Frosted Cobra x Frankenstein grow

Watching this! Looking good so far! No worries on English not being your first language. All good!



Can someone help me diagnose the problem. I would like to resolve it before 12/12.

Something started to show three plants. I showed it, and nutrient composition, in this thread

This appeared before I fed the plants the first time. I gave some nutrients but it continued. The next watering, I went for a stronger dose of food. About 500ppm. Now I have symptoms on more plants, but im not sure that is same problem…

Ph enters 6.3. I did not measure the run off.
I need to water them tomorrow, so I don’t know what is the best thing to do.

Some advice. Please :slight_smile:




Heya @Pannonian
Beauties here
Love your growing style
They gonna be BEASTS


Excellent job, healthy and uniform.

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Bit early to tell, but could be low potassium, or tip burn from too much food.


Thanks @Shadey

Pots are 12L. 8L substrate and 4L perlite. I think the food in the soil is at the lower limit.
What do you think would be the right ppm?
I can increase potassium and decrease phosphorus or nitrogen. Or both. Nitrogen is not lacking judging by the lower leaves.
So maybe I can handle both possibilities


Yeah I saw the tip curl on some of them, that’s why I think it might be nutrient burn starting.

As for ppm, I grow organic so don’t use ppm to measure what I put in my soil, my amendments are in table spoons and cups measurements lol.

They are in early stages so personally l would leave them for the moment, they will probably correct themselves of it as they get bigger if it’s too hot for them atm. If it’s a difficiency from not enough, or a lock out, then you will get a better idea in the next week or two

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That’s how it will be. PHed tap water

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So far so good. Some plants showed some deficiencies in the new growth. I fed them today and will wait a few days to see reactions of the plants. If everything went well, they go on 12/12
From raw salt I tried to copy jack 321 and got identical numbers. Apart from micronutrients.
This is a chart from the @LD50 thread and what I got

I went with 80% of this composition
The pH of the solution is 6.3, and the runoff is 5.7-5.9. I have no idea if this is a good range…
Sorry for the bad pictures. I was in a hurry, I took a pictures at the last minute and didn’t check the quality
In the first picture on the far right is Frankenstein. She is in a bad mood due to germination, strangely colored leaves, weak root system in transplanting…



Just got some in the mail so I’ll follow along, thanks!


They have just been put on 12/12.
I should have done it earlier, but I was waiting for my brother-in-law to help me with some little things that I can’t do alone. Change the fan in the attic, put foil, fix some light leaks, take out the plants and prune them…
In the end he couldn’t come. The space where the box is is small and crowded, and I am

But I solved the main things and put them to bloom

This is a jar with the MS of cubensis. The print is mine, and I don’t want to mess with agar now. I have inoculated a small amount into the wheat grain, so if there is no contamination I will do a grain LC.

Thanks for reading


Grain LC is good shit. What type of Cube is it?

Here’s some ODPE


Hi @GrowTheAtlas
It is Koh Samui
I can safely say that this is my favorite type from MS
Extremely resistant to contamination, relatively fast colonization, smaller fruits (easy drying and dosing), and most importantly - above average potency without selection…

I deleted the pictures, but here are some previous grows that I uploaded on the net


They stretch…
5th day 12/12
I threw out two plants. It was too crowded. One has already started to fall, and the other (Frankenstein) has had various problems since the beginning.
I finally put the foil on.


Still looks a bit crowded lol.


I won’t have a problem putting out more plants. :slight_smile:
But I thought I’d wait for them to show themselves a little more

Hmm… I will remove more leaves and twigs as I plan to leave only the main branches with one cola

With these plants it will be 64 colas on a 4x4 space. 4 colas per square foot.
I thought of going less, but force majeure intervened… Mainly in the form of inexperience :slightly_smiling_face:
Do you have any idea how much would be optimal? @Shadey


Well optimal numbers has so many variables its hard to say. The main problem would be air movement underneath around the plants, but if you are defoliating then that should help, anything below the canopy is not going to get much light anyway. It looks like you have cleaned them out a bit already, but I would get rid of all the lower fan leaves to half way up the plant, especially the ones that are pressed up against the wall as in your first pic. That can cause a lot of moisture development on those leaves when they expirate.

Whenever I have had my 4x4 tent full like that, other than winter time when the humidity was low, I would get powdery mildew problems. If you have enough fans, I would put one under the canopy as well as above to reduce the possibility of it starting.

They are looking nice and healthy though :wink:


Pipi Longstocking, Huck Finn and Mowgli. I am very pleased to see that you are educating your children with “the classics” of the literary world. It is a shame more people dont share these timeless stories with their kids. Well done !


To be honest, I probably enjoyed it as much as they did. Maybe even more. I especially liked the book “Oscar and the vagabond”
I hope that I managed to put it in their heads that morality and a healthy view on life have nothing to do with laws, norms, “normality”…
Now we are already on the bombs :sweat_smile:
I’m joking of course.
Partially :smiley:
As I mix the nutrients myself, I really have too much potassium nitrate. A little more sugar and iron rust - the rockets and firecrackers just go off


Not bad so far. I didnt poison the plants, they are alive and healthy.
Today is the 7th day of 12/12, MH 600w.
Every watering they get food. Replicated Jack 321, today they get 840 ppm in RO water.
I plucked more leaves. I hope I didn’t take too much off

Here are some pictures