Giesel, Tahoe, Irene, Rez ECSD, GMO, seedlings, and more! leetdood's grow struggles, vol 2

Incidentally someone just posted motorbreath x wedding crasher on discord

Check that out @TopShelfTrees1


Damn! Looks badass for shre


that looks killer !
gl on the male clones. i guess they dont polinate until set into flower ?


Depends on the male. Some are annoyingly premature. This one only shows some small sacks if topped or stressed, and barely.


Just sprayed all my plants, again
Used around 4 to 4.5 L of the ipm mix but I got thorough coverage hopefully


Took my own advice to @HighTilliDie and checked the runoff EC and pH of a plant that looked super overfed.

I was using a bucket of water sitting around so pH was high going in, but EC was .16

Coming out was pH 5.8 which seems within range, but the EC was out of range. I remembered this happening to HighTillIDie so I added a little water to double the amount and it came out at around 5.0 EC

I was only at 75% strength feed but it feels like I am feeding too hard in general so I am going to cut back again and spot check plants to see where where I am. I only got my ec meter last month or so, so I’m still getting the hang of it. But per my advice, just because the inputs going in are good, doesn’t mean you shouldn’t check out what’s coming out to verify your thoughts.

These numbers confirm my preliminary assumption that I was overfeeding this specific plant


The plant is rez ecsd


I’m having a similar issue with my trinity. Should probably flush and check my numbers. The edges of the leaves keep curling and I know it’s not wind burn or pests but she’s still growing so I just haven’t addressed it yet


I’m sure you guys know this, but in my experience less is more!

So many nutrients tell you to use way too much from their schedules and the back of the label…

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I know some people feed all their cuts the same but I like to watch my plants and adjust accordingly, with so many genetics in the mix some varieties might need more or less feed, and more or less water, etc.


If I recall the trinity ended up getting some Gary Payton water during transplant and might of never got flushed? I’ll have to flush and check today see what my numbers are at

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The issue I run into is im using 3 seperate containers for water and sometimes I pull from the wrong reservoir getting into a hurry and certain plant like GP are wanting a 3.0 ec while my regular veg is 1.8 ec and my flower is 2.0 ec. The gary payton was a recipe mix up and failure to use the EC meter. Live and learn


Very true, maybe there’s a way you can label the 3 Rez you are watering with, even with a piece of tape or something?

I’ve made so many mistakes over the years even rather recently and that’s how I learn 100% that’s what help’s US grow :sunglasses:

This plant has taught me so much from patience to being careful with decisions that could impact me much later etc


Just really need to slow down. Everything is labeled already lmao. I get high then get into a rush and shit gets messed up. I’ll start grabbing water not knowing the PH and EC then stop myself like hey don’t use this I need to check the numbers. Just gotta form better habits it comes in time, strict schedules and routines, and repetitive motions


You may need some Bennie’s in there to unlock the hidden phosphorous etc. they also tend to prevent things like this as they will get your plants metabolites etc. working like 90 and prevents lockouts and or build ups. I swear by microbial mass but I know there’s great ones in the US we can’t too, great white comes to mind but I’m not positive @HighTilliDie


Your leaves curling down @HighTilliDie ?

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I’m running great white now. Looks like low PH and possible N toxicity from that GP water. Here are runoff numbers with the RO water being 6.3 ph for flushing


Ya that is weird, colour loooks great, it’s almost like they are cupping, I think the toxicity part most makes sense, super high Ec too. Is great white beneficials or just mychos etc?

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Sounds like you’ve got this, up that ph a bit, flush and readjust. Hopefully all goes back to normal🤞🏼 I miss having my guardian for a Quick Look but my ph wand is dead so I need a new one before I can hook her back up properly. I need to get on that asap in fact


Alright so I watered to runoff with 2 qts of veg water (input of 2.0 ec and 5.8 ph) as per usual and the new runoff is 1.0 ec and 5.6 ph. Im gonna wait for 5-10 minutes then hit her with some recharge to perk her up. Great white is a powder form mycorrhizae and I typically use it for transplanting and cover the roots with it then water to runoff. It says you can also mix it in your water