Gamestonk WSB


Also in on AMC and my 1 share of GME


Any thoughts on doge? Is it coming back or was 7c the peak? Down to 2cish now

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20 shares of AMC

Hold the line!


:gem: :open_hands: 10 characters

Don’t negate the fact Citadel pays RH for their mined data. RH is going to have some issues in the future

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Starting to see AMC drop are people selling now?

Markets closed at 4

I haven’t been paying attention to AMC, but GME is under clear manipulation. The “silver is hot” thing is BS, likely perpetuated by one of these hedge funds who owns significant positions in it.

GME dropped, but the volume of shares traded was very small. Not much has happened, despite appearances. It’s a standoff.


To expand a little further, what I think people are saying is that hedge funds are trading with themselves in high frequency and small volumes. If everybody holds and they keep buying and selling GME at lower prices, then it causes the appearance of a price drop.

However, if you actually wanted to purchase stock, most people are holding. So likely it’s taking the stock back from Citadel or Melvin. If enough stock were purchased and held, it would cause it to come back up significantly. But they’re probably bleeding out the shares they have right now to change the price in the process.

It would be dangerous for them to give up too much of whatever shares they’re holding because it hinders their ability to make these manipulations, so they can’t drop it too low this way. They’re just trying to make people get cold feet.

Anyway – that’s why it’s important to look at the volume of shares traded.


Citadel owns tons of slv



Silver is bullshit! Not us! Hold GME, hold AMC, hold DOGE!

Edit: Hold NOK!


I’ve been living vicariously through a buddy who bought into this. Im wishing I knew enough to start when it started happening


I agree. It looks like a short ladder attack and diversion with $SLV more than anything else. The important tar away is to hold since it’s oversold and the hedge funds pay daily interest on their positions. War of attrition


DOGEcoin would be the easiest long term buy at .03/coin, also a long term hold as a crypto, could go bananas! DOGE to 1$!

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But it has unlimited coins. Without a cap to regulate, how do you maintain upward growth? Hyperinflation would be a bitch with this coin


I think there’s going to be a lot of “fake” action for the next 3 weeks to try and scare people into selling. The best part of today was seeing all of the major news sources try and convince people to give billionaires money by buying silver. Bravo on the coordinated effort there.


We knew last week they’d try to pull slv… Good luck with that!:gem::open_hands::gem:

TO THE MOON and BEYOND!! :new_moon::new_moon::rocket::rocket::rocket::rocket:

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I’m not even at the point of my research to be ready to lay down money lol


I’ve kind of known this for a while, but this last week has definitely solidified it for me, mainstream media absolutely cannot be trusted. It seems they were all paid to do silver this morning and rag on r/wallstreetbets last week