Fruity Pebbles!?

hey @Seamonkey84, those (blue oaxaca×blueberry)xSanta maria planck seeds i sent you arnt mine any more, they’re yours to do with what you want! grow, ibl,trash or traDe. you do with your seeds what you want to do with your seeds! But whils I’m here that fruity pebbeles og f3 sounds mighty tasty @Pakore let me see what ive got avaiable to trade and ill send you a pm.


Yes, please do share and breed with the beans I sent you. It’s what the plant would want. :slightly_smiling_face:


Eventually StarLite will be MAC’d by someone, as long as they don’t take the credit or change the name you can trade it off.

The Alice in Wonderland is definitely a no for now.


Send me a dm if you have enough to trade or sell a few. I have been searching for FPOG for a couple years now. Haven’t smoked any in at least 6.

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oh if you are asking if you can breed with the beans I sent you the answer is a frim YES, they are yours to do with what you will - grow them, breed them, trade or toss them, it’s up to you. If you feel like sharing any seeds that result from those seeds that you got from me, then that is entirely up to you and there is no expectation on my part about anything - grow logs, seeds, etc. Just have fun with them and let me know how you like them if you grow them.


You will find I get in line for ANY new strains offered. I’m located in Maine/USA, if that matters. Do have a pleasant weekend, take care, stay EXTRA safe and, indeed, be well. Thanks for the kind offer…mister :honeybee: :honeybee:


Course I plan on making seeds at some point. But He had asked if there was anything I could send in trade, anything that could be interesting to add to his genetic lineup for sale. I didn’t want to be the one to pass it to a breeder that may profit from it, especially since I just got them and haven’t grown any myself yet. But of course I would always say where the line came from and ask them to keep the name if it ever comes up. The topic of credit and genetics comes up enough that I figured I’d defer it to the source lol


U in the states??

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Yeah a lot of imitators out there on this one for sure… I did countless hours of research on fruity pebbles aka fruity kush, fruity pebbles og…
So many people to choose from so I bought mine from Pacific seed. I grew one plant last summer and have it on my 2020 outdoor log. Smells fruity and it’s strong. It’s more of a downer buzz then what I hear. Taste is light but not bad.
I would definitely be interested in some seeds if someone got the real thing…


green acorns/jaws

I’d love some of that orange grove hashplant. Let me know what you need for a few.

Dont remember if i told you all recieved and inline to be in next grow were they regular or female cant remamber all good either way i am just kinda anal about lables thank God its my only OCD trait…lol

Peace out and be safe

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They’re regulars, though the female to male ratio tends to be good for me. Maybe I’m just lucky. Give the OG extra veg time as she is very much on the indica side of things. The Nl x OG will probably yield a little better. I’m stoked to see you grow them out! No doubt you’ll enjoy them.


Thankyou i cant wait either wish i had another tent or more room next house will have a dedicated grow room :grinning:cant wait cant wait


I got some FPOGxDolato from @Gaz29 I haven’t grown them out yet but dude Med Man SAYS he bred the original version. I hear a lot of stories about people getting seeds from him and getting beat by him and from what I hear though for real he bread the original fruity pebbles OG.

I’m not sure where the FPOG I have falls in the line at but it’s a cross of the pebbles and Dolato from a company or a breeder called radical roots. Never seen or heard the company before GaZ said they were f****** fire so I believe him…somebody throw me in the loop please if y’all find some.

Haha Med Man has 100 Instagram accounts so I don’t know if I’d order from him or not. People seem to be halfway satisfied with buddy.:grin::v:


I have done two runs of the black skull version of fruity pebbles. Both times they were temperamental plants. Had to limp them along to finish. They would burn in a second with nutes so had to be very careful. Once dried and cured though they were super fruity smelling, smooth to smoke and super lemony tasting. Balanced head and body buzz and one of my favorites to enjoy. Good luck with your fruity adventures!


I was inspired by the grow log here and tracked down some F2 seeds of Greenpoint’s “Pebble Pusher” which is FPOG x Stardawg. Should be fun to grow at some point. Wonder what the chances are of finding that tasty cereal pheno?


@BarefootAndBlazed it shouldnt be too hard to find alot of different structures and phenos. Finicky to grow at times and can be unforgiving. But theyre alive iam still dailing them in…


That should be mine, i did that cross and send some seeds to him


And yeah I call my little work doing crosses Radical Roots :wink:.