GM Photo ReRun Grow

Love the looks of the C99, nice work in here my friend! Have a great day. :green_heart:



End of week 3 12/12

She’s no longer under the screen but she is well formed and flowering nicely.
I’ve bumped up the jacks bloom to 1/2tsp per gal. She seems to be eating it right up with no problems. Rolling up close to mid flower I wanted to see if more bloom would digest and it did. I see no issues. I’ll continue this till late flower.

I don’t normally pull a plant from under the screen but I’ve done it before. By week three flower all branching is ridigid and will hold in place till finish. Makes a nice even canopy for a free standing plant and it opens up the screen for more plants.
I’m thinking I may do more of this soon. Using the screen in this way I can get max light to the canopy as they finish and I don’t have to unravel them from the screen at harvest. Hmmm this idea is gaining ground in my head…lol

Also making plans to add another small tent to the mix. A divided one that I can root flowering clones in and hold a mama plant or two. Clones are the superior plant to grow. Bigger, better, faster.

I also have plans to regenerate a clone taken at harvest…what? Yeah, I’m going to remove a nice medium sized cola maybe 7-10" long and root her. The end product should be a true monster. It’ll take a while but I’m thinking it will be well worth the wait and effort. Once that new tent is set up I’m gonna have even more fun projects going.


Thanks man, it’s been a fun grow so far.


This DP clone is poppin. There are many new sprouts coming from that bud. I think she’s going to be a big girl by late Sept. I’m keeping her real low.



Week 5 12/12

Got some stanky going on. Starting to crystal up a lot now. She’s set and ready to go the rest of the way. This girl catches light from both lamps. I rotate her daily.
I’ve started to bump up the Jack’s Bloom. Just a small bump up in early to mid flower to see how they react. I see a happy girl.

I loose count on how many colas are in there…lol

She’s got about 5 more weeks to go. Time to build some bud.

I’ll soon be throwing this cjc91 youngster in flower. She’ll only be 32 days above ground but I need the space for the Xmas grow. I’ll prob clone her in flower and run her again if she does well. We shall see.


Decarb time. Got 3zips on the pan. 240 for 45 min should do the trick.


Ya know them wire racks used in those mini greenhouses? I found a use for it.

Dropped it right on top of the Tangie. Secured it with a Wire tie to the main stem below. As it grows into the screen it should push up and cause some pressure to hold it in place.

She’s almost two weeks into flower. Couple more weeks of managing her and I’ll clean her out underneath.
I won’t be taking clones of this girl. I may just let the Tangie go after this grow.


4 girls update:

2 weeks 12/12

Coming along nicely in the screen. I’ve got another 1.5 weeks of stretch to go. They should really pop through a lot this week. Undergrowth is getting bushy. I’ll be taking some clones next week of them all at 21days. After that I’ll clean them out good.

By the end of three weeks flower ya can see what’s going to make it into the screen and what isn’t. Anything that won’t make it gets taken out.

Moved the Strawberry Banana under the screen as well. She’s a hairy thing. Very dense leaf growth. She’s gonna be a chore to keep airflow going.

The cjc91s from @GCBudz are gaining ground in the screen.

Lastly the late flower clone Tangie. This plant has so many branches I’m lost as to where to begin sometimes…lol So to keep her on her path of being low n wide i threw a solo screen on her. By the end of next week she should be laid out pretty good and ready to finish.

I may or may not leave the screen on next week. By then she will be well formed and can stand on her own. I’m just using the screen to shape her. It doesn’t have to stay on.

4girls is turning into 5girls today. The solo cjc91 will go into flower tonight. She is a young plant at roughly 30days old but she’ll do fine in flower. I up potted her to a 7 gal bag the other day. She’s ready to go.


Sometimes I let her go an extra day without water in mid to late flower. Sometimes I forget…lol
She’s a bit angry but I’m sure it’ll recover. It got 2gals of food at lights on.


Tangie…this is getting interesting. Pulled all growth outwards again tonight. The plant is maybe a total of 6-7" high. I see a square outlined by bud with smaller growth filling the interior of the screen by the end. Gonna be interesting.


My other Tangie in the veg tent is about as thick as they get. I’m tying this girl down soon before she gets outta hand.

