Goat & Monkey Seeds "Legacy Line" A preservation project

I have a pack of Goat & Monkey TKxIrene. Two of the seeds above ground and almost ready to flower. Does anyone know how G&M’s TKxIrene differs from CSI Humboldts TKxIrene?


Irene x Triangle Kush.
I can tell you this, the TK used in G&M genetics gets quite big and when flipped to flower can stretch 3x’s it’s size. Irene can do either way. great breeder seeds as many pheno types show up at this stage…
CSI Humboldt I cannot complain as I’ve grown many of their seeds, love their autos. Be cool to see a side buy side. But if CSI lists their Irene 1st, very different for sure.


Bro…csi doesn’t do autos…and did we ever find out about. Mac×tk

‘Silverback AUTO’ - Humboldt CSI

They have awesome Autos… wonder if it’s same company… but have grown a few of theirs with awesome results.

Brother, I’ve been so busy lately packing seeds up to go out as gifts and the 10 packs of Durban Poison F2 I’m giving away Friday night via Rhia88.

I just had my pain pump refilled, the energy is hitting me and I’m gonna get on top of things and get caught up ok…

Did you just want general info on it… have you tried googling Goat & Monkey.
The site still has all the info up… lmk ok


Carty is G & M Tk s1 from csi?

I believe G&M did his own tk s1
@Carty would you have some parents on the chocolosa?

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Chocoloso = Chocolate Thai x Chocolope…


Thank you for that!
@CADMAN we have an answer


How you know this?

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These seeds came from a site I was on for 10yrs where we all shared genetics…
Only about 50 members. We had a Vault where we all donated to it and all could pull from it. The site was folded, some seeds got back to their owners, others said keep em. So I wound up with 900 of them Marked so.

Chocoloso - Choc Thai x Chocoloupe is how it was spelled.

This is all the info I have, never grown her but my friend Oldsog is testing her own to see what he finds… let me go dig up his photos from messenger today. his are on week 8…



My Chocoloso I used to make more Chocoloso F2


Excatlty the info I have about it as well ,)


That is one beautiful plant right chere… Look at them jagged leaf’s bro. Not to mention her perfect structure.
Yeah, I wish I could find out just who made them but it wasn’t on the baggie.

But the plants don’t lie, they are beautiful…


That’s the one I’ve used to make more Chocoloso :wink: sooooooo nice.


LMAO I know who made them …ha ha ha ha

NICE looking veg , they all grew them Fans

Peace GT


Oh Nooooo… not from you? I knew they were from our Vault, never thought of them being your workings as we had so many donors.

Please, share all the info you have on these. I found some once that said it was a cross of Chocolate Thai x Chocoloupe. Is this even accurate, because dude, nothing I hate more then passing along incorrect strain or phenotype info.

So step in sir, correct me where need be and give us some insite on this cross I passed out 900 seeds of…

I did read the baggie correct right? Chocoloso and not Chocoloco right???
talk to me goose… hehe


Hey , Me have to think a sec …Ok those were Drawoh Choc Tai that was used , I wish I would of kept the catpiss , I have never smelled anything that Rank …
Yes chocoloso , Do you have access to the Train …I have old threads over there maybe that would help some …It’s been a while …
I am thinking those 900 seeds were Choc Tai I remember I had a boatload of them . yes now that I think about it they were. The were pale big seeds
Chocoloso was GG’s strain maybe YD can send a pm to him to find out fosure what the make-up is …He made those chocoloso , I could never remember the make-up.

but the chocoloso x choc Tai was mine it’s only a F1

Peace GT


Yeah, not fun when you pass out 900 seeds and then everybody wants to know WTF they are growing and I’m like, weed silly… because that was all I had for a comeback. And have a few testing it for possible breeders or not…

The test plants on all fronts look amazing from grower to grower. so info is so appreciated.


That’s hilarious :laughing:


Hey, @Carty …those mac1×tk might be fems…

found that on his i.g from awhile ago. :v:t5: