Golfnutt’s next adventure, and first grow log

that harvested plant looked real nice.
your cap junky looks amazing.

nice work dude.

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It’s pretty incredible to me how quickly these Frankenstein plants are growing. They have only been in the dirt two weeks since being rooted. There’s a lot going on for such a young plant.
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Looking good dude

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Looks like that loaded funny

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Much better. This is a two week difference.


@JohnnyPotseed if she is this vigorous as a baby. What can I expect with the stretch? And what’s the average run time?


Here’s a few more. Both early weeks seven.
Scorpion candy

Cap Junky @rasterman


The more room you give the roots, the bigger/taller she’ll go. Also depends on how long you veg… there also, the longer you go, the bigger she goes. Expect 6’-8’ minimum, unless you top her, which will not stop her from growing lol. She just goes outward then into a wide bush and will still end up around 6’ or more.
The run time is totally up to you and your buzz preference. I like to let her flower for 8-10 weeks, but you can go longer.



haha… despite the warnings, i don’t think anyone is quite ready to see how fast frankie grows. it’s like nothing you have grown before. try to find the N balance it likes early on or you will see it start cannibalizing it’s lower leaves right quick (by 4th or 5th internode growth). the stretch is just about as crazy as it’s veg growth. i would recommend LST trying it down before you flip. open it up to the light and you’ll generate a bunch more colas.
i f^cked mine up trying to find the good N balance for too long. it did catch itself up after the flip, but lost most if not all of it’s fan leaves going into flower.
my flowers ended up getting pregnant from the GDP male next door, so i don’t have a good descriptor for you. let me see if i can scare up some pictures.


I love plants that stretch like that. It’s exceedingly rare for me to have to raise the light even as high as my chest. I’m still waiting for my opportunity to have to take hedge clippers to a flowering mom to see what happens.


Heck, I’ve been trying to find a way to keep them a little smaller. My space is not huge. And I keep ending up with 4 feet plants and taller. Only in veg 6 to 8 weeks. Even used 3 gallon pots versus the five I used last time. Plants got just as large. I think I’m in trouble with three of these Frankenstein plants. Going to be crowded.


I don’t know why nobody recommends this and there might be a good reason. Most people try to keep the plant from growing huge in the first place, but nobody talks about just pruning it like a rose if it gets too tall.


I could handle up to 5 feet. Anything more than that would be a challenge. Although with 3 5 footers in a 5 x 5 space. Definitely would not be room to spread things out much if at all.


Yeah that sounds like you’d be getting pretty crowded in there.


yeah. agree with rasterman.

don’t be afraid to top them. ever.
i have limited space as well. i prune plants like they were disneyworld topiaries. usually in 2 weeks you can’t tell you’ve done anything. frankie will be no less unaffected by some pruning.


I was thinking about maybe trying to keep a mom. Keep some things small and trimmed. While I run the other two. Just another small project. Something to play with. Never tried to maintain one for an extended period of time.


i just started the perpetual process myself at the beginning of the year. after a few tweaks, things are running pretty smooth, and i have a constant flow of abuela’s best relaxing/night time/sleepy stash. (speaking of which…)

the biggest key to this is your cloning process. if your clone game is good, you can totally keep moms and run perpetual.

the other key is having a large enough flower zone to handle all the clones you’re going to throw in there to flower.
i have run into bottlenecks with plants waiting around for their turns to flower.

i was putting 4 clones per 2gal bucket to maximize space. they seem to do ok this way and don’t fight each other for nutrients and space as much as you would think.

have you got a favorite female selected that you want to do this to?


Perpetual grow. :thinking: hmmm. that’s where I run into trouble. I do only have so much space. Not trying to convert this house, not yet.:joy: that’s why I’ve only been trying to run two or three at a time. Even at this rate. It’s providing more smoke than I can handle. Although I do really like what I’ve been able to come up with so far. And I do believe I can do so much better with a little more experience. It’s just so much fun growing this plant for yourself.


And no. I have not selected a keeper to put aside yet. And not 100% sure what to look for. They all look pretty nice.