Giesel, Tahoe, Irene, Rez ECSD, GMO, seedlings, and more! leetdood's grow struggles, vol 2

Planted 51 seedlings
About 20 have broken the surface

Sprayed all my plants AGAIN. This was the last of the spinosad. I’m calling it quits because I haven’t seen any thrip action for a week and I am so tired and worn out. Spinosad is also systemic so it should stick around.

Astro dawg - alien dawg (SIC) x Tahoe alien
Onycd 3.0 - top dawg - probably 91 x tres dawg
Goji margy - cannarado - goji x frozen margy

Will be doing more planting tonight.


Keep killin it brother! Awesome! So many gems, let’s hope we both annihilated those little assholes


hows the bug battle going. everything is on halt here found mites… where did you source your spinosad or what is the product called i need to get something that works

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Buddy in the states. You can’t get it up here

Bugs look gone

Been hard at work transplanting, need to take some more clones, spinosad fucked up most of my unrooted ones.

Just transplanted a couple clones each of motorbreath bx1 and hiro4.

Trying to get all my plants for flower in 3 gallons. But that’s a lot of work because it takes forever to water them after the transplant. 7 done so far. 8th being done in a bit. A bunch have been transplanted to gallon or 8 inch pots, to stage them up enough before going to the 3 gallons

I have a ton of plants as you guys know and am starting several back to back seed runs. @TopShelfTrees1 sent me a 240w qb that should be here Monday for my 40x40" tent.

So overall I’ve been trying to get as much stuff done as I reasonably can.

I’ve discussed this briefly before but my autism and executive dysfunction sometimes makes me lock up (decision paralysis) or not be able to work for long sustained periods because I don’t always have the energy or willpower to maintain a level of self care and discipline that allows this. So in general I get bursts of work done at a time, when I can.

I’ve been doing well with this and focusing on the next immediate bit of work but with this many plants it’s testing my ability to properly prioritize which work gets done. So I’ve been neglecting posting on here as a result.

I acclimate to certain routines and develop systems/routines/mental checklists to streamline things and take care of my plants. But it’s always a challenge.

But hey, that’s why it’s called growing struggles.


ill have to ask around if anyone is willing to send me some from down south thank you.

as for the routines i am very much the same i get stuck in ruts of energy and decision making i tend to go all in at bursts and slight neglect at other times like a person with depression shrug. i tend to get anxious if my routines change now these mites have me over thinking and deciding if i should fight or scrap it all and restart. but im 2 weeks in on a 8 week strain so idk. it also is just a test run to see if i like.

hope that light shows up thats bad ass of top to do as for all your plants and seeds just try not to get to ahead of your self dont wanna turn a fun hobby into a chore and lose the fun aspect of it. i know its tough with so little time and so much amazing cultivars to find.


That’s definitely how i feel sometimes. Changes bring new routines which brings decision paralysis on what is gonna work. But I’ve gotten used to some of it, hopefully


i have been like that my while life. and very introverted shy. but the older i got the less shy (or more bitter) i became ? def bitter but i try to be a good person lol


Marcus Aurelius helped me stay positive and not bitter.

There is a well of goodness within you, just keep digging


i have been falling asleep to documentries about him thanks to you. lots of good introspecting stuff. and alot of stuff to learn thank you


Glad to hear it man. If you can recommend any good ones I’d love it


will do as i dig in more and more


You are doing awesome brother! So proud of you :facepunch:t2: can’t wait till Monday now to see your gifts


Thank you

I just transplanted Khalifa mints to a 1 gallon

Gonna measure runoff ph and ec, probably record it here in a bit. I’m feeling lazy now, got a bit more more do but I’ve got the major things I wanted done


Runoff ec 8.6 to 8.8
Runoff pH 6.05

I broke down the last flower run, added a third that, two thirds fresh promix hp (45 liters aprox total) and then a liter compost. 46 liters each batch aprox. I was hoping it wouldn’t be too hot. Looks like it still is, though it will go down with enough full feedings to runoff.


Looks like this flower run will be very light on feed if any at all.


I like the look of this DOUBLE BURNOUT
Aka i95 x (chem 4 x faceoff bx2)


love the name too lol. and agree nice big fat healthy first set of leaves bet she vegges fast


Cleaned my clone trays thoroughly. Something (spinosad?) Left black spots on the bottom that was hard to remove.

Took 4x each in 2 trays

Wedding cake
Strawberry cough

Gas basket
Strawberry Gary
El chapo og


Cleaned out my 40x40" pretty good. Wiped it down. Almost ready for the motorbreath bx1 seedrun. Been getting a lot done a bit at a time.


Got a hepa anti allergen furnace filter by 3M. Cut up a piece big enough to cover both ends. Will cut it in half and secure it with tape and use the fan to generate negative pressure in the seed run tent.