Goat & Monkey Seeds "Legacy Line" A preservation project

They all sound great, but that one definitely sounds awesome

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Another run of
Trinity x TK
4 weeks or so left
RIP Matt



Love the back story!

Didn’t know Matt but would have loved to meet the guy just bought how cool he sounds. Sounds like a legacy I’d like to leave behind


Looking nice and frosty :snowman_with_snow:

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Espiritu Sanctum

its in propagation for the next step


ChemTK had a lot of fans–going to see about continuing that one as well.


Auctions have only released 4 of the total 24 packs I sent in–they were dupes of 12 selections.


Yeah, just in case anyone was wondering who this GWHeyduke cat is… he’s the man behind it all atm. Assisting the family in maintaining a legacy for Matt’s son.
Espiritu Sanctum was one I never got… but, with it being one of Matt’s best strains it was more needed in the preservation side of things.

Recent gifts from GW, some to share and some to say thank you to me and replace all the ones I’ve gifted away instead of keeping…
Kept some for myself but have a few packs left of the Southern Charm V2 and the ChemTK


Emerald Green, hit me up bro…
VA Homegrown. same
Ottafish, I’ve got you my brother.

These will not last long so act fast


That’s a sweet selection of strains he sent you!


Yes thats it.
Nice your taking the next step on this cross @GWHeyduke .
And Salute for preservation Matt legacy, respect

Nice catch, and thanks for info @Carty


Thank you guys… I’m just a lucky middle man who spreads the love around as GWheyduke has asked me to do… matter of fact…

I’ve got to sign off so I can spend the next few hours packaging things up for about 12 people… ya’ll have a great night… holla at ya soon…


Auctions are starting on some of the remaining Goat and Monkey seeds. I’ll be adding more soon. All proceeds go the the Estate. these will run to the end of the month. Starting bid $75, $1 increments. 3rd lowest bid sets price for the auction. Buy it now set at $100 at least 5 available of each


Nice thread here glad to see all the people working behind the scenes to keep goat & monkey genetics around for years to come. Sucks getting tied up in a bunch of court b.s. when someone passes because some is greedy or opportunistic. Got a few of these from @carty thank you bro and can’t wait to see what becomes because I know there is fire in these here seeds.


Funny sometimes how things go in a complete circle…
A few 1gr samples arrived yesterday and to my surprise, many are G&M strains… Banana TK, Turkle, Platinum Oreo Cookies, few others… the last one is pure knockout weed… wife and I puffed a pinner and sat down to watch a show, woke up 2hrs later wondering what hoppened… lol. Turns out, it’s the same bro I just gifted some GSOG seeds to as he’s doing an Ice Cream grow…

Thanks Matt for directing these to me… still doing his magic… RIP bro


@Carty , your plants are Amazing, Beauty is in the eyes of beholder,
Share The World!!!
IM learning about Trianity , big fat Colas , happy Groeing Youalk OGers …Peace

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Appreciate the kind words Calman…

BTW… I wanted to be sure everybody knows you can buy Goat & Monkey Seeds now at Oldsogs site. He is auctioning off packs of seeds on his site with all proceeds going to Matt’s family to assist with legal fees regarding his estate and people attempting to attach claims to it… unreal how some friends show their colors like this after you pass… but then people like Oldsog step up to try to make it right. you rock bro.


I donated to the cause, and picked up a pack of Diesel Express. Can’t wait to throw these down for a possible Christmas Run.
I’ve had other 9# Hammer crosses, and was real impressed with them.
Gonna be a fun run, I know that.!!!


Can’t wait to get mine g&m running myself! Thanks @carty

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