Giesel, Tahoe, Irene, Rez ECSD, GMO, seedlings, and more! leetdood's grow struggles, vol 2

crops and zooms on the best part


Looking astounding om that male @leetdood! Good job on that find! The plants took a hit but it’s better than you being down for longer. Sometimes you just have to pick between the lesser of the 2 evils and hope for the best outcome. It’s all a learning curve and as long as your walking away with something to show your doing great!


Yes for sure

Just trying to catch up and take care of my plants properly


As you said @HighTilliDie , the plants took a hit

But im pleased with what I found. This pink kush has the bones of a great production plant, and even better, it’s a Canadian speciality.


It’s quite clear to me some of these plants have clear drawbacks

But always interesting to see the unique aspects of a plant

I didn’t realize how many kushes or kush hybrids I had in the the tent… essentially it’s actually only gmo that … well, if we don’t count forum as a kush derivative… heh


Day 54



Looking amazing brother keep up the great work! Hoping those frosty males make some amazing crosses!


So the male I have is

Motorbreath 15 mom
Motorbreath x Wedding Crasher dad aka BreathCrasher

My friend who made the bx showed me these pics recently so I figured I’d show you the kids that came out of the BreathCrasher dad

E85 x breathcrasher and breathcrasher f2 in the pictures I believe


Also some random wedding crasher pics I found for posterity.


Almost done recovery, been catching up. Got really really behind on some things.

In seed run tent, some plants look better than others. I think highway robbery #5 bit it but made seeds. It should be end of day 69 now. Letting most plants go long to make the most seeds possible.

Pretty excited about some of these hybrids. Loompas headband is an excellent plant just very viny and a bit needy.

Highway robbery #3 in the flower tent, I think, has come out a little like Topanga PK. will take pics when I can.


Also got this fiya in the mail, part of a giveaway i won


As usual, I struggled to take these photos

And my plants didn’t come out that great because i wasn’t able to take care of them


Documenting it here because I can never find it via text search:

Cherry West is my “HGASCherry” (CherryPieS1) clone crossed with a male that was HGAS clone x (CandelabraCross x (PK x (Hindu x BlackAfi).

Candelabra Cross was made with a plant from my buddy from seeds that he called Candelabra hit with my male of what i called Cross or RedCross.
“Cross” was (DirtxBigBud)xNorthernLights)x WhiteWidow) x (DirtxPurp)xMark’s). I bred it in '99 in Woodman Canyon when CAMP got most of the gardens in the neighborhood but not my little seed patch. The CherryWest clone-originally CherryWest #10-was a odd one in the population that my mom cloned that was earlier than HGAS and smelled like the original Candelabra mixed with some of the cherry. She finishes here around September 10th.


@anonymous4289 @Rhai88 not sure if you guys had this info on hand I know you guysve used cherry west or crosses


Good information to know how they got to the original Cherry west(screen shot taken) lol Specifically what I’ve been working with has been the bx. Which was Cherry pie crossed to the black lime reserve and then back to the cherry pie.

I found a big Cherry west leaner in the (black triangle x Cherry west bx F2s hunt) I just ran and crossed to a bunch of ladies.

He was stout, easy growing, and stayed short and bushy in flower. Very crinkled and weird looking leaves. The nose was what got me with a super sour apple straws candy.

Very interested to see what the progeny do.


I don’t think the cherry west bx is the lineage you said, that’s why I posted this info

Most likely, it’s cherry west x cherry limeade bxed to the cherry west

I assume this is from mean gene, the text on the page

The Bx lineage is Cherry West x (Cherry West x Cherry Limeade). Cherry West #10 is the specific mother plant but since there is only one Cherry West plant I don’t bother with the #10 in the name anymore.

I believe cherry limeade is the cherry pie x black lime reserve so you’re correct about that


Good to bring up how the bx was made though, now all this is easily searchable


I had a really fucked up time figuring out what cherry west was, that’s why I gave up and asked Dave then just screenshotted it to make sure it didn’t disappear on me


The bx is…

Cherry Pie x (Cherry Pie x Cherry Limeade)

Cherry limeade is cherry pie x BLR


Make sure you read the seedfinder text, there’s a bit I quoted, because the seedfinder lineage system isn’t always used correctly by them, especially when they have no idea what certain clone onlies are.

Here’s some pics of strawberry Gary, not sure what day. Gonna figure it out in a minute.


Flower run day 59! Much closer to 10 weeks than i expected, but let’s clear the goal then catch up. Both tents need to be harvested, cleaned, utilized.