Grand Daddy Purple - Beginner First Grow

Shadey, I suspected two more weeks might be enough. Upon considering your post, I’ve decided to feed one more time again today. I’ll be taking this grow into week 9 ish this coming Friday. These are looking better than the mother plant yield.

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Ive been doing this for years and I’m still a rookie. Your flowers are beautiful. I remember my very first try back in 76, I grew the nicest male :joy:


One of my top heavy GDP colas was falling over. “I bring so many bud gifts I can’t stand upright”. Very nice problem to have. I had seen this in other grow journals and wondered if mine would ever get that large. It happened! Today I gently tied a soft support elastic thread on the branch and up to ceiling support. THIS DID NOT HAPPEN ON MY FIRST GROW! In fact, this second grow doing much better!


Howdy Enjoi802, WOW! that was an interesting journey with your GDP grow diary. Thank You for sharing your experience despite the abrupt chop and tear down. Was great seeing the conversations regarding origin, Estes, Mel, and ongoing GDP story.

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Took my GRAV glass for a spin this weekend. Grow #2 still drying/curing before weigh in. Packed a bowl of some Sluricane into 14 mm bowl. Recently added an ash catcher to this flat bottom piece.



Do you find the ash catcher worth while?
I’ve been wondering about one for a while and can’t make up my mind…


Such a personal preference as I see it. I also see, literally see, how much tar is held back with this exact piece. Smoke gets water filtered twice and most sessions seem improved.
I’ve come across many videos bashing the ash catchers. Also noticed most were complaining about badly designed cheap china glass. Having used this one for a couple of weeks now, I wouldn’t use this glass pipe without the ash catcher. Here’s what it looks like after smoking 2/3 of the bowl. I intentionally left the screen out.


New totals on my second grow experience. Grand Daddy Purple came in a hair or two over 7 oz. The mother plant was my first grow and came in at 3.2 oz. total. I also had a few 1 and 3 gal. plants with a White Widow and Bubba Kush averaging 1 oz. each.
Pictured here is GDP. So how does this smoke? Well, despite apparently being a indica dominant strain, I’ve had several test smokes of this batch and what a mind f***! It smokes like a strong sativa every time! It doesn’t come with the couch lock I tend to avoid. And this shit lingers, in the brain, for a couple of long hours.

More pics to come!


I found my GDP developed more couch lock effect after about 3 months in the jar curing. I was vaping some last night and zonked out in my chair, woke up at 1.15 and went to bed lol.

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@Shadey , Now that’s an experience! Hahaha! This head high is thick and lingering…WOW…


Pleasant surprise in the mail today. Herbies successfully delivered my next grow project seeds:

(10) White Widow (Dutch Passion)
(5) Silver Haze (GHS)
(5) Gorilla Glue freebie

On my third grow, I plan on 4 plants in a 2x4x60 and 1 plant in a 2x2x58

Germination for White Widow and Silver Haze begins today, June 10, 2021. Will update this post with new link to that grow. If you’ve been part of this chaotic growing journey of mine, I thank you, and sincerely appreciate you chiming in. The way many of us newbies approach and perceive the project is usually way off the mark. I learned a little of those lessons on my own but you guys were the majority of my guidance!

By the way, I just smoked my first home grown Jack Herer, and I can barely type this message with my fingers feeing melty and gooey as they stick and stretch across the keyboard. Frickin’ high as shit. This is gonna be a fantastic day and weekend. I can feel it. I’ve needed this for so damn long.

Grateful for the experience of my first two grows and still shake my head at what I wasn’t going to learn until I actually got started. Still amazed at how easily the plants recover after weaving them through scrog netting. Astonished over that one branch I broke and taped back together producing a huge cola! Ya’ll taught me that.

I’ll return when we have seedlings :)

Great Peace To You! Have a great smoke and cup of nirvana.


100% germination as of Sunday morning 12, 2022. Very aggressive and strong start!

5 White Widow and 3 Gorilla Glue

During my last second grow, I had one little White Widow that I thought might of been stunted early on but I kept it. It moved up to a 3 gal. pot and I left it there alongside the GDP. I just sampled this beauty (pic with jar below) after curing and I’m blown away. WTF! is this?!? This beautiful thing is stronger than the GDP and Jack Herer for sure. Wild ass sativa effects. Rushed a couple of nugs over to a neighbor and WOW.

No words to describe my excitement about filling the next tent with 5 large White Widow plants :slight_smile:

Returning with link to new grow soon!


Link to my new grow of White Widow (Dutch Passion) and GG grow is at:

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