Giesel, Tahoe, Irene, Rez ECSD, GMO, seedlings, and more! leetdood's grow struggles, vol 2

Flower run day 61

Limed orange (black lime bubba x Mac stomper) made and selected by @DannyTerpintine

Dragon Hammer (dragonsoul 55 x afpak) made by doc d and selected by @nobodysnursery held up well


I didn’t do well this run because I was laid up but some plants definitely hung in there and showed me they can handle it.


This top shelf life ain’t easy.
How’s that dragon Hammer smelling in your torture tent?


Ill go check in a bit, but it definitely stood out yield and feed wise. Never had any of the relatives before, so I don’t know what to expect at all.

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@nobodysnursery ok you got me wondering so I went and checked.

Lemon piney with like a cedary back end. Pretty nice.


Day 79 seedrun yesterday. Chopped almost all the plants, it was time, i let them run long but some ate themselves etc. Hard to say what performed the best but I was impressed by loompas, pink kush, Khalifa mints, and highway robbery #6 for how they did as plants in general. Highway robbery #4 still my favorite but hard to judge on a very small plant and it also started eating itself. Most of them got a week or two extra so it was really time.

Khalifa mints really held up as a plant though. If I need a hybrid with insane bag appeal and production traits (frame, vigor, taking feed well, yield, etc) to explore in the future, I’ve got that locked down hopefully. It remains to be seen how many seeds each plant made, lol. I definitely see the swollen bracts but it’s hard to say how many.

Danny sour is almost done, it’s a 84 day gal but she needs a lot of feed which i didn’t keep up with unfortunately. So she’s almost done for the chop. I can see a ton of seeds on her though. @DannyTerpintine says she’s more sour than og, but to me this girl really smacks of og to me, it’s got that sour but it’s a piney terp with a sour back end and I can’t get over the golfball frame it’s got going on.

GMO still going. Its not in bad health but it’s not in great health either. It’s doing alright. Might have have move it to the other tent when I chop Danny sour.

So overall, just trying to catch up with the insane amount of cleaning and plant care I’ve been missing, and do stuff like sanitize pots to transplant clones and plants into, and trim the rest of the mids from the last harvest (awful that I haven’t, I know) which I’m almost done with so more plants can go up on the drying line. Shuck highway robbery #5 which is plenty dry now.

I haven’t mentioned this in a while but I’ve got a ton of those seedlings I popped a while back. They’ve been through hell and back, but a ton are still alive. Gonna have to go through them, clean them, take care of them and transplant the ones I value, etc. Some goji margy, double burnout, one astro dawg, onycd 3.0s, are the ones I’m trying to take special care of. JJ just posted a pic of “original new York city diesel” to his insta story, and it looked like such a banger. So I’m trying to make all those plants bounce back from the bugs and neglect.

The bugs, it’s not a good situation. I was too laid up to properly use the ipm I ordered. Gonna continue to harvest and clean and then figure out a proper treatment plan. For now I’m just giving a good amount of light and feed to the plants I need to take care of most. Freeing up the quality lights will help a ton with care and organizing.

Just gonna keep it trucking. Ya know. Like underdog og (loompas headband) is now being fed and properly lit and all defoliated so it’s starting to take off. Soon it’ll be ready to clone so I’ll go from 1 worrisome mother to 1 pretty good mum and 4 clones, etc


Oooh those look nice! But Purple Punch is 100% mids and notoriously turns most she’s crossed with into mids too, i’d be wary of the frost lying to your face :sweat_smile:


Congratulations on the harvest of seeds and a little smoke!!!
interesting crosses with great genetics!
Looking forward to seeing what kind of fire they have…


You’re not wrong

But that’s why I hit stuff like gmo, underdog, irene, etc

The idea, hopefully, is to select for the phenos that kept the high. Jungle jay also seemed very pleased with the results, though I do know he runs for production, he said the breathcrasher moved super fast.

So don’t get me wrong, I’m wary and tentative, but hitting cake, then motorbreath, then motorbreath AGAIN then stuff like loompas headband… surely there must be one pheno that smokes like heaven, right? Lmao that’s the dream anyway


But yes @HolyAngel I’m gonna run plenty of other stuff alongside anyway, in case these hybrids don’t work out. Not focusing too much on one thing until the results merit it.


Also tried to pollinate some in the flower tent like bubba, Tahoe, etc but I’m not sure if those took.


direct daughters of PP do tend to keep that cardboard terp problem but grandchildren have the potential of keeping that frost while still having a nice terp profile of whatever you bred into her. if you find a line youre interested, work it another generation with a terp forward cut and see what you find. id wager youll find some keepers

Wasnt a huge fan of slurricane (dosi x pp). she was all bag appeal, no heat. take it one more generation by breeding back in terps and it seems like there are some real gems there. slurty3 (sluricane x gelato33) for instance was absolutely amazing and just as frosty as PP.


I agree, thats why I got homie to hit back to the mb15 for the bx, because I wanted to reinforce that terp profile and high


Khalifa mints was one where the terps were standout but the high not so long lasting, so that hybrid has potential but would have have be worked further. Im just glad to be able to create crosses of this level to evaluate for their potential.

I’m trying really hard to keep chem d healthy and reveg Corey, because both bring that stupendous high to hybrids. Chem d more couchlock to me, but both hybridize well.


Got some decent pics of highway robbery #4 drying


Outta likes but looking amazing brother! Keep up the good work! I’ll be making a seed shucker myself soon with @Pigeonman’s idea. Can’t wait to get it all together and use it once I have some seeded buds


So y’all

There’s a removable filter on my portable AC which I was cleaning

But the bottom part, turns out that needed major cleaning too :face_vomiting:

So don’t be like me, clean your ac units

“Hmm this doesn’t look right”

“Aw hell, there’s a radiator under all this dust!”

“OK, I took it apart… aw hell!”

“So this is what it’s supposed to look like, huh. No wonder 10k btu was working like 3k”


I’m surprised that cooled at all!!

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It wasn’t yesterday

A bit back I had run the shop vac brush tip over the plastic grille, it was pretty dusty, but as the AC was still running it must’ve sucked in the dust instead of the shop vac.

I was chatting with @HighTilliDie yesterday about repairing the hose to the outside, as I had saw a rip and a leak, but that wasn’t helping. I wrapped the whole hose with mylar and duct tape, still not helping. I was dying and bitching to him like why did this stop working

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