The Durban Poison just keeps on chugging along. Soon in need of a new pot but for now just doing her thing. I’ve removed some leaf and tied her down again. Opened up that bud. It has more growth coming out.



6 weeks 12/12…

I made an error setting a timer a few weeks ago. This girl has been getting 14/10. I fixed the problem two nights ago and made sure both lamps were 12/12. This error has kinda reset the clock a little bit but things should move quickly now. I guess some use 14/10 to flower. I have no hands on experience with it…except this error.

Her buds are forming well. She’s got a lot of time to go.

The undercarriage is dropping some leaf now. They can’t get any light so…


Cap Junky Chem91 is getting up in the screen pretty heavy. I moved some stuff around. Removed the Strawberry Banana from the scrog. So they both have the whole screen to play with now.


More moving around lately. Ive got a lot going on.

Floating Scrog…seems to be catching on in my garden. I now have more plants wearing a funny 20x24 hat…lol
Durban Poison

Strawberry Banana was pulled from under the scrog. It is growing but not really upwards. Seems to just pack on leaf. She’s now spread out a little better and more of the plant is getting light.

I’m kinda liking this method. I’m using it in veg to shape the plant more. Seems to make it a little easier versus using a tie down for each stem.
Trying it out in flower. I’m not sure how that’ll go but I’m gonna find out.


Got the new lamp mounted. Lays out a nice big footprint. I need to get in there n adjust it a little. That makes 1100w. I’m good to go in the big tent. I hope they like the new Sun God.
600w Szhlux



Looking good in here GM. That added light is throwing some good rays at the girls now! The floating scrogs are interesting too, might have to see what I have laying around to try something similar soon. Doesn’t look like the light timing was too tough on them so far :drooling_face:

Have a great day! :green_heart:


Thank you, I know the light cycle error hasn’t bothered them much but it has bothered Sets me back a few steps and makes me question how far along I am. Never been in this situation before. I’ll just have to watch them and check triches when I think they are close.


Lots of things going on in my 4x8 garden. How bout a pic tour for fun. 6 plants total in there and all have been trained in one way or another.

Right side has 4 plants. 3 are wearing that funny floater screen hat I’ve been playing with lately.

The C99 big girl is 6-7weeks in. Budding up nicely and bring on the stank n frost. Buds are getting heavier so I’m seeing spaces start to emerge in the canopy between buds. Kinda cool they are doing this on their own. I may get in there soon and use some sticks to put more gaps in there for airflow and light penetration. She is a very dense girl with tons of colas.

A solo cjc91 @GCBudz This little seemed out of place without a hat. So, she’s got her own now. Let’s see what happens.

Tangie…late flowering clone. Used that floater screen on her first. I’m loving the results so far. All heavy growth to the edges and a smaller carpet of buds in the center is what I see happening. This screen will ride her to the end. First run using this for flower training but it turning out pretty nice so far. The screens are 20x24. I always shoot for training a plant to fill a 2x2 space. I think I’ve found what I’ve been looking for. No ties. Just a screen. I’m having a blast!

Strawberry Banana is doing much better being spread out. This plant is taking her time to stretch. Not seeing a whole lot of that going on. Using this screen I kinda helped some growth come from below and let in some light. This plant is so dense with leaf it ain’t funny. Anxious to see her get into flower.

The other side of the tent is rocking the big scrog. Two cjc91s @GCBudz are growing strong into the screen. These are in the stretch stage and need trained daily. I’ll keep pulling them under for maybe another week and then let them go.
Almost time for some clones and undercarriage cleanup.

The smaller plants in there are my Xmas grow. I’m hoping to find some females next week and move them out to veg tent to start training. Always something to do. Just the way I like it…lol

Y’all have a great day!


Everything is rolling along extremely well, I’m betting your gonna see some very nice yields brought on by your attention to detail.

Thanks for tagging bro…


Thanks man, I do a lot of training out of boredom…lol. I like them low n wide with that canopy opened up. Not hard to do just takes a little time. Ive got a lot of bud sites opened up on them two plants and they got a little more stretch to go under that screen. My old friend Obsession seems to be creeping up on me. I’m going nuts with these screens…lol

I’m about to turn these cjc91s loose and let them fly. Maybe next week after clones n cleanup.