Gh 3 part or Lucas formula

I gonna be using a lot of ph down I think too, 8.0 at the tap + the increase from silica. Hope I don’t have to switch my ph down(phosphoric acid) that seems like it might be a bit much.


I’m using white vinegar. My bucket smells like a bag of chips. I hope I don’t taste it in my flower. The posts I read before trying it said it had no bad effects on the flower

A helpful chart for those in need. (don’t recall where I stole it shamelessly from)

edit* As other’s have mentioned, Mega Crop has proven to be another great option for me - but not as cheap as just using powdered MaxiBoom on its own.

Also, I’ve found the details and Nutrient Profile Calculator on this site very useful, if and when you start wanting to tweak other nutrients to fit the target 100N-100P-200K elemental profile that the Lucas Ratio/formula is based on.


Thinking about the ph stuff and the lowish calcium in maxibloom got me wondering if this soluble calcium citrate might be a good optionNutricost Calcium Citrate Powder (250 Grams) Unflavored

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Why not soluble powdered gypsum?

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That’s definitely an option. And looking at the maxibloom I don’t think the extra p will be a huge problem from the ph downs gonna be a problem might even tolerate a bit higher. Halfass concerned that I should’ve got the maxigro too or that I should get some CaN but I’m probably just overthinking things.

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I Ve used Maxibloom,I have a bag full of It,new.It was no good with canna Coco,but I Ve used with my tap water which Is full of carbonates and hard.It May have created a lockout in calcium.I Will use It with R/o next run soon,to see if It viable

i see alot of good growers using that maxibloom + gypsum and pretty much nothing else.

here’s some good info for ya


I never knew Lucas on CW, but I did read a lot of his words back then.
All my LF runs were OK, but they the plants were always right on the edge of being deficient of something. Just did not suite my needs at all.

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I’m telling you guys, Maxibloom + Solution-Grade Gypsum is all you need. Doesn’t matter what your media or setup is. Calmag is not a proper substitute for gypsum with maxibloom as maxibloom does NOT need anymore magnesium at all. Will cause lockouts. Don’t need epsom salts at all. I struggled with this for months if not a solid year until @corgitron showed me the light with the solution-grade gypsum.

Calcium nitrate would be a good gypsum substitute for veg, but in flower that extra nitrogen will cause a lot more leaf growth and delay proper finishing. Again, Solution-Grade Gypsum(Calcium Sulfate) would fix that problem and not cause any others.


in a 5 gallon bucket with starting tap at ~9ph.
10ml armorsi
2grams solution grade gyspum
5grams maxibloom

comes out like right at 5.8 ph

for flower i do the same but no armorsi
comes out to like 5.3 ph, need like 8-10ml ph up.


I do not mean to hijack anything but,can I share my tap values and get a feedback for Maxibloom and coco coir?
@HolyAngel @EugeneDebs420

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Sure! I only grow in coco. Usually a 50/50 blend of coco and perlite.
Bottom feeding in veg and flood+drain in flower.

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Big disclaimer:I am running autos and they are usually more fiddly for nutrient dosage

Ok here It goes.
I Ve used tap water,so starting with those values:


DRY RESIDUE AT 180°C mg/l 287

TOTAL HARDNESS :240mg of carbonates

EC µScm-1 at 20°C :464

CALCIUM mg/l :50

MAGNESIUM mg/l ;27

AMMONIUM NH3-N mg/l: 0,13

CHLORIDES mg/l Cl- :22

SULFATES mg/l SO4 2- :25

POTASSIUM mg/l :2,0

SODIUM mg/l :15

I usually add 20% Osmosis so It Is 20% diluted and goes to 0.360 EC.

I Ve had problems with Maxibloom,some burning and what looked like deficiency by lockout and started again using Canna Coco because of this.
I also had to add 60ml (to a Total of 12 liters solution )of 3% nitric acid from Canna to lower It Down,adding about 50-60 ppms to my total nutrient solution (I think Nitrogen ppms,Idk)

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Looks like your tap is pretty good already, 2:1 cal/mag ratio. .36 ec shouldn’t be too bad

I don’t mess with auto’s as like you said, they’re a bit finicky. I usually run 2 teaspoons gypsum and 4 grams maxibloom in 5gallons of water (~1.6EC) for seedlings/early veg, increasing to 3tsp gypsym and 5ish grams maxibloom (~2.0EC)for flower. I’ve had some heavy feeders not happy until 2.5-3EC. Just depends on the plant(s).

I ran canna coco for a bit but was a bit nitrogen heavy imo. Same with House and Garden. Good for veg but not great for flower. Most time I ever spent trimming plants in my life.

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I have heavy N toxicity with canna Coco line,that Is true friend.Would you add more Coco B than A at this point?
I found my autos don’t run more than 1.5 EC or I get burns

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That is actually exactly what I did but. Think I was using calmag too. Struggle was a bit real :sweat_smile:

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Can’t find the solution to my problem and still 1 year using Canna almost… Heck

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yep that was my issue too. I struggled with it. Only did marginally better with house and garden. Megacrop was an improvement though. Jacks gave me weird looking growth imo though that recipe a few posts up looks like what I’m doing with maxi… Switching to Maxibloom got me back on track. Adding the gypsum to the maxibloom instead of calmag at the 2g/5g ratio and I think I’m damn close


That is a nice bud!

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