Gh 3 part or Lucas formula

8/16 plus 2ml silica puts you in range for everything.

Lucas Formula?
I put that shit on everything :rofl:
although I am having to refigure it using Hollands Secret micro and bloom.
Simple and effective and grows real nice plants if you do your part.

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Shit, I’m doing it in peat/vermiculite now, it really doesn’t get much easier than shaking a gallon jug with a tsp of maxibloom and comes out fire


Not sure I’m a fan of the maxibloom through veg. But bloom? Easy peasy lemon squeasy with maxibloom. I just use the regular Micro/Bloom lucas for veg to ramp em up to near 1.8EC for flower.

GH has that new concentrated powder. I’ve been curious how that goes.


talking to the local suppliers and none of them can get General Hydroponics products anymore. Apparently Canada has been removed from thier wholesale supply list altogether and what is in country is it. I can get bottles of many of the GH extra addatives but the actual 3 part flora or other GH nutes… nadda. Yes I can order from amazon and Jeff Bezos gets a few more dollars in his pocket… but for the free shipping options I can only order the smaller bottles, not the gallon jugs.
I am also on well water here so I have to be kinda fussy what I use for nutrients. The Lucas formula with GH flora Hardwater micro and bloom with the odd addition of epsom and or gypsum and my plants do as well as anyone else’s.
I don’t think Lucas formula is the best… nor the be all end of nute regimes but it works… I grow many strains at a time from seed and a feed regimen that is handled well by all the plants is needed. The formula works for me.
I’m running the formula now with the holland secret… I backed off the bloom a hair as I’m not really fond of the P/K ratio so I will be making some adjustments and potentially doing something to boost that P number … fun times.


Have you tried a hose inline filter like the boogie blue yet? I actually boost my P during veg using Raw NPK Potassium. Like 1tsp for 10gal.

I just ran out of my last bottles of GH flora a couple weeks ago and have been on the hollands secret micro/bloom. I have a few different things here that will help me hit the P numbers i like to see. In a couple or 3 weeks all my plants go out to the greenhouse and into my organic soil mix so won;t be needing anything but water until mid bloom I’m thinkin and even then only of something needs it. Some strains I have feed really hard in the first 5 to 6 weeks of flower so they may get some special attention.


I used maxigro through most of veg, switched to bloom a week before flip.


Any of you’s try out Megacrop? I’ve found it’s so so. Doesn’t dissolve as well and my reservoir I mix up ends up with sediment next day.

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Nah, I’ve used masterblend though, apparently they’re about the same. I remember the calcium nitrate being a pain to dissolve. Kinda thinking of switching to liquid next time I buy fertilizer the dry stuff clumps up shortly after opening the bag from humidity which is weird because it’s not that humid in my room I pretty much keep it between 45 and 55rh depending on what I’m doing in the grow.

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Maxibloom af 7 grams per 4 litres and 5ml of calimag depending of your water… all you ever need for dwc. The reason for bloom is that you don’t need the amount of nitrogen in the grow formula, you get less stem stretching and more compact growth from maxibloom vs maxigrow and if you really want more nitrogen then use some
Calcium nitrate and don’t worry about the calimag.

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