Giesel, Tahoe, Irene, Rez ECSD, GMO, seedlings, and more! leetdood's grow struggles, vol 2

Thanks. Im in the middle of spraying all my plants right now but here’s a loompas headband mother I like.

Note that with this structure, even a mother with a half filled 4 inch pot, can yield 50 clones if done right…


exactly perfect for a home grower lets you pick the healthiest ones


Just finished spraying all my plants. Gonna aggressively cut some back, clone some more, and just keep at it. 2x dose spinosad


Most of them look extremely healthy just gotta keep spraying on schedule until thrips are 100% gone


You are certainly making leaps and bounds, make sure you get all the crevices and stuff too brother, behind poles under the tray etc. Ive been spraying in places I didn’t realize existed :wink:

Thrips are getting TF out of our part of Ontario! :skull_and_crossbones:


So I’ve noticed some people joining along for the ride, which is great!

I wanted to re introduce the core concept here:

Leetdood’s growing struggles

What’s that mean though?

It means along with my successes I have many mistakes. I would say this is normal for the average grower. There are some talented people who excelled from the start but they are outliers and should be seen as such.

Therefore, I grow and I struggle. I show what I grow, and what I struggle with. I won’t show all my mistakes, but I lose plants. I have problems and struggles that I learn from and overcome. This won’t be an Instagram gallery of glamor shots. It will be a, hopefully, comprehensive guide to how to follow along with my grow. Showing my mistakes and my successes.

Anybody who has questions, feel free to ask them.

Today i am prepping to take clones. As I mentioned I’m basically out of plugs, so this is what im working with. Soaked the promix at pH 5.85. It might be hot and I haven’t cloned in promix for years but I used to and it works. The last of my plugs are included.

You might notice the runoff trays. Those are to prevent cross contamination of sunset sherbet, wedding cake, and hp13. Those 3 came from different sources than the giesel, tahoe, and rez ecsd. If you have been keeping up you will know I try my best to avoid cross contamination as I have previously had hlvd in the garden.


Tape labels are on one end of the inserts


I hate masking tape cause it either sticks too hard of comes off, and it leaves this ugly gross residue. But it’s incredibly cheap and i am on a budget. Very easy to label every plant


I use the Blue painters tape for exactly that same problem. It sticks pretty well but comes off when it’s time to switch labels.


So how can HLVD be spread? I never thought about the water being a means of transporting the disease

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But then again I also don’t do clones like you lol. I’ve never filled a tray for runoff but I will put my 1x1 inch cells into the mini solo shot cups if they are wanting watered alot before transplant

Shared runoff water, shared cloners, pests, there’s lots of ways. Leaf debris ending up in the feed water. Dipping clippings in the same cup of water,

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Root bits break off and spread the viroid


Also heard sharing rooting hormone gels. Like if you dip in the bottle for every strain like I used to do! Lol

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Yeah so I try to avoid these situations

I’m not perfect but the more diligent you are the less likely a plant can infect your whole garden without you knowing

Good idea! The longer your in the game the more ya know! Always learning with these plants it never ceases to amaze me


There’s tons to learn for sure. I’m still learning

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The clones I did

How I shaped wedding cake for flower

How I shaped hp13 for flower

Cut back topmost growth, cut back undergrowth and competing stalks, cut off undesired excess, removed dead or damaged leaves.


The more growth I remove from all my plants, the less there is to spray and for the thrips to hide on. I do not plan to strip so much that a plant becomes unhealthy, but a lot of these plants are extremely healthy and vigorous and so produced a lot of growth since I started taking down the thrips.