Golfnutt’s next adventure, and first grow log

Looks good dude!

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Hell yeah, that’s looking delicious!


Two maybe three weeks to go on these. Then next Inn will be the Frankie sisters.


Ya gots to post up some pics, my friend! lol
Good morning brother!

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Good morning all!

Good morning. Yes, you are right. But I wasn’t getting much traffic so I slowed down on my picture posting. Although right now the only thing I have going are the three Frankie clones.

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Here every day and I like pictures. Just saying.
:facepunch:t5: :cowboy_hat_face:


I’m following… but rarely post up honestly.

How long did you take the CJ?

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My last run was a challenge. As I battled p.m. throughout. I thought I had it under control. But then it showed up again right before harvest and it was recommended that I try a bud wash in H2O to clean it up and save it It did look better after washing it. Now it is curing. Never done this before so I’m still on the fence with my final results. Here’s a few pictures of the unfortunate finish.


Good morning. It went eight weeks and three days. Then I panicked a little bit in the end I didn’t want things getting worse than they already were.


Very nice looking buds brother!

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I agree. The buds look great other than that p.m. I hated seeing that in the end. What is your two cents on washing?

That there don’t look like any fail, my friend! lol Very nice!

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If it was only a little PM I would wash it down with some Peroxide and water then put in front of a fan for a good dry.
I’ve never dealt with PM though.
@JohnnyPotseed ,
What think you?

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That is exactly what I did. Although the p.m. was noticeable. I was told it was not that bad. New experience for me.

When the barn roof started leaking, the moisture got bad in the barn for awhile. We used this to take care of mold, mildew, and budrot. Its cheap and works!
By the time you use it a few times, it’s paid for itself. Compare to the cost of buying a couple gallons of Hypochlorous Acid online. Easy to make your own, (distilled water, kosher salt, and a bit of white vinegar to bring the PH down) 15 minutes gives you a liter.

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Yes sir, I did that research. Just haven’t picked up the supplies for it. But what is your two cents on washing in H2O2? You can see the PM in some of the pictures. It was not everywhere, but definitely noticeable.

Before we got the generator we washed every harvest for about a year in a 3 part process.
1-5gal bucket with the Hydrogen Peroxide
1-5gal bucket with baking soda and lemon juice
1-5gal bucket fresh/clean water
dip & swirl (slowly/gently) into the first bucket for a few minutes, then into the second a few minutes, then into the rinse. Then hang on a line to dry, if indoors we used a fan for air circulation. As long as you don’t get aggressive the trichs aren’t damaged.
After we got the generator, lol we still washed the buddage to get rid of the bad stuff and also any residue from the Hypo acid.
Now the roof is fixed, we don’t need it but have it on standby in case.


I only did a two-part process. I did not use the baking soda and lemon juice. Two weeks in the grove bags this weekend. Like I said, the jury still out on this one. The buds look nice, although it seemed to dry a little quicker. I was told that was due to the H202. I might have to try a sample a nug here soon.


The buds turned out nice!