Gh 3 part or Lucas formula

Yes sir I see.So I gotta move from Canna,It Is not a cheap regimen,1l bottle is Just enough for One or 1 and half run of autos,I don’t Imagine photos.Got to try again Maxibloom but with my water Idk what Is wrong,too many carbonates I think or too much calcium

I don’t think you can have too much calcium :joy: I’m pretty sure I feed more calcium than nitrogen lol.
Your water looks fine imo. Maxibloom just needs added calcium, and maybe some extra nitrogen for veg but that’s about it. No other bloom boosters, no nothing else just make sure PH is right.

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What about calnit and Maxibloom then?
And nitric acid for pH down?
With my tap water and Canna coco coir?
The problem to me Is to count ppms added by the stuff,Idk how to calculate it

You’ll likely need ph-up more than anything.

I don’t calculate anything really? Just eye the plants. 2grams gypsum and 5grams maxibloom per gallon of water, or 1tablespoon of each per 5 gallon bucket, is what I use on 1ft+tall plants in veg or flower. Start low and work up as you see the plants react. The ppms aren’t relatable between nutrient brands. The ppms that work for canna are not the ppms that work for maxibloom.


Shit,I see,thank you so much

I thought about using canna, then I checked the price and was like nope :sweat_smile:. I might try the gypsum. The extra phosphorus from ph down ever been an issue?

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I have been following this thread and what your saying.

So you use this rate of mix in dwc running your ec up until it balances like any other nutrient line?

Yeah, technically I’m running this as bottom feed in veg, and Flood and Drain in flower.

I didn’t run this specific mix when I was doing DWC before. You may need less EC than I’m running currently just because the roots are in the water constantly with DWC.


That’s easy enough,
I will pick some up to give a try.
Thank you.

Alright after a bunch of back and forth trying to rack my brain I got the gypsum and decided to go with maxigro for the first ~2 weeks before I flip. I’m ready to do this thing.

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Updates are very welcome friend @EugeneDebs420

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FWIW, my dad says he gets better overall growth AND terpenes/aroma by keeping the Gro in the equation all the way until the end. He even elaborated that in the last week or two, he was barely using 1ml/gal of the Gro while also slowly tapering everything else down, but even with that his difference was noticeable and we’re talking about different rounds of clones off the same mother. I forget what other nutrient lines he’s used, but he always gravitates back to the ol’ GH 3-part, it doesn’t clog his drip lines and he swears he gets the best results with it.


Gypsum doesn’t dissolve too well, but I’m not seeing any calcium deficiencies. Had cut out the gro earlier than I expected.


Micro has more than enough nitrogen using the Lucas Formula. adding grow, is a waste. used Lucas since the 90s…scaled from a 6 banger in my garage to a 200 bloom light facility in LA, for my collective. always using th LF…

what were your room conditions? also i found that running OG plants, the concertation needed to be reduced. from 1323 to around 950-1000ppm @.7 conv

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same here. started with Lucas in DWC… moved to grodan, adn stayed there. tried floranova it was similar. from cherry pie, ot purkle urkle, to jack H, to tangie… all stellar runs, if you watch the ppm flow, adn allow you ph ot rise in late flower to assist in making the Phosphorous more available… also c99 needs some calcium in weeks 6-8.5 of bloom.


I did the GH Lucas formula method using soil once with the 3 part grow-micro-bloom and had some of the nicest looking, healthiest plants with very lush green leaves and everything looked amazing… but I found that the taste & smell… was lacking and much different than with my original regimen using the Botanicare Pure Blend Pro line. The bud even burned differently. So I went back to Botanicare. I just wanted to throw that out there.


I ran 6/9 micro/bloom in coco for a bunch of years. If a plant got calmag hungry I’d hand water, would also hand water in some powered koolbloom a couple times in flower. Tried Maxibloom only once . and didn’t have a great run, I’m still moving that blue bag around my fert closet.
Then when full send with the whole GH line and I didn’t see much of a difference from 6/9… what a pain in the ass that was. All those bottles, 30 gallon res and different mixes each week. My whiteboard never got such a work out…
I’m feeling kinda lazy so I’m just running Coast of Maine soil now, top dress Stonington and buds and bloom, water in some liquid squid during veg.
I’d like to try the Jacks line.


Hey SommGuy, TBH, that was like almost 20 years ago now.
I know I was running way higher PPM’s/EC numbers back then.
Once I built and ran Krusty’s bucket system, not EXACTLY to his specifications, but tuned it to my area, and my specific needs, I’d run 1800-right to 2000 ppm’s and sometime past that.
I was running 3400 watts of HID’s, and would dance with them, moving the naked vertical bulbs, on long leads, every few days. Hell I built all my HID’s from parts, thank you the original OG platform.
Once, I lost 4 of the six plants, then I huddled all that light around those 2 plants left, and my PPM meter would just blink at me, as I was way over it’s limit of reading.
They got massive… but I did not care for the buds taste.
They looked beautiful, I got a huge amount, but soon after that, the noise of running a Thomas pump, for extreme air to the root base 24/7/365, for 2 years, lost it luster for us.
I also fulfilled our need of having mass amounts for tincture, oils and butter making, for my wife’s cancer relief, that had driven me to OverGrow in late 1999.
But I learned a lot about plants/ food/ light/ and fast a naked 1K bulb with burn you if you back into one glowing!
Now I barely reach 1000 ppm’s, in my grows.
Lucas, was a very smart person, and I was just feeling my way around in the dark, back then, so I’ll chalk up my fails with his nutrient idea on me, and not slagging Lucas at all.


Lucas 100%, if my old threads were still alive you would see proof!