Golfnutt’s next adventure, and first grow log

For every grower all over the world, you’ll find there are that many ‘tried and true methods’…None of them are ‘wrong’, it’s what each grower has found works best for them! I say only to take your time, try a lot of different methods, even combinations of them, to find ‘your method’.


They’ll all perform pretty much the same, so just take the biggest/prettiest and collect a few clones of that one. Or you could take clones from each, and when you see the results at the end of flowering, then you’ll have a better idea of which you’d want as the ‘new mother’.


Maintaining moms in very small pots is difficult for me, and I’ve been up-potting them to one liters as needed. So far there are only a few left in tinier pots. I prefer dealing with seeds than clones, so some of them will go away once I’ve selfed them for seeds.


It is, I find rotating them works better for me, even though I don’t do it enough. Take snips, flower the mom, repeat.


Yeah that’s exactly how I do most of the time.


So what’s going on here? I haven’t seen this one before.


That looks like it’s been stressed, brother.
But also looks like it’s in recovery mode from the stress. So whatever/however it did get stressed it’s coming out of it.

Something caused it to reveg I’d say.

Hmmm I wonder what I did. I have only watered. No training.


It’ll be ok. Shit happens, to us all! It looks like from awhile back, and without being there to see the daily operation/treatment, there is no way for me to say.

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It’s through it now

[quote=“JustANobody, post:191, topic:138934, full:true”]
It’s through it now


Oops. Here’s a top view. Reveg? It’s only been going a few weeks. Possibly from an extremely mature mother?

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I’ve been cloning the same mother for over 20yrs now and that’s never happened to any of mine… That IS one of the clones I gave you?

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It looks good. What ever stress it had made it throw single blade leaves and then transition back to “real” leaves.

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Yes sir. Leave it to me to find a new scenario. All three did the same thing on the lowers. But things are starting to look better on top.


The ONLY time they do that (drop to less fingers or single even) is because of stress, for all 3 to do it, was stress… period. A single plant would be a possible aberration, but all 3? Environmental or treatment stress of some sort.


It really makes me wonder what I did. They have had minimal feeding. Only one increased nitrogen boost. Roughly 25%. 10 or so days ago. It really seemed help the first few days after landing in soil. I agree it seems to be growing out of whatever happened. They seem to be taking off.

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@JohnnyPotseed what do you keep you mom’s in? I noticed bandaid haze got a little weird transitioning from organics to coco.

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Well wouldn’t know about how Band-Aid Haze does, but all of my plants are grown in my own compost/perlite/worm castings mix, ever since I moved to indoors in 1984. I trim the rootball when I up-pot, if needed.