Gamestonk WSB

They’re talking about gme being 112% shorted. That means when those come due, they’ve gotta buy back over the entire number of shares. If nobody is selling, the price goes nuts until people cave.


Bought 10shares at 11somthing… Made 2$ on each share by close …


Well, I’m pretty excited. Don’t wanna lose cash, but it is what it is in the end. Will be cool to tell my grandkids about when I was young and survived covid as well as partook in a movement that turned the financial world on its head.


Same with me. I didn’t put in what I’m not prepared to lose. If this is death by 1000 cuts, I’ve bought my ticket.


I pretty well figure… I could go to the casino and put 100$ in the slot machine and lose it all in 10 minutes… Or ride this for a second and hope to get a win (fuuuuck I need a win) if not, I only lost what I would at the casino… I don’t wanna get crazy and lose my ass… But I’ll take a good jump… Investing is good in the long term but just trading every now and then is fabulous too

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Exactly. The comment further up saying people are putting in whole paychecks is the scary thing…new investors looking for a rush might be burned and left holding the bag.


Gotta draw the line somewhere. As pot smokers, we all seem to have out shit together…lol.


Reminds me of bitcoin…oops hope that wasn’t your glass ceiling. :wink:

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Set sell limit at 1000. Turn off your stock app and wait till tuesday morning. The plan is you will be much wealthier.


Just saying, lived thru many markets, made out like a bandit on some, got taped on others. Trading at prices beyond what fundamental analysis supports is pure risk! Like what these guys have done, can be repeatable until the hedge funds change tactics, all legall!!


The beauty of it is I have it in a tax free savings account…not taxable to withdraw and spend!! …or reinvest in apple or tesla…going to Mars might bright that stock price up a bit.


Hold the line. All pf us little guys that bought stock in amc, gamestop, BB or gme have to hold our shares. Thats our only power. Force the big ones to close their shorts and we make out. No one sell before monday. Follow the wallstreetbids and if you really want to understand this crazy shit dig end to the reddit options sub.


I wish I could get overgrow stock. Oops again. Is this at all possible? ugh not meaning to get off topic.

Roth ira?..

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Hold the line!


I’ll be at work… But now I’ll be staring at the phone all day

Also, I don’t run on robinhood soooooo lol


Royal Bank of Canada Direct Investing Tax Free Savings Account…or RBC DI TFSA…lol

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To the moon! :rocket::rocket::rocket:


There’s more of us and they’re betting we’ll crack first. Maybe they’re right, but they’re wrong about me. I have no plans to exit! I’m prepared to lose. :joy:


Do you frequent ihub?…jk.
Fingers crossed!

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Me too. I did not invest more then im willing to lose. But, im looking to make a lot.