Giesel, Tahoe, Irene, Rez ECSD, GMO, seedlings, and more! leetdood's grow struggles, vol 2

that all sounds like the plan has been made and working to attain. so your on your way. just keep doing what your doing and stay on top of it. you will be a master grower in no time. much respect

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True but it’s more like, a farmer who does this for a living doesn’t play it by ear, he has a diary and calendar and schedule. So I am taking steps to plan things better and have more consistent output


something i need to do also. more attention and work i put in and plan. better outcome. when i get lazy is when things go wrong. (forced my self outta bed to re fill humidifier figured i could just do it tomorrow… well good thing cuz it was about 4 or 5 hours from dry. ) things like that i need to work on

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Yes I have the same problem, ups and downs

I have taken many steps in my life to stay more up than down. I have taken a step away from online drama and wish to stop engaging in it. I wish to engage in productive positive activities like working on my plants and my healthy friendships.

Working on my plants is tiring but the progress that stacks up makes me really happy. I wouldn’t be able to smoke GMO right now if I hadn’t kept at it persistently.

I just want to make sure I spend my time on the right things in life and engage in less toxic behaviour.


I also take medication and go to counselling. I read quotes by Marcus Aurelius and recommend others do the same. Putting energy into negative things is a mistake.


as someone with many ups and downs and severe anxiety i feel the same way. just leave me in my little bubble with the friends and family that make me happy and my plants to keep me sane. i just want to live out the last of my life happy and with kindness. tired of the drama and bs some like to bring


is this the marcus aurelius your talking about ?

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He talks a lot about how to be a good person and not let the actions of others turn you negative, bitter, or affect you overly so. Take action when needed, think when needed, then enjoy life

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awesome. going to go and watch that. and maybe a few others. have a good night bro

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You also. Enjoy your evening.


Good morning everyone! Your plants look great @leetdood keep up the good work!


Afternoon @HighTilliDie hope you are having a great day


I’ll get you some next week brother.


Not if I get him some this week! Lmfao jk @TopShelfTrees1 but for real tho I don’t mind pitching in if you need anything @leetdood you know I’m here if needed and always willing to help!


Guide to lazy mother pruning
For @HighTilliDie by leetdood



Another plant that got pruned

Basically you just top as often as you can and keep cutting back when you can. Remove dead leaves or small shoots that won’t be viable.


Transplanted another 21 plants ideal for flower making about 29 total. Not all went in one gallons. Need to do more cloning. Cut some mothers back. Will spray spinosad again at double dose tomorrow.

Gonna post a full list again of my plants, organized, after all that is done. Stuff is going well in general.


Good morning everyone hope yall are having a great day! Thanks for the help @leetdood I appreciate it! Starting to get very small signs of rooting in the project G and cannatonic. I think I went overboard with spraying 2x in 1 week with athena. Those ladies look a tad bit burnt. It has me wondering if I turned the light off the 2nd time I sprayed or not but im hopeful they will pull thru


Good morning brothers! @HighTilliDie @leetdood
Those will be fine bro, you should see the crap I’ve got to pull through :wink: you got this homie :facepunch:t2:


Goodmorning everyone, I was just catching up on this thread today and I saw @leetdood mention Marcus Aurelius and his writings, he’s great, and Stoic philosophy in general is awesome, I didn’t know much about it til more recent years, but it’s definitely worth reading up on !


i always find a fresh pruned plant super esthetic lol. it calms me down like a bonsai … kinda like when you have a dirty room and give it a nice cleaning and spray some carpet freshner. very nice mothers