Gene Trader Upstate NY

Yes. I felt that there. It was just Idk It kinda disappointed me.

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I feel you brother. Best thing to do is just be the complete opposite. Plenty of very good, righteous growers and breeders around.


so… you’re saying next time you’ll pick me up on Rt 23 :smiley: Gotcha! I mean, its good juju right? :smiley:


I hope I never turn out that way. If I do you have my permission to slab the arrogant, self righteous attitude out of me.

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:joy::joy::joy: applies to me also!

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Things will change once people start seeing more option available for genetics. There’s a huge market for mail order clones which will drive the prices down at these events. People are making their money while they can.


Yeah I got you :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

True. But I would take a pack of Bodhis :fire: for 80 over a brand name unknow f1 mix for 100 anyday


Did you check out Brothers Grimm at all?

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I did. They didnt have what I wanted. And again they had like 6 bags of bud on the table, but no seeds or cuts of the represented buds. How come you wouldnt have bud of what your selling, only bud you dont have beans or cuts of ? I dont know who represented the table, but someone asked who they were and I could see the guys blood boil :laughing: I saw him trying to control himself as he explained to this guy how his company won cannabis cup events and was included in the Cannabis breeders hall of fame. His prices were 100 a pack of 10 with a free pack of 22 CBD beans. Plus he had a free sample brick of coco and a nutrient line sample for free.


Damn, I was expecting them to have cuts, I would have been pissed too.


So what I’m picturing here in my head ….roll up on some back roads in the Catskills see a sign take a left drive down a little ways to a opening …vehicles r in a circle with trunks popped tables used for display and some sort of hard rock playing in the back round with a smug look on everybody’s face like say something :grin:

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Only thing missing in the description is its in the middle of an apple orchard. Modena anyone? LOL


It was actually at a private residence with no signs. Parked on the side of a dirt road then a trail/driveway down a hill.
No music ??? When I got there, 60 or more people smoking their own bud sitting on a grass hill overlooking a lake the owner made.

Walked around and everyone was kinda whispering to the people who they came with. Like 20 groups of 3 people talking to eachother and smoking. Nobody was very open to talk to anyone outside their personal circle. Oh well, I get it thou.
So then they announced it was avout to start and so everyone got up and headed to the back yard. When I got there about 15 tables were set up. All with a foldable canopy over it.
Some had logos or signs, but some had nothing.
When you approached a tent they had a menu of what they have. And 1 price for beans. One proce for cuts. No matter the strain.
No info or lineage to anything. No taste or smell. No grow info. No pictures. No samples of the bud next to the cut or seed.
Just a name with (AxB) next to it.

Most venders where quite, but everyone was baked out of their mind so Its cool. Nobody was pushy, but also nobody asked what you were looking for. Sort of wierd they would just stand there.

Some tables had buds in jars to examine, but then wouldnt sell seeds of that strain, or cuts.

Some tables had strains you could try, but they also didnt have that particular strain to by in seed or clone form.
So I dont get it.

Actually I think Piff Coast Farms was the only one that had a sample and then a bag of seeds you could buy. It was of Harlem dream. It was a strain I wanted to grab but forgot. I can always order online at the same price thou so Im not to upset I forgot to grab it.

Made friends with a few chill breeders eventually. Got contact info and stuff.

I would go again, but I would definetly do more research on the breeders who would be there.
I tried to do this, but the breeders wernt listed. I even asked the guy running it who would be there what the breeders names were. He just reponded with all the breeders are on the flyer.
The flyer only contained logos. So some I recognized and others I did not. But there was absolutely no cell service when I got within 30 miles of the addy. So I couldnt look anything up if I wanted to.

They had caned soda out of a cooler for like 1.50
Cheeseburgers made on a grill from the guys back porch . I think like 5 bucks. Idk I didnt get one.

Then there was the VIP bag. It was an additional $165 from the $40 I paid to get in to this guys back yard.

Nobody would say what was in it however.
I even tried asking a few people later on who had it, what was included. Literally they all said Oh I dont know man. While holding the open bag in their hand.

Like nobody had a chill vibe. Everyone was very serious. But if next time I know there was something I wanted there, or I had more info on the breeders and what they would have, and it was less then a 4 hour drive one way. Sure I would go again. The trip was nice, and the Catskills were gorgeous. Some of the breeders were cool. Others I have no nedd to talk to again. Also once I got home with contact info I was able to look a lot of stuff up that I saw. Kinda kickin myself for not getting some of it, but how was I supposed to know ? Oh well. I can always order direct from them now.

:v: :blush: :latin_cross: :heart:


If nothing else, you got the experience. I’m sorry about this though man. It sounds like it was pretty lame and backwards from the culture and environment you, and I’m sure many others, drove from all over to enjoy.


Im glad I did too. It let me see the other side of the cannabis culture. I didnt like it at all. Not how I would ever be, even if I was making millions off a strain I breed. I think a lot of the people who went were just there for money really.
To be fair NY has just become legal, a lot of people their dont want anyone to know their buisness. Like I totally get it.

But if you ever go, dont expect it to be like a gathering of hippies who love to talk about her, who want to meet other people who grow. Its not like a party, or like you and a group of friends smoking a joint before a show.
its more like a private store with people window shopping quietly.

Nobody there wants to tell you what they grow or how. Nobody wants you to know them. It was a group of stranger who wanted to remain as such, and thats fine.


lol NYers still in shell shock over legalization. I was thinking too, people probably going through phone withdrawal not knowing how to interact without the phone lol


Ya gotta show up with cuts and samples.

hey where was or is this I’m near Syracuse and didn’t hear anything about it till just now huh edit I also know what you are saying about NY and cannabis culture it took so long to become legal and then it was purely financially motivated I belonged to a few groups on FB and other places that were all about legalization and once it passed every single one became a platform for whiever ran them to start making money idk not sure what’s going to happen here in NY over the next few years but not exactly thrilled by what I’ve experienced so far

BTW cool to meet other growers here in NY especially upstate or central NY


It was yesterday and you had to buy a ticket to get the address. @genetraders on IG

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