Fruity Pebbles!?

They call that Dinoweed huh? Be like chong and follow him around to get yer stash back


Did someone say clone :grin:. If your dispersing them, Can I wait for a cut too?


You guys may, indeed, be “Grumpy”, but you’re as OG as they come. CONGRATS on your business, continued success, I’ll support ya. Do take care, stay EXTRA careful and, indeed, be well…mister :honeybee: Again, much success!!!

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The breeders i got it from are definetly legit, colorado medical breeders. I promise not to send a mystery bag of seeds and call it fruity pebbles!! Lol…


Absolutely, love to share. Got anything cool to send back that maybe worth breeding and adding to our online collection?


Thank you, I want to say yes, as I do have a few things that sound interesting to me. but I only recently got back into growing, and new to collecting genetics. I haven’t grown any of it out myself yet so I can’t personally say if they’re something I even like yet. That and basically everything I have came from the good people on this forum. many of them are crosses they made themselves. I’d hate to be the one to give one of their creations to a breeder without discussing it with them first, or letting them be the one to benefit from the swap they’re interested.


No worries… will still love to share… im just an avid unicorn hunter so I had to ask!!


I’m just getting going, so once I make some seeds myself or if the individuals that made my seeds say it’s fine I’ll totally let you know.
Actually, @monkeyman, @JustSumTomatoes, @anon5325009 @moose71, @TheBubbleKing, @firehead want to get in on this or chime in?

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Lol no I wasn’t referring to your cut being mystery seed stock lol I was saying there’s a whole generation of kids in our area that things fruity pebbles is a mixed bag :smile:


If you are referring to @anon5325009 starlite I can already confirm that answer :joy::rofl::joy::rofl: and that’s a big fat no lol

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Hey I figured I’d make sure they put their say in it lol. he’s got other stuff too lol.

Exactly if when i get my thing going here and have seeds they will only be given freely to Og members trade or straight out given PAY IT FORWARD

peace out and stay safe


:man_facepalming: Note to self, read more carefully when it’s past 1am and I’m stoned and trying to fall asleep. I only just re-read that and realized you were making seeds in quantity, not clones lol. Either way yea sign me up.


I have fruity pebbles og f3 seeds for trade I also have f4 and f5 but those not with me atm.


When they’re with you…hit me up!!! Do take care, stay EXTRA safe and, indeed, be well…mister :honeybee:


Definatly sign me up for regulars when they are ready i have somegsc blu cookie white widow auto fem and afew more strains. But cant think right now1 fer one werks for me

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not sure what it is I am getting in on, but sure, sounds good lol


LOl, dont you love the mystery supprises!!

I sure do heheh always good though, cant go wrong with the green

Was referring trading genetics for the fuity pebble, but since he may use it for breeding I figured I’d let the originators have dibs if the want the trade, or if they’d be ok with using it for breeding for sale.

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