Gorilla Zkittlez and wedding cake grow journal!

Thanks for the good vibes :blush:

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I just found this picture of the day of germination
Wish I could have found it in the beginning, it was hiding out in my messages

May 27th day of germination! 

I’m getting some great germination rates using rapid rooter plugs.


Update. July 1st. Finally got into the organic nutrients!!. Loving the humidity and green green green :green_heart:


Those look great props


Thanks I appreciate it, I just had to show em off when they are happy :blush:. Shouldn’t be long and I can sex them and cull the males. Next update I will make sure everyone gets a good look at how to tell the sex this early in veg and what to look for as far as the key traits of a male cannabis plant.

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I’m 100% since I started using these. Great grow you got going on.

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These are the products that I’m using for this grow. They were topdressed with 1tbsp of Dr earth organic veg and 3/4 tbsp of Dr earth organic flower girl Bloom booster, 2 tbsp of wiggly worm ewc per 1 gallon pots and 4 tbsp per 2 gallon pots.


Update. July 3rd hours after watering with 2tsp Mighty Plant compost tea per gallon of water.
Ladies are dancing :notes:!!¡




July 4th!! So far 1 male has shown up to the party.


This one starting to show it’s sex



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Ur grow is looking good and should grow out great this season. Wishing you the best.
I grew gorilla zkittlez last run and got this one pheno that smelled like crushed lime-rubber (not great at cloning) and tastes wonderful. Not a great yeilder but packs a shit load of punch!
Hope you find fire in that and the wedding cake as well…:slightly_smiling_face:


Update -july 10th. Starting to stretch and pre-flower.


What I have learned so far on this grow is that they grow so much faster in a 1gallon pot !
I am going for thin,tall, and a low amount of foliage. I’m trying a new theory of mine by triggering the shade avoidance hormone causing them to grow taller and less foliage. Seems to be doing exactly what I planned. We all know how larfey these strains are and to be able to manipulate them to do this is a decent trick in my book.

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I always had the idea that with soil grows bigger pots are ideal. Nice to see ur finding 1gal good enough…
You’ve mentioned that you will be top-dressing earlier. Other than that, are you supplementing any nutrients or just organic?

Just organic, but the teas work pretty fast like within an hour they all are dancing and praying to the sun :sunglasses: I had to add a teaspoon of veg in between the normal topdress in the 1gallon pots and as soon as I see pre flower I topdress 60/40 bloom/veg . I also will sit them in a tote with water when it’s really hot :fire: just so I’m not going out to water every 3 hours and out of respect for neighbors.


Has lots of calcium so I’m not going to use Cal mag. Might do some silica in the water just so they are prepared for the heatstress and drought stress. I think that is about all I’ll be using for this grow.


Hot damn…didn’t know there’s an organic blend of npk with analysis. That’s dope!
Ur all set bro…:sunglasses:
I don’t see any mg in that. But also I don’t think ur facing any issues either.:v:t3: