Goat & Monkey Seeds "Legacy Line" A preservation project

Hey guys if anyone knows any trusted vendors of Matt’s work please let me know,Still on the hunt for DrWu😕


Day45 for this DrWu Girl


Hey… I’ve never had her either. I am awaiting something from Matt’s house and I never know what’s in it until I get it. If I don’t have it, let me see if I can find it for you. I know there’s one person selling Matt’s gear legally as he bought it all retail and asked the family first… do what I can ok


If you can point me in that direction that would be much appreciated :pray:t3:thank you

Ok bro… just sent a message to JT. If he doesn’t know where then it’s not available atm… we’ll see. get back at ya soon.

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Sorry for the delays–the estate is still being processed and I’m being cautious about what stock remains. Seed Here Now is holding far more, as XO had just made a delivery to them. Their plans are unknown to me, but they paid for them and this it is their property.

Thanks for checking in–hit me up directly and I can check the spreadsheet.


Yup… he was thoroughly checked out and purchased the seeds legit, thus they are his and can do what he wishes… I do believe he has a site and is selling them off to highest bidder… if that was his intention when he purchased the strains, and he bought a bunch, then even Matt would support this… he shouldn’t be to hard to find, not associated with him so I have no link.

The preservation moves onward… it’s in good hands having been handed off a few times but JT is still involved and trying his best to keep the takers away…

All I know is next seeds I get, I’m hanging onto them… lol

I gifted Matt’s G.S.O.G. to a buddy who opened a dispensary in Montana, the new cowboy area for MMJ, and it turns out he was working with Ice Cream already so, this breeder pack of 12 reg seeds was a God Send he said… Go Gochis…

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Yeah buddy.

The real take away is to have a damned will or power of attorney set up. The Massachusetts Probate Division takes forever and the official death certificate took nearly 5 months alone.

All of that time fending off this prick repeatedly would have been avoided. But he’s like the obsessed ex-boyfriend that would rather see it die than let anyone else have it.

It was a legal business. You can’t just help yourself to it. And then whine and play victim when you get your dick slapped.

Nice catching up with you today Carty–I appreciate you.


And hey.

Something XO was working but hadn’t released.

Grapefruit (Spice of Life) x his standard Blueberry Indica (originally from Bodhi Seeds)

Look at those leaves…[grid]



Oh, don’t tease me now…
So, what are we doing now buddy? I seen where you were maybe wanting me to distribute more of his left behind gear while majority goes off to Auction to raise funds for the family…??
With these new pucks from Ix3u, it now just costs me a stamp to send things out so no problem and I know you don’t have the time, or is it patience… hahaha…
That is the plant I was admiring the amount of fingers… and she’s still young into her game… talk about solar panels huh?


Stoney’s Auction is underway with a dozen unique Matt Packs (retail packs from Matt’s hands).

I’ll be sending you a bunch to do with as you will. Keep, repro, gift out.

We made a decision to get the seeds out and growing rather than generating income that we cannot distribute until the estate is settled.

Additionally, not selling means that we erase the perception of monetary value; won’t have to deal with taxable income: and can focus on the estate lines for a relaunch.


So is this Auction for Stoney… to help his wife and daughter overseas?
Don must be involved eh? Good brother for sure and they were best buds.

You know I’ll do the right thing… Keeping a few for myself this time as I know this is for sure the last of what we’ll see people. So most likely I’ll do some cool giveaways here on this thread or start a thread…

I had so much fun with Matt when he and I did the big test and gave away hundreds of White Runtz crosses to everyone… he didn’t want them to know is was his hoping to get an unbiased opinion of the strain from everyone… pretty much worked to. Until I log on one day and he had let the bird outta the cage…
hahaha… Matt, you were a crazy, super intelligent dude and I miss ya man…


And the goodies are in me hands… and I’m keeping them all… MWUAHAHAHA.

Okay, calm down, it was a joke.
Few 10pks of Sourthern Charm, 3/8pks of Chem TK, 3/4pks of Blue Destroyer.

Not seeing a big following here so I may just go thru this thread and see who’s been here most and send them a nice gift box…


The dm would be blowing up with that post looks like some great packs arrived for you.

Every time I see your name I hear M[quote=“Carty, post:136, topic:98646”]


There shall be more.

‘Someone’ was responsible for some lost genetics and equipment. I put the last 100 retail packs that I had available into OldSoG’s hands. Proceeds of the sale of those will go towards rebuilding a smaller footprint for the estate.

Again–I ambin direct communication with Matt’s siblings and ex-wife. Goat and Monkey is being kept secure for the estate. Not me.


Wild this thread isn’t blowing up. Great genetics in here. Really shocked at some of the other genetics I see get way more attention on here. Best of luck with these lines!


I appreciate that comment so much… because I have this same thread posted on another site and they are hammering me. All of them were followers of G&M and know what I have… so, the majority will probably be gifted away at MPC.

I think Oldsog was my best invite to that preservation bro… he already had all the auction settings in place being a seed producer himself. He worked with Matt more then any of us realized and to put his own brand on hold to run this auction shows what an amazing giving person he is and probably why he and Matt got along… The coolest part, both are my sponsors… Isn’t life cool.


Are the auctions still going on?


I wasn’t going to blow up your dm. I’m honestly shocked it didn’t blow up here. It sounds like the other site is taking care of filling up your dm. Hope the auctions do really well for the estate


TK x Chem sounds like a debilitating strain hahahaha