was up in the California growing community and something terrible takes out someone’s garden after months of hard work the community comes together and tries to help with the tools to get them back on the right path. I just lost 25 plants 3-5 ft tall and 3 months down the drain and all the financial investment along with it, and struggling trying to get things going again that aren’t strains I’ve had way to many times to grow again. aside from the giveaways I haven’t been offered anything in light of the circumstances and wasting time without getting new things going and tried to give back to the community with seeds I didn’t care to grow again from just simply being burned out on the strains.
Is it really so much to ask in the initial post letting ppl know of the giveaway one of the rules would be only one winner per day so they can put their eggs in the basket they actually want instead? I mean is that really that hard? It’s fine to have rules but state em before someone thinks they won. It’s one thing to accept something as a gift cuz someone truly wants u to have it another thing I’m not down for just trying to be gifted to shut someone up. I’m sure they mean well by it but not the circumstance I’ll be accepting em under