šŸ‡ GRAPES - a reinterpretation of a famous GGG strain, GRAPE STOMPER!

Its another variety from Jojo. Its a purple urkel hashplant as far as ive researched. But that was a few years ago. Iā€™m sure you can find a few pics on the other forums.


Strain renameā€¦Greedy C*ntz


I have to say I agree with everyone else here. This isnā€™t some rare elusive chased after strain. Itā€™s available if you know where to look, my buddy even did an IBL with grape puff reducing stretch!

you guys have a great rep but hit the road w these seeds!


If the breeder wants to charge that kinda money I guess that is on themā€¦but for gg to agree to advertise that price on their website would be a line I would not cross Iā€™d I was glg


Hope youā€™re getting a larger than usual cut of the sales price on these, DBJā€¦ every time you advertise a strain that costs $1k a pack like this, God kills a puppy. Oh, and people lose respect for GLG, as you can probably tell if youā€™re reading the comments on this threadā€¦ is it really worth the lost sales you can count on from turning off your potential customers?


Holy shit man, this guyā€™s posting PR releases about his new seed company, this corporate weed shit is wild:


It does explain why, as some idiot who thinks price = value mentioned earlier, thereā€™s only one pack in stock at GLG - they were only sent one pack in the first place. All of Fang Jie Shenā€™s releases, apparently, are 10 or 20 packs total. Iā€™m wondering if anyone who buys from this guy is even planting his seedsā€¦ wouldnā€™t they be more valuable as collectorā€™s items? Or perhaps not, since that assumes some kind of secondary market that they could actually be resold to. Heā€™s also making NFTs, which I think says it all. Hype, hype and more hype. Seriously, DBJā€¦ youā€™re shooting yourself in the foot here by giving this guy a platform to sell his nonsense.


Hazeman Seeds, great strains, plenty of reasonably priced options for Grape Stomper and crosses. Romulan Genetics also has some great stomper crosses like Communion,


Man 1k? I remember when i copped the grape stomper og and it got taken at customs lol that was so long ago!

I would like to explain one more time that I have been selling Gauge Green gear since 2016. Packs were $80 apiece. And they gave away some pretty good freebies. Then they raise their price to 156. After that, they got raided and had to start over.
At this point, I made two very large orders to help them to get back on their feet. Their price had went up to 200 and a few cents at this point. And sales were very good. Over the years Iā€™ve built up a lot of clientele that want their gear. They do call and request it in pre-order. When they raised their prices to the current rates, I really did not think any would sell.
But they did the smaller drops would sell out. Those customers also buy a lot of other products from me.

They are just like me. Iā€™ve been doing this for many many years. And back in the day I had to have every pack I could get my hands on. The price did not bother me because I would grow out the weed. And the quality made it very valuable at the time. And it would pay for a high price pack.

So when my customers ask me if I can get them something. It would be bad business to tell them no. They would also take their other orders elsewhereā€™s.

And one other thing , nobody has mentioned that for every $200 you spend on Gauge Green gear you get to pick a free 10 pack made by me using a variety of their strains.

So if you spent 7000 on their original pack. You would get 35 extra packs from me that would also be packs of tens. I have ran promos where every hundred dollars you spend with their gear get you a free 10 pack.

A lot of these freebies have been tested with great results.

I was also asked how I pick breeders.

I do tend to pick breeders, preferably, smaller, breeders that I think have a good quality product. And love the plant.

I just started selling Sunshine dreams gear.
Heā€™s growing out at least 10 or 15 Bad Dawg testers and doing a fantastic job.
He also made some of his own strains and sent me in samples and reports that were fantastic.

I just added Dinoā€™s party to GLG @schwaggyp seeds recommended him. Along with a few other people. And I consider Schwaggy P to be one hell of a breeder/grower.

I have another breeder coming next week that was recommended by Bodhi, I checked out his IG page and several test grows and determined he would be a great asset.

So thatā€™s how I try to pick Breeders at GLG. I hope that helps. :v:


I have no doubt any of the high priced packs are very good quality cannabis. I would ask that you please inform your breeders (the ones that do not already) to please include more than the bare minimum information that your customers are looking for. As a customer that really cares about what their buying and where their money is going, I like to see the people behind the work back up their offerings with a detailed description of what the customer can expect. Whether it is yield, aroma, color, anything. Show that they know what they are selling. It should be an easy thing if they know their plants. I donā€™t think it is too much to ask as a customer. Many many lower priced packs from other breeders have great descriptions that get you excited to give those seeds a try. Thatā€™s all I want to see.


