Giesel, Tahoe, Irene, Rez ECSD, GMO, seedlings, and more! leetdood's grow struggles, vol 2

Looking good in there some sound advice thanks!

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I got a box of 100 scalpel blades so they’re about 30 cents each. But I don’t throw them out because frankly I don’t like wasting things sometimes and I also do this on a small budget. So what I did was I put them in the tiny tub shown with 20% bleach water. Left them for a tad too long and they corroded as you can see.

However they are now sanitized and still sharp so I can use them to prune my plants. As I am not taking cuttings they don’t need to be perfectly sterile. It’s just essential to prevent cross contamination as mentioned earlier.

If they are rusty and dull in the future, like some I have, some time with iron wool and a sharpener will fix that up no problem.


These plants looked similar beforehand, only difference was one on left was slightly more bushy. You can see how i pruned the one on the left to have more lower branches, to be a mother. The one on the right is pruned for flower, with more a more wide crown and less branching at the bottom.


PAINTERS GREEN TAPE! i get them from the dollar store there perfect comes off easy and also stays on perfect.
i have seen ppl root straight into promix like your doing really hoping it works for you. i know how living tight ia my house is a slanted shack duplex with drug addict neighbour. i live pension to pension so any youngsters reading this save up for when your old if you can!


found it


has that typical og structure but the buds are beautiful remind me of a hindu kush i grew. thanks for the vid


Cut gas basket back for flower. It’s very vigorous and bushy.


Loompas headband, cut back for flower. Might need to transplant soon but not sure. As i mentioned loompas likes small pots cause it has weird root development.


I mentioned I would spot check runoff here and there to see whats going on.

Big oof. Turns out my soil is pretty hot. The bubba and limed orange were just transplanted.

Sherb 6 inch pot ph 6.1 ec 7.85
Corey solo ph 6.25 ec 5.9
Limed orange 6 inch ph 5.8 ec 9.2
Bubba 6 inch ph 6.15 ec >10
Irene 4 inch ph 6.1 ec 2.5


Overall ph is good but plants need to be flushed, so I will continue watering with pHed water only

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Sprayed all plants again yesterday with 2x dose. So today is day 8 of the spinosad regimen. 13 days left on the thrip life cycle. I believe it’s likely they are all gone but to let up would be a mistake.

It’s been a while since I’ve posted a full garden update. Here it is.


So a long while ago I committed to a Pringle can grow off

But as some of you know, my grow sometimes gets very hectic and I fall behind.

However I try and follow through with my commitments. Here we go

Cultivar is Enke’s Realm


Nice brother. Much respect for that. That sounds like a good one. I keep wanting to join one. Hope these turn out awesome for you


Everything is looking great over there @leetdood keep up the good work!


Sherb runoff EC now 5.5 compared to 7.85 4 days ago


Sprayed all my plants for the 4th time with 2x dose spinosad. Did it a day late.

The thrips look eliminated

I am getting tired of spraying. But I am not stopping yet. It is day 11 of spinosad regimen.


You and me both brother, trust me. But can’t let up until we know. :crossed_fingers:t3:



Planted all 3 seedlings of enkes realm in mini solo cups yesterday. 2 have broken the surface and are growing real roots.

Seed pop session “culldown showdown” has begun. It’s the bee team

10x triangle knockout x puck yeah
20x sour apple x apple jaxx
15x double burnout (i95 x winners circle)

Winners circle is chem 4 x faceoff bx2

As the name implies. These will be heavily culled to leave the best, then I pop the a team and maybe even the S team


Upon more consideration at how old these seeds are

I also popped

dawgsbreath - TN hogs breath x alien stardawg
stardawg bx
kiyomi kush - mimosa x meringue kush
crushers - gushers x ((headbanger x sour d ibl) x sour power og)