Giesel, Tahoe, Irene, Rez ECSD, GMO, seedlings, and more! leetdood's grow struggles, vol 2

Seems headed in the right direction in general.


That’s the right logic, explained in one sentence instead a wiki of 30K words ^^ Congrats lol

During a time Subcool was very much after “trichomes males”, it don’t lasted. The occurrence you’re showing still rare, worth to explore.

Longer and higher until death (follow the green). It don’t affect at all the productivity but the grade and the vigor of the seeds. If you don’t use any booster but a sturdy NPK base during the formation, and until the end.


Thanks so much @Fuel

That’s why I talk so much about this, to learn the core concepts needed


@Fuel I mentioned the runoff color

Here it is


My comment will be useless, let me find some pics.

Drain juice of a full flowered plant (to death), well fed but zero excess (my nemesis).

Drain juice after the full procedure of rinsing. Not to debate on how to finish weed, just to give you a sturdy referential.


The males definitely produce trichomes, and you can see it on the bracts of the male pods. They are definitely capitate, and will probably contribute to the female. I usually get a huge variation between seedlings though, so that’s why I’m planning the hybridization project between two females. The trichome count itself was part of a two year research project where I determined that hash was made from trichomes, so then I started counting them. So I would base it on the number of trichomes per bud. After a bit I read a study where they were using surface area, so I’m giving that a whirl. 40+ trichomes per 250000 square micrometers in veg mode. So the key now is determining the hash yield in veg, just after the plant shows sex.

Edit: forgot the photo of the male.


Close to end of day 47, seedrun

watered HiRo4 and Danny sour, numbers came out about the same as the rest, with higher pH for HiRo4 as usual (6.5 not bad really)

I see signs of reveg leaves for sure. Need to check for light leaks, maybe a new one opened up. I did do lights on watering a few times during dark period, and the light is pretty intense so that likely caused it. I had to water the plants when my mobility allowed, unfortunately.

I’m doing much better now and I should be able to keep up, :crossed_fingers:
I was able to catch up and have water / mobility to rescue plants in the flower tent. As I mentioned I wasn’t able to keep up with watering veg, clones, and seed run reliably so I prioritized those and the bare personal essentials. As I continue to recover I’ll actually be able to make progress with taking care of the plants in flower and try and remove any dead plants or growth.

The great news is it looks like some might bounce back like mb15, AnB, limed orange, danny sour, bubba. Chem D turned out to be just fine. About time to water it though :slight_smile:

I filled a couple buckets after I emptied one watering what I could so I’m gonna rest and eat then stay up and make sure everything in there that isn’t dead gets a good watering. After that and checking on the clones (they dry out pretty fast) I’m gonna be pretty caught up.

It’s been a long and big struggle but I feel very positive now. I’m able to catch up and work on the things that I care so much about. I wanted to stay positive and be grateful for the things I had no matter what happened, but it’s a lot easier now I can go back to work.

Hopefully be posting some pics for you guys in the future, like always.


Rescued a bunch of plants for sure

Not sure how many will bounce back but I’m still pHing and moving water. Can’t do too much at a time. Did empty another bucket though and gonna do another one in 15 minutes.

Zoap looks like it might have barely hung in there, which is hilarious because I find it really annoying and needy. My zoap clones didn’t take for example. So if it survived, that baby might get a reveg. Just… what the heck lmao


Both limed oranges I had in flower, created and selected by @DannyTerpintine seem to have done alright. Kind of surprising considering it drinks a lot in my experience, but that might just have meant it was vigorous and efficient to last the drought.

Gonna keep you guys posted. Should I post pictures of the ugliness? It’s a huge labour loss and feels sucky for me but if you guys want to see the realistic effects of letting a flower run go without water for reasons out of my control, I can take em and post em.


day 37 ish flower?

Apples & Bananas still alive :slight_smile:


looks like its had a rough time haha that strain is very intriguing to me the cross i have of it is so unique but giving me trouble cloning. i hate when i find a keeper but then its a hard to clone one lol. wanted to do a 15 plant mono with it but 20 clones 4 died and a few looking like they will follow… so that ruins my plans. also bout time u got a new name logo its actually pretty slick

Here she is about 4 weeks


I somehow didn’t see your Apples & Bananas before!!!
we have them almost the same age!
my younger days by 10!
do you have “clone only”? or from seeds?


It’s the clone only, I backed it up. Going to check that tray now


Trays look mostly good

Seed tent plants throwing single blade green leaves due to me doing lights on watering when I was hurt. Lame


How does watering with the lights on cause that tho? I thought the single and 3 leafs were stress indicators but it would be weird for a plant to be stressed due to a change in watering time right?


Turning on the lights during dark period


Ahh that makes a lot more sense then. I thought you were just saying you changed their watering time from the morning to afternoon I’m like how on earth does that cause stress lol


@Fuel I took the brutal whole plant shots as you asked, hehe

I took them quite quickly because I’m still playing catch up while resting

But I post it here for everyone

I appreciate the positive qualities of this plant to hang in there and make nice buds

But reality of my flower run is self care comes first, sometimes this means things don’t work out as expected. But the point of experience and patience is to continue working and do what you can to change the situation for the better.

So my garden looks quite terrible but I learned to be grateful for what I have and that I have the opportunity to start again after I catch up.

Well, that was a lot of rambling. Here’s Apples & Bananas (day 38 ish? Not sure yet)

Right now I am continuing to water the plants that are alive so they can bounce back. I can move a lot more water than before but only so much for right now. I am also removing dead plants or foliage when/where I can. So things look dreadful right now but I’m happy with the direction I’m going.


I remember a couple runs ago I was going into the flower room and getting upset because this stalk or that stalk or that plant had flopped over or were growing the wrong way or growing too close to the light. It was in a way very upsetting and made me freeze up because it felt overwhelming to have all my work be hostage to these issues.

What i learned was instead of looking at the big picture, “can i for sure handle all of this mountain of problems and shit tasks?” I had to focus on what I was able to do next. Find a thing I could fix, solve, or do. Like if I can pinch a branch or adjust it or fix the trellising, I can do that. If it’s a big task I can break it down into steps and try and do the steps i can at a time.

Gonna go water more plants in a few mins.


End of day 50

Mb bx1 male

Pink Kush