I second this :point_up_2:.


We have a template that we send to every single breeder for every single pack that ask all the questions you just asked me. I beg for pictures. I used to go and take pictures off of other websites. But either people did not want me to use their pictures or it ended up. The pictures were not the strain I had them attached to. There is nothing I would like more from all of my breeders is to give me.

So if you happen to be one of my breeders, and you read, this will take any information you have. Thanks for your input.


I figured someone would buy them or you wouldnā€™t list them.

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Kinda funny, I agree. The Cap Junky feminized also goes for $1000 a pack, found it dropped to $350, won it in the 2023 Server Auction for $50.
I guess some people fall into the ā€˜ooooo, gotta have thatā€™ thing. But whatever.
I dont buy seeds much, if ever, anymore, but if itā€™s to help out OG, Iā€™ll throw a few shekels out there.
My 2 cents.


Hey there @Great_lakes_Genetics
Just wanted to give you a shout out. Iā€™ve been a fan for a while, although I admit Iā€™m not able to spend high dollars on seeds, I am a huge fan if Shoreline, and was glad to see the ECSD on your site. Ran it last year was incredible.
Iā€™ll be growing their Wedding Cake, Bubble Gum, and Banana Republic this season outdoor. Seems I always have a GLG window opened or bookmarked somewhere! Love the webpage design at GLG too.
Keep up the amazing work.


Oh thatā€™s just nasty to read about :see_no_evil:
Iā€™ve never even heard of this dude nor anything heā€™s ever touched saved for maybe the mendobreath work.

I do believe youā€™re spot on here @Cormoran Iā€™m left scratching my head at who monetizes this and where I can get friends like that :rofl:

Took these direct quotes from the link Dirt_Wizard posted:

FANGā€™s recently-announced Diamond Fruit project, featuring two heirloom Kush lineages, has a retail price of $2,000 per pack of ten seeds from Authorized Dealers.
Diamond Fruit is FANG and Genetic Designerā€™s first release. Only twenty hand-selected packs of seeds were made available. As of January 8, the Diamond Fruit release has sold-out at Authoried Dealers.

So he pollinated a single plant to get those 20 packs and sold em for $2000/pack? Dude got $40,000 for watering and pollinating a single plant for a few months? :face_vomiting:

Genetic Designerā€™s next release, Tigerā€™s Eye, slated for Chinese New Year, is limited to only thirteen packs.

Yet another single plant pollination, packs the same price. $26,000 for a couple months time pollinating a single plant. :face_vomiting: I think Iā€™m in the wrong line of work over hereā€¦

Last year, FANG pioneered the first cannabis genetics-based NFT deal which sold for just under $20,000 USD.

I donā€™t think anything needs to be said hereā€¦ His own website is :see_no_evil:


Fang is nothing more than a money grabbing POS. When Jake from Omuerta Genetics left, he BOUGHT seeds from a bank and had Fangs blessing to do as he pleases. Once the crosses were made, tested, then released, Fang started slinging BS. Said the seeds were stolen, and were not meant for release. He was pissed because Omuerta made something better than he could, and wasnā€™t making folks take a 2nd mortgage to pay for a 10 pack. Heā€™s a fashionista who needs to keep up with the Jonesā€™s. I will never give any of my money to a POS like him.


Sounds like FANG and CopyCat Genetix have similar business models. Who would be dumb enough to pay 2k for 10 seeds.
I gotta come up with a cool name.
I know, I read once you can come up with the coolest name by taking the food you last ate, and the color of your underwear.

I shall become The Black Pistachio.

Edit: saw the site, 12 seeds for 7k?:scream::scream::scream:


That shits ridiculous, thatā€™s $583 per seed! I hope he sells none of them and anyone who buys them deserves for them to damp off. Itā€™d be one thing if it was for charity and all the profit was goin to something other than his bank account, but itā€™s not. What a trash human. Oh and of course he sells NFTā€™s smh